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Small Business Owner Exercise

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Small Business Owner Exercise 2
a) How did the business owners raise their starting capital? What percentage of startup funds did the business owners supply on their own?
1) "We supplied 100% of our startup capital in order to not worry about debts. Also, it was a pretty small amount of money."
2) "I was fortunate enough to be able to bootstrap my entire business, I was able to fund 100% of the startup out of my own pocket."
b) What percentage of startup funds consisted of debt capital (taking out a loan) and what percentage was provided personally (savings, selling something of value, etc.)?
1) "100% was provided from personal savings."
2) "100% was provided from personal funds/savings."
c) Which of the sources of funds described in Chapter 8 -RAISING CAPITAL AND GATHERING INFORMATION did the business owner use? How were those funds used with his/her business? …show more content…
"A majority of our startup capital went into inventory, and a small percentage went to fees, such as website, legal, and marketing."
2) Income from a primary or secondary job was the method ShaeTronics used. The funds were distributed into tools needed for the company and to acquire a domain/website for the company.
d) How much money did the business owners need to launch their business? Where did subsequent funds come from?
1) "We each put in $800 for startup costs. All came from personal savings."
2) "Less than $200 was needed to launch ShaeTronics. The funds came from personal savings and investments."
e) Ask each business owner to offer you some advice as a potential startup business seeking

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