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Intellectual Property Piracy and Small and Medium Enterprises


Submitted By King1981
Words 3952
Pages 16

Global information systems are for companies a major factor in their business operations. Global companies with subsidiaries all over the world are able to manage all of their subsidiaries with little regard for the distance between them. It is as important for small and medium enterprises desiring to expand to other markets as it is for the giant corporations. The downside is at the same time it enables the communication between geographically diverse companies, it also enables parties with less than ethical purposes to carry activities detrimental to those businesses or even to individual from remote location. One of those activities is piracy, which has been a plague for most production organizations and individuals as it prevents them from reaping the full benefit of their work. For the giant corporations, the impact might be minimal but for small and medium businesses with less financial power, this could be quite detrimental as it can cut away a great portion of their expected income. In this paper, I will discuss how the global system can be an enabler for illegal activities whether it is cyber-terrorism or piracy of intellectual properties. The focus will be placed on piracy and how it can affects the small and medium enterprises and the legal measures that are being implemented on an international level as well as on the U.S national level to deter it.

Works Cited:

• Andrés, A. R., & Asongu, S. A. (2013). Fighting Software Piracy: Which GovernanceTools Matter in Africa?.

Discusses how the role of government in reinforcing laws protecting intellectual property right and how a key factor such as corruption can affect the government attempts at controlling piracy especially in developing countries.

• McManis, C. R. & Pelletier, J. S. (2012). Two Tales of a Treaty Revisited: The Proposed Anti-Counterfeiting

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