...Everyone carries luggage literally or figuratively, people carry a variety of things with them, wallets with pictures of family, credit cards, small trinkets etc. The things they carried by Tim O’Brien can be looked at in two different ways, are what they’re carrying merely items or do they have a deeper meaning for each individual. The items carried by the men in this story serve several purposes for each individual, whether its superstition, sentimental or essential to their military jobs. By using cataloging and paying close attention to the details, in The things they carried there are several characters in which we can look deeper into the items they carry, and how they affect each character and how that plays into who they are outside of their military life. Before we look into each individual character, first it is important to look at how each character is the same in what they carry. The story has an extensive list of items that each person carries as basic military items. General items they carried include P-38 can openers, pocket knives, heat tabs, wrist watches, dog tags, mosquito repellent, chewing gum, candy, cigarettes, salt tablets, packets of Kool-Aid, lighters, matches, sewing kits,military payment certificates, C rations and Two or three canteens of water. These lightweight items are the basic essentials that a military man needs and thusly they do not burden the soldier too much. However throughout the story the mentioning of weight is repeated several...
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..."A hero is a man who does what he can" - Romain Rolland Have you wondered what a true hero is like? When people say hero, they usually think of cartoon characters like Superman, Spiderman, or Wonder woman. A hero can wear anything and they can be as simple as we are. Everyone can be a hero, not necessarily save lives but we can be heroes on our own way. But did you know that heroes are hard to find? I found my hero and she is a teacher. A hero is someone who cares for my well-being. In life, people may come in go, some will be remembered and some are forgotten. One thing is for sure, I’ll never the person who is known to me as my second parent. My teacher my hero is Ma’am Evelyn B. Plaza, my Second year High School teacher. I am very proud to describe my favorite teacher to all of you and will share what I have learned from her because she is my teacher and my hero. She has the most beautiful personality I ever encountered. I am proud to say that she is beautiful inside and out. She has two small brown sympathetic eyes that showing his tender loving care to us, a pointed nose, and a red rosy lip. She has a short black shiny hair and brown Filipina complexion. My teacher is a very good example in her young age. She is supportive and very sincere. She is very nice and fun to be with. Sometimes she is like my mom because she is someone who can understand me. She is like a star in the night guiding my way not to be lost and became a better person. She always teaches...
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...MATILDA BOOKS FOR CHILDREN BY THE SAME AUTHOR James and the Giant Peach Charlie and the Chocolate Factory Fantastic Mr Fox The Magic Finger Charlie and the Great Glass Elevator Danny, the Champion of the World The Wonderful Story of Henry Sugar and Six More The Enormous Crocodile The Twits George's Marvellous Medicine Roald Dahl's Revolting Rhymes The BFG Dirty Beasts The Witches Boy The Giraffe and the Pelly and Me Going Solo Roald Dahl MATILDA Illustrations by Quentin Blake VIKING KESTREL For Michael and Lucy VIKING KESTREL Published by the Penguin Group Viking Penguin Inc., 40 West 23rd Street, New York, New York 10010, U.S.A. Penguin Books Ltd, 27 Wrights Lane, London W8 5TZ, England Penguin Books Australia Ltd, Ringwood, Victoria, Australia Penguin Books Canada Ltd, 2801 John Street, Markham, Ontario, Canada L3R 1B4 Penguin Books |N.Z.) Ltd, 182-190 Wairau Road, Auckland 10, New Zealand Penguin Books Ltd, Registered Offices: Harmondsworth, Middlesex, England First published in Great Britain by Jonathan Cape Ltd., 1988 First American edition published 1988 3 5 7 9 10 6 4 Text copyright © Roald Dahl, 1988 Illustrations copyright © Quentin Blake, 1988 All rights reserved Grateful acknowledgment is made for permission to reprint an excerpt from "In Country Sleep" from The Poems of Dylan Thomas. Copyright 1947,1952 Dylan Thomas. Reprinted by permission of New Directions Publishing Corporation. Library of Congress catalog card number: 88-40312 ISBN 0-670-82439-9 Printed...
