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Ski Racing Research Paper

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The alarm is set for 5:30am. Three and a half hours before the chairs start running. Outside is dark and empty. It feels wrong to wake up without sunlight. The bitter smell of coffee fills the kitchen. Breakfast usually consists of an hard boiled eggs and avocado toast. Skis, gear, and lunches are packed from the night before. Stress fills the 45 minute car ride to the snow packed mountain. I see snowy pine trees and cringe as faster cars pass me. Time seems to speed up on race days. Ski racing is all about time and there are very specific quotas that must be met throughout the day. When you have to arrive, be ready, be on the snow. There’s tension between parents, children, and coaches. This doesn’t leave until the minute the race is over.
A cluster of people and loud voices fill the 4th floor of the lodge. Mt.Ashland has a quite small lodge which matches it’s tiny mountain. There are 4 very short chairs that cover the west side. This causes the lodge to become very packed. It’s time to be assigned a bib (a small loose tank top that goes over your race suit). The number of the bib is crucial. Lower numbers are what everyone hopes for, …show more content…
Those two times are combined to get the final results. So each run is equally as important. I am excited to be in first but I know I need to stay focused on my next run to do just as well. My friends and I ski into the lodge to eat lunch which is usually cup of noodles. At this point the coaches are resetting the course for the next run. I am eager to get back out there and do it all over again. The 45 minutes for lunch goes by quick and we all gear back up and head to the course. The same steps for the first run are repeated. I am more nervous for this run because I know I have a good chance of getting first. After another tough run, I ended up in second place. But overall in first! The day was a success and a great last race of the season before

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