...DEVELOPMENT : An Integral Development Supports By: Noer Soetrisno Presented at : 2004 APEC INFORMATIZATION POLICY FORUM FOR SMALL AND MEDIUM ENTERPRISES July, 15-16, 2004 SMEs in Economic Development 1. There is no Regional or Global Consensus on SME The Coverage of SME definition are Commonly Associated With : - SMI (Manufacturing Industry) - SMI + Services (Selected) - All Sectors Except Agriculture - All Sectors Include Agriculture 2. Variable to Measure SME - No of employee (Industry) - Assets (Fixed Asset, Asset other than lands building) - Sales 3. The Role of SME in Economic Development - Contributor to Value added (Growth) : About 57% of GDP - Provider of Employment : Contribute to 99.5% of total employment - Potential Contributor to Export : Share about 16-21% of total export - Flexibility and Resilience to Shocks : continue to survive during the crisis, micro and small enterprises more resilience, but medium enterprises are not fully recovered from the crisis up to 2003 •SME Cluster Development in Indonesia - Cluster development approach has been adopted since 1970’s * Small industry zone * Export processing zone * Agglomeration of SME activities - At present exist about 9800 units of Small Industry Cluster : * 78% Low technology group * Productivity / worker : • Low technology IDR 970 Thousand (100) • Medium technology IDR 2 Million (212) • High technology IDR 8.24 Million (849) Government Policies on Informatization Providing...
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...PLACE PHOTO HERE, OTHERWISE DELETE BOX In Balance Wellness Club Healthy body, mind & spirit… * Separate female and male spacious Spa rooms with Jacuzzi’s * Steam and Sauna * Separate Meditation, Yoga and Aerobics space * Exercise studio/Gymnasium * Coaching studios * Swimming pool * Changing rooms with showers * Lounge corner/ Conference Room * Squash Court * Pool / Billiard, Table Tennis * Personal lockers * Library * Café * Parking Facilities at In Balance Defence Phase 6, Lahore, Pakistan www.InBalance.com InBalance@hotmail.com (92)-042-35885725 (92)-042-35885727 In Balance Wellness Club The Brain Gym is a new concept being introduced and it basically involves Brain Gym exercise equipments like the NeuroActive Bike and simple exercise movements helping in stimulating mental cognitions which as a whole refer to the, educational model of drawing out and honoring the individual, value of goal setting and noticing, importance of movement as it relates to optimal living and learning. The Brain Gym will be aimed at bringing improvements in areas of; * Concentration and Focus * Memory * Academics: reading, writing, math, test taking * Physical coordination * Relationships * Self-responsibility * Organization skills * Attitude Wellness Centre includes: * Lifestyle coaching * Professional nutritional and health counseling * Childcare courses for...
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...1. INTRODUCTION 1. Rationale for Selecting the Report: Dairy sector of Bangladesh is playing an important role in Bangladesh Economy. Country is producing milk well under the requirement and most of the demands are being met from import of dry milk from the international market. This country needs 7.227 million ton milk calculating 120ml per head. Out of which we produced only 2.686 million ton and met up our requirement by importing 52 thousand ton milk power from abroad. Still we have deficit of 3.91 million ton milk. At present, daily per capita milk consumption is less than 60 ml. We are spending 10 billion Taka per annum for importing milk powder from abroad. The total milk market in Bangladesh is estimated around 21000mt worth $ 72m of which Dano holds 22% Market Share (MS), Diploma 18%MS, Anchor 12%MS, Red cow 8%MS, Nido 4%MS and others rest local players. FCMP market reaching maturity and price competition is also increasing. Due to no/little product differentiation brands becoming very price elastic. Global Trend-Consumers moving from generalized products to specialized products. Local Trend- Consumption of packed consumer goods going up. NZDP (New Zealand Product Bangladesh Ltd.) intents to enter the specialized product segment of milk market in Bangladesh. With the outbreak of stunning information that powder milk product specially growing up Milk product contain melamine; the global milk market has gained instability. Almost three children had died with the hazardous...
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...2011/5/5 By Shillingi, V (Mr.) MBA –CM; PBA-PSC sshtz@yahoo.com; 0715 88 5676 We live in a world that has been turned upside down. Companies are pouring money, down. technology, and management expertise into regions that were once off limits, acquiring new enterprises, forming joint ventures, creating new global businesses from the ground up. up. Many major companies are going through significant changes, including outsourcing, downsizing, reengineering, selfself-managed work teams, flattening organizations, and doing routine jobs with automation and computers. computers. Some experts contend that if you can describe a job precisely or write rules for doing it, the job will probably not survive. survive. 1 2011/5/5 Change is avalanching down upon our heads and most people are utterly unprepared to cope with it. it. Tomorrow’s world will be different from todays, todays, calling for new organizational approaches. approaches. Organizations will need to be adapting to these changes, market conditions and at the same time coping with the need for a renewing rather than reactive workforce.. workforce. Every day managers are confronting massive and accelerating change. change. As one writer comments, “Call it whatever you like – reengineering, restructuring, transformation, flattening, downsizing, rightsizing, a quest for global competitiveness – it’s real, it’s radical and it’s arriving every day at a company near you.” you. The world economy is currently dominated...