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...Living for the city "Living for the city" is a song written and produced by the multitalented musician Stevie Wonder. The song was released in 1973 and it is about racism and poverty, which many people are still suffering from. The song was and still is appreciated by many people and Wonder wants people to wake up and understand the importance of these issues. The song specifically apprizes a boy growing up in Mississippi. His parents work hard and encourage him to do well in school, despite the living conditions that are surrounding them. His family is poor and they don't have enough money and they have to deal with racism and injustice. But his parents are encouraging him to stay strong and work hard to get out of this dreadful situation. This was a typical living condition in the 1970s and unfortunately a lot of people in today’s society are still living under these circumstances. The song starts off by Wonder describing how the boy's parents work hard; hours on end to get through the hard days but barley make enough money for food. Poverty is a big issue here and it has become a way of life. Many people say that poverty is a natural phenomenon while others argues that people cause poverty. It is hard to tell what actually causes poverty because it depends on where you are born and what the society you belong to is doing to prevent poverty. It is a difference between countries in the west like United Kingdom and USA and countries like India and countries in Africa. ...
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...Music of the Heart: A Documentary Proposal I would like to submit a proposal for a documentary about a museum that would focus on the blind visitors. As a replacement for the traditional visual arts museum or participating in a touch tour, it would be a museum of music history. When an individual visits the museum, they should be able to enjoy the experience with minimal limitations. The group of visitors will experience the stimulation of their audio sense and will be asked to share what they can see in their mind while music is being played, which would be remarkable to be captured on film. In this proposal, I will discuss the purpose of this documentary, what the exhibits will include, and how I will promote this film. I have already selected the group, and location is set in Chicago. I am pleased to share this idea, and it will be one of my finest documentaries to date. It is my intention to entertain and educate. This documentary will be different from what is already involving arts and the blind community. The sense of hearing is believed to be heightened when an individual is visually impaired; therefore, I feel that the experience of a music museum would be an exciting experience for the documented visitors. The group will be led by a guide that will direct them to the exhibits and inform them the history of the featured artist or instrument. There are people in society that demonstrate their ignorance when it comes to the blind community, and assume their lack of vision...
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...COM 202 Final paper WEEK 7- FINAL PAPER, MUSIC AND INFLUENCE In this essay we will explore the relationship, effects and influence of music on high profile events or movements for each decade since 1960-2010. We shall look at them in three segments First of all, the sixties a new dawn was on its way around the world most African Nations were calling for independence from colonial powers whiles in America, the civil rights movements was at its peak, Civil rights activist like Dr Martin Luther King, Malcom X. the nation of Islam and others where calling for an end to segregation and other oppressive conditions they were experiencing. “ Joan Baez’s we shall overcome (1963) originally focused on the civil rights movements, was a powerful way to bring people of different classes, background ,religions –but one shared value – together, and now has become the song any group trying to stand against old and needing change, practices uses. So I think it both changed, and continues to change the world today. It is still song today by everyone Cooke’s A change is going to come were also influential during the civil rights movements .Although there were define changes but People like Dr Martin Luther King and Malcolm X were brutally murdered. http://www.bbc.com/news/magazine-21143345 The Seventies now was slight better there were some changes and freedom in the air, when the Jackson Five dropped this ABC album. I was young then every young boy wanted to be Michael Jackson...
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...various species of flora and fauna confined in our oblique spheroid world, the humanity is rich in beautiful heritages and diverse cultures. Dynamic as it is, the world remains persistent in its quest for fashion to upgrade the human condition. With all pursuits bound by the ultimate desire of happiness, what is the best way forward for the human race? Putting figures into perspective, how can ONE in a seven billion make any difference? Along with the modern advancements in the global society are the many dilemmas which endure as destructive forces in the universe – environmental devastation, overpopulation, poverty, high crime rates, drug addiction, poor educational system, dirty politics, and rampant corruption. One cannot help but wonder, can we combat these deeply-rooted social ills? Is there still a trace of hope for the mankind? What kind of future is awaiting for us and the generation yet unborn? It is but a sad reality that prevails to vex us deep to our very core. With the existing state of the world today, some, if not most of the people, remain deaf to respond to the reverberating call for action. Many would rather stay in the dark and refuse to find the light. Only a few would opt to speak and take a step while others choose to remain in silence. While everyone can sense the need for change, only some would react to the force one feels within. Indeed, the world cries for change. The world calls for responsible and proactive youth who would actively participate...
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...down. He was tall, slim, dorky looking with long blond hair. I decided to sit in front of him, I thought to myself best decision I made. Teacher called us name by name, ready to assign us seats to sit in order. As soon I was called, he behind me was called. His name was R. I smiled to myself but thoughts of “what an unusual name. It’s cute.” I suddenly caught myself smiling and blushing. Why was I blushing over someone I don’t know? Suddenly we’re assigned to work with a partner. I looked around and there was no one I wanted to work with it. I feel someone’s finger lay upon my shoulder. I turn around and there goes R asking me to work with him. We introduce ourselves to each other. As I’m answering to the questions of the assignment, I wonder what type of person he is. Teacher decided to call R to answer a question. He manages to get it wrong, I giggle to myself and whisper “What a dumb ass”. Bell rings, and I start packing to head off to another class, I looked behind me only to see him gone. While in another class, I see him pass by. Suddenly I ask the teacher to let me...
