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Breast Implant Size Essay

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Heading: Is Bigger Better? Your Guide to Breast Implant Sizes
Page-Title: Is Bigger Better? Your Guide to Choosing Breast Implant Sizes | HPCS

Is having big breasts better? Not always. It really depends on the woman’s aesthetic goals. For surgeons at the Houston Plastic Craniofacial & Sinus Surgery, big breasts that look natural and proportionate to a woman’s body are considered beautiful – unless the patient prefers a dramatic change. In this case, our surgeons will provide fully satisfying results.

As breast implant size has a direct impact to your breast enhancement goals, it’s really crucial to select the right size that will provide balance to your entire proportion. This is where consulting with a surgeon comes in to play.

However, that is not all.

As getting breast augmentation is a personal matter, choosing implant size should also be personal. …show more content…
1. Breast implant size is measured in cubic centimeter or cc.
There is no standard measurement for bras. This explains why many bra manufacturers label their bras differently. For instance, a Playtex B cup bra is a Victoria’s Secret C cup bra. This also explains why surgeons use cc when referring to implant size.

In most cases, a cup size bra is equivalent to 150 to 200 cc of breast implant size. If you want to increase your bra size from an A cup to a B cup, you’ll need an implant size of at least 200 cc. If you want to go from a B cup to a D, you’ll need an implant size with 300 to 400 cc.

2. The Rice Test
You may also use two sandwich bags and some rice to give you an idea of what your ideal breast size will look and feel on you. Fill the bags with rice and place them in your desired bra size. Once you have enough rice to meet your desired size, pour the contents into a measuring cup, and convert the volume to cc. Use this chart to guide you.
1 cup 236 cc
½ cup 118 cc
¾ cup 177

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