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Skullcap Research Paper

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A relative of the mint family, skullcap, is a small plant that ranges in size from one to four feet tall. Given the botanical name Lateriflora, meaning flowers only grow on one side of the stem, skullcap flowers bud with varying colors of white-blue to purple-pink depending on the season. The plant earned it’s common name of skullcap due to its petals having a striking resemblance to that of a medieval helmet. I first heard of skullcap at a health seminar from a naturopath, who claimed the sedative properties would help calm, if not stop the body convulsions I was struggling with at the time. Unfortunately, she never recommended which species to try and I didn’t possess the personal knowledge at that time to make the correct decision on my own. However, having the opportunity to research the history, science and uses of skullcap for this paper, I now have a greater understanding of its significance and healing abilities. For centuries, skullcap has been considered sacred in numerous cultures. The females of Native American tribes used this plant not only for …show more content…
To my demise, after trying the Scutellaria lateriflora, I did not receive any of the benefits previously explained, but I may not have used an adequate amount of the herb in my tea or steeped it for a long enough time. The skullcap tea I made had a plain stem-like taste, with not much scent, so I added honey. Consequently, it still wasn't very appetizing. Provided with this research, I now have a few different tea recipes to go by. These recipes have much larger amounts of skullcap used in them than I supplied my tea with, so I can now try to reap the rewards others have gained from the use of this plant. The medicinal tea recipe is as follows: Add one ounce of the dried herb skullcap to a boiling pot of water. Steep for ten minutes. Drink up to a half cup every few hours, or as needed. Keep in mind, only adults should drink this tea

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