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...Failure Analysis/Change Strategy Rosalind Poole, Vuyani Mahluza, Emma Yearby, Robyn Williams LDR /531 July 22, 2013 Dr. Gwendolyn Spann Business Failure Analysis The Hostess brand has had over 13 years of changes prior to the final change of bankruptcy this year. The founder Newman Drake started the business in New York in 1888. In 1960 Drake Bakeries was owned by a larger company, Borden. Borden was the maker of other popular snacks, Cracker Jack and Wise Potato Chips. In 1987 Borden sold the company to Ralston Purina, which was owned by ITT Continental Baking Company the makers of the rival Hostess Cake and Wonder Bread (Drake, 2008). After Drake celebrated a 100th anniversary in 1988, the company was acquired by a Canadian company, Culinar. Despite Culinars ability to become profitable in 1997 from restructuring and optimization of already established company routes, they too sold Drake to Interstate Bakeries Corporation (IBC) a year later (Drake, 2008). In 2007 Grupo Bimbo, another major bakery company wanted to purchase Hostess from IBC for a reported $580 million. IBC declined stating the reason was the low offering price from Grupo Bimbo. Hostess is valued today for $135 million. April 9, 2013 McKee Foods purchased IBC for $27.5 million (Flowers, 2013). McKee Foods decided November 16, 2012 to liquidate Hostess Brand assets and concentrate efforts on the once rival brands to Hostess, Tastykakes. Drake Organization The organization’s mission statement was committed...
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...Frosh at Forty by Mary Mase From 10 years old forward I knew what I wanted to be “when I grew up”. At 17, when I graduated from high school, my mind was still on that same track. Military. College. Graduate School. Lawyer. At 18 however, I married and started a family. I have no regrets about that. I love my family. My husband and my kids are my life. They mean everything to me and that is why, now, I am more determined than ever to finally make this trek. I never gave up on my dreams, just sorta tucked them away until the timing was right. It finally is, and here I am, at CCC enrolled in the Criminal Justice program. My son will graduate this year from CCC. My daughter, a sophomore in high school, is already taking CCC classes. I'm lucky. Their as proud of me as I am of them. Some kids might dread seeing their mom on campus. Being a student at 40 though comes with certain challenges. When I was in high school we were taught typing and word processing on the Commodore 64 computer, which was the latest and greatest of technology available at the time. We had no idea back then that we would have the world at our fingertips via the inter-webs on laptops, game systems and mobile phones. That we would be reading books on hand held devices instead of an actual, tangible, printed paper, bound book. We had no clue that instead of cracking open a dictionary or encyclopedia we would do research using “Google” or “Bing”. I guess I never expected to be the oldest person in the class either...
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...Requirements: InSite Solutions Inc. was founded by Robert Cohen (better known as Bob), an IT visionary, two years ago. InSite is best known for providing customized IT solutions to customer requirements. It has been doing remarkably well and boasts of a dedicated team of 20 professionals, consisting of some of the best brains in the IT industry. At the end of the last financial year, InSite recorded a growth of over 150%. InSite believes in encouraging innovation and provides complete freedom to its employees. All employees report directly to Bob, who besides being the CEO, is also CFO and the chief recruiter. The employees of InSite are always eager to experiment and constantly find new ways of doing things. Each employee is always ready to help everyone else, even if it means abandoning his or her original task. Being a highly motivated outfit, some of the employees put in many extra hours of work every day without any sort of resentment. They have a very high opinion of each other’s capabilities and so usually, someone’s word is considered substantial enough to move forward. The atmosphere, at all times, is one of great bonhomie, cheer and trust. This has been the primary reason for their high turnaround speed of products. The Customers are happy with the services of InSite, though they sometimes complain that the costs are too high. Bob explains the high costs by saying that each product developed by InSite is truly unique, and therefore justifies the costs incurred in its...
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...Susana Gonzalez English 1101-78 12 October 2015 The Power of Literacy He asked me, “Susan can you please read the next two paragraphs?” My nightmare came alive! I swallowed hard saliva thick in my mouth. When I was a little girl, I used to dream about becoming a great dancer. I remember I used to