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...SSC (CGL) TIER-I EXAM, HELD ON 26 JUNE, 2011 EVENING SHIFT (ANSWERS) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. (D) 40 (D) 5 Km (A) 10 Km (C) REFRACT (D) FACE (A) TKQKJX (C) ALGUT (B) They are bad absorbers of heat. (C) Orbit : 28. (B) aanan 29. (D) UG 30. (D) 6 31. (D) 32 32. (D) 6 33. (A) 28 34. (C) 45 35. (B) 60 Years 36. (C) Uncle 37. (C) 20% 38. (A) Tuesday 39. (B) 6 40. (C) 2.24 PM 41. (A) 324 42. (C) 51 43. (A) 64 44. (A) 1 6 + 5 – 10×4÷3=9 45. (B) South 46. (A) 47. (C) 40 48. (C) 51. (D) Illumination 52. (B) Tropical rain forests 53. (B) D i f l u o r o Dichloro Methane 54. (C) U n i v e r s a l brotherhood 55. (C) 4 inches 56. (C) Sweden 57. (D) Mongolia 58. (C) 40 lakhs 59. (B) R a g i n i Chander Sarkar 60. (C) Rauf 61. (D) Tonight This Savage Rite 62. (B) Sir Whittle Frank 70. (A) U.S.A 71. (C) Sindhi, Konkani, Manipuri, Nepali 72. (C) President of India - Rajya Sabha - Lok Sabha 73. (B) Aggradation 74. (C) Harshavardhana 75. (C) Muhammadbin-Bhaktiyar 76. (C) Jahangir 77. (D) 1909 78. (A) Bengal and Punjab 79. (A) Day time 80. (C) 70% 81. (D) Tapti 82. (C) Gujarat 83. (A) Shipkila 84. (B) a-2, b-3, c-4, d-1 85. (A) Apple 86. (C) 80-100 mg 87. (C) L i q u i d i t y preference 88. (D) Tse-tse fly 89. (B) About 65 mil- 10. (C) TONIC BODY 11. (B) KMDFEGSU 12. (A) DFHJ 13. (A) DGFE 14. (C) QRSU 15. (B) 10 16. (A) STUV 17. (B) 49 18. (C) Bridge 19. (C) Sleeping 20. (C) CWFS 21. (D) YBEH 22. (B) 65 23. (B) 625 24. (C) (6, 42, 54) 25. (B) AFKPUZ 26. (B) 15 27. (C) 5, 2, 4, 1, 3 1 63...
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...1.0 INTRODUCTION Presently, in order for small medium enterprises (SMEs) to be competitive in the global economy, the quality of their products and services cannot be under estimated. Therefore in today's economic climate, SMEs competitions are greater than ever may in local or global. The quality of goods and services are most important thing for SMEs to continue for grow and survive. We can see that, many SMEs in Malaysia lack the resources and knowledge to practice the quality management in their operations. The immediate goal for any small to medium-sized enterprise (SME) is to survive and maintain in the economic growth. According to the Prime Minister of Malaysia, Small Medium Enterprises (SMEs) has been one of the major engines of growth of Malaysia’s economy. With globalization and the accompanying liberalized trading environment, trade is expected to intensity, the more integrated global market also presents new opportunities and greater market access for Malaysia SMEs. It is acknowledge that small and medium enterprise play a great role in develop the world, unlike in developed where the benefits through high cost such as lost of scale production, inefficiency and appalling employment conditions. In this facet of a country’s economy, labor plays a great role which is for most SMEs are labor intensive in developing the world. 2.1 BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY Productivity is an important aspect of the construction industry that may be used as an index...
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...Small and Medium Size Enterprises (SME’s) are the driving force for the promotion of a Caribbean. Due to its significance, all of the Caribbean countries either developed or developing are concentrating on the development of SME’s. It is an important fact that encouraging entrepreneurship through (SME’s) is a key to improve competitiveness, boost trade volume, fostering economic activities and creation of job opportunities. Small enterprises are considered as main driver for innovation, poverty reduction, employment generation and social integration. Due to innovation in SME sector, the production capacity may amplify which has significant impact for the promotion of economic and social development in the Caribbean. In the Caribbean, although there has been a long history of entrepreneurship spirit, the SME development was slow and limited to the few sectors that were available. It was only in the early eighties where some diversification took place with the start of the tourism development. Since then, Tourism has become the main economic activity of many countries and destinations in the region. Two decades later, all related SME developments in the hospitality, the light manufacturing, agro-processing and the service sectors seems to be insufficient to give us a competitive edge in keeping up with the world’s economic and social developments. One thing everybody agrees on is that, regardless the size or the nature of any economy, no effective Globalization is possible without...
