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Skinner and Behaviorism


Submitted By msdanacraig
Words 1070
Pages 5
Born March 20th 1909, B.F Skinner had what he called a “warm and stable” childhood in Pennsylvania. According to Cherry (2013) “As a boy, he enjoyed building and inventing things; a skill he would later use in his own psychological experiments.” After earning his B.A. in English literature in 1926 from Hamilton College, Skinner spent time as a writer. After discovering the writings of Pavlov and Watson, Skinner was inspired to return to school to study psychology. Skinner received his graduate degree from Harvard University. In 1936, Skinner was married to Yvonne Blue and later had two daughters, Julie and Deborah. A crib Skinner designed for his daughter Deborah and named the air bed or the Skinner tender that was intended to help his wife ease some of the parenting duties such as waking in the middle of the night to add blankets to a cold baby, later sparked a backlash of criticism of Skinners work and false rumors about Deborah committing suicide. According to “B.F. Skinner Foundation” (2013) In 1938, Skinner wrote The Behavior of Organisms which “summarizes nearly ten years of research, spanning the years of Skinner's graduate school days at Harvard through his three years as a member of the Society of Fellows.” In 1945, Skinner became the Psychology Department Chair at the University of Indiana. Three years later he joined the psychology department at Harvard University where he remained for the duration of his life. It was at Harvard where Skinner’s inventions helped to shape his career in psychology and helped him to become one of the leaders in behaviorism. Behaviorism according to (2013) is “the theory or doctrine that human or animal psychology can be accurately studied only through the examination and analysis of objectively observable and quantifiable behavioral events, in contrast with subjective mental states, in contrast with

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