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...Entrepreneurship of the Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Prof. Dr. Prabhakar Y. Harkal Prof. Gajanan D. Chaudhari Associate Professor and Research guide Research student Dnyanopasak College, Parbhani. S.R.T.M.University, Nanded. Mobile No. 09403065455 Mobile No. 09765759262 Email- prabhakarharkal@gmail.com Email- gdchaudhari@gmail.com Abstract: Entrepreneurs play a key role in the economic development of a country. Economic development of a country...
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...and the country, as a whole, to achieve global competitiveness. In this respect, the IMP3 has adopted the overall theme ‘Malaysia - Towards Global Competitiveness’ and other countries also working towards on that. Industries must strive for global competitiveness through the transformation and innovation of the manufacturing and services sectors. According to The Small and Medium Industries Development Corporation (SMIDEC) SMEs account for close to 99 % of all the establishments in the manufacturing, services and agricultural sector, provide around 65% of total employment and it is expected that the value added production of SMEs to be around RM120 billion or 50 % of total production in the manufacturing sector by 2020. Malaysian SME contribution to the GDP was only 32 percent in 2006 compared to that of 40 percent in the United States, 57 percent in Germany, 55 percent in Japan, 60 percent in China, 57 percent in Indonesia and Thailand at 38.9 percent. Innovation and the capacity to innovate are among the most important factors that affect an organizations competitiveness and performance SMEs due their small size, limited managerial capabilities, as well as limited resources do face a challenging task in innovating. SMEs as compared to larger firms are weakly structured in innovation, low market power and scarcity of resources in order to appropriate the benefit of their innovation. In nature, SMEs do not require a statutory audit may still want some degree of independent...
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...TQM and Performance in small medium enterprises The mediating effect of customer orientation and innovation 1. Literature Review The relationship between total quality management and performance The instrumental Role played by TQM in the assessment of production activities, in the standardization of processes and training, in competitive benchmarking, in measuring results and in increasing employee accountability has had the net effect of bringing down costs of defects and rework, reducing supervision and maintenance costs, managing inventory levels and stimulating innovation. Proponents of TQM maintained that if organizations of any size implemented it efficiently, they may generate many benefits including high quality products, reduced costs, improved communications, team work, customer and employee satisfaction and improved financial performance. It was found that firms which had effectively implemented a TQM environment outperformed non-TQM firms on measures such as profitability, revenues, costs, capital expenditure, total assets and employee turnover. Therefore, it is hypothesized that : H1. The higher the total quality management (TQM) implementation, the greater the performance of the firm. The relationship between TQM and consumer orientation Improving quality by itself is not sufficient, what matters is enhancing the customer’s perception of quality. This is particularly important since many quality improvement efforts have been criticized...
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...RAPID SURVEY NUMBER 1 TOPIC: ASSESSMENT OF PROPORTIONATE IMPLEMENTATION WORKLOAD IN THE DISTRICT OFFICE DURING PROGRAMME ESTIMATES NUMBER 1. Paper compiled by Dezio Banda, Monitoring and Evaluation Manager. INTRODUCTION NICE implements its activities mainly through the district structures. The office at the district is comprised of the DCEO, ADCEO and Volunteers. These are responsible for the implementation of various civic and voter education activities. However, it has always been difficult to establish the standardized and proportionate workload among these three categories of people. This knowledge is important for the following: 1. It provides guidance to management to appreciate the level of engagements in view of either scaling up or down the additional responsibilities to each of these individuals. 2. It provides information as regards to who does more work at the district. 3. In an event of undertaking an impact assessment of the district –based activities, who should participate inorder to generate unbiased findings. This is based on the principle that one cannot implement and at the same time evaluate oneself. OBJECTIVE OF THE RAPID SURVEY The rapid survey was undertaken to achieve the following: 1. To find out extent of workload variations among districts with the view of establishing the need for standardized workload schedule for performance effectiveness. 2. To establish who does more with the view of rationalization of responsibilities...
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...INTRODUCTION This report talks about a subject that affects the whole economy in all countries. Small and medium -sized enterprises (SME’s) play an effective role in solving many economic problems such as unemployment. Therefore, SME’s are at the heart of economic growth. The purpose of my report is to show how SME’s help the economy in overcoming some problems. Also, this report discusses some SME difficulties and their solutions. This report has three chapters. The first chapter consists of background. The second chapter is about SME problems. The last chapter discusses a real life example of a small business in Saudi Arabia. I. BACKGROUND This chapter defines SME’s and explains their importance. A. Definition of SME’s The SME definition is different from one country to another. In Saudi Arabia for example, small firms are identified by the Saudi Chambers of Commerce as firms which have 10-25 staff and whose assets are SR one million. On the other hand, the firms that employ 25-100 staff and their assets are SR 5 million are called medium- sized firms. (5:197) The definition of SME’s in the UK is as follows: the enterprises that have less than 50 workers are small enterprises whereas the enterprises that employ more than 249 workers are medium- sized. (1:1) B. SME’s Importance The effect of SME’s on the economy appears in many dimensions. Governments face several problems related to unemployment; SME’s can solve these problems (6:1). In...
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...information systems are for companies a major factor in their business operations. Global companies with subsidiaries all over the world are able to manage all of their subsidiaries with little regard for the distance between them. It is as important for small and medium enterprises desiring to expand to other markets as it is for the giant corporations. The downside is at the same time it enables the communication between geographically diverse companies, it also enables parties with less than ethical purposes to carry activities detrimental to those businesses or even to individual from remote location. One of those activities is piracy, which has been a plague for most production organizations and individuals as it prevents them from reaping the full benefit of their work. For the giant corporations, the impact might be minimal but for small and medium businesses with less financial power, this could be quite detrimental as it can cut away a great portion of their expected income. In this paper, I will discuss how the global system can be an enabler for illegal activities whether it is cyber-terrorism or piracy of intellectual properties. The focus will be placed on piracy and how it can affects the small and medium enterprises and the legal measures that are being implemented on an international level as well as on the U.S national level to deter it. Works Cited: • Andrés, A. R., & Asongu, S. A. (2013). Fighting Software Piracy: Which GovernanceTools...
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...ISSN:0975-9999 MICRO, SMALL AND MEDIUM ENTERPRISES (MSME) IN INDIA: AN APPRAISAL Dr.S,Ganapathy Associate professor C.Mayilsamy Doctoral research scholar, Department of International Business and commerce, Alagappa University, karaikudi. ABSTRACT Micro small and medium enterprises help in promoting economic growth and employment opportunity. Before 2006 this sector was called as a Small Scale Industry. Thereafter it was converted as an MSME sector. The MSME growth is incomparable by the help of bank credit. Micro small and medium enterprises and their role in economic growth and employment generation in the Indian context .the article how policy environment for promoting MSMEs changed from ‘protectionism ‘during the pre-1990s to ‘export orientation’ during the post-1990s. The key constraint faced by the MSMEs including access to credit and technology, redtapism and the like. The MSEs to promote the rural economy for in general and rural women empowerment in particularly the rural women are taken ,economic improvement ,social development, and individual decision making through the . MSEs.the MSEs are promoting the rural entrepreneurship. Key words: MSME, SME , SSI, Credit Rating Introduction Indian economy based on rural economy .Father of nation mahatma Gandhi told India “lives in village”. T he r eal national development through the rural economy .the development of rural economy through the r ur al bas ed micr o, small a nd medium enterprises, The most of the entrepreneurs...
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...Linear programming of basic economic parameters used at reengineering in small and medium enterprises 1. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MANAGEMENT (IJM) International Journal of Management (IJM), ISSN 0976 – 6502(Print), ISSN 0976 – 6510(Online), Volume 4, Issue 2, March- April (2013)ISSN 0976-6502 (Print)ISSN 0976-6510 (Online)Volume 4, Issue 2, March- April (2013), pp. 31-43 IJM© IAEME: www.iaeme.com/ijm.asp ©IAEMEJournal Impact Factor (2013): 6.9071 (Calculated by GISI)www.jifactor.com LINEAR PROGRAMMING OF BASIC ECONOMIC PARAMETERS USED AT REENGINEERING IN SMALL AND MEDIUM ENTERPRISES Prof. Dr Slobodan Stefanović High School of Applied Professional Studies, Vranje, Serbia Prof. Dr Radoje Cvejić Faculty for strategic and operational management Belgrade, Serbia ABSTRACT In economic terms, linear programming is a mathematical technique used for selecting one among more possible economic decisions that will have the greatest efficiency. Most production issues have been solved by a linear programming method, also performed here, and a model of linear programming of economic parameters in re- engineering of small and medium enterprises, for their greater efficiency, is presented. Key words: linear programming, re-engineering, economic parameters, model. 1.0. INTRODUCTION Linear programming is a mathematical method for selecting an optimal solution among larger number of possible solutions. In mathematical terms, linear programming is a mathematical analysis of optimum problem. These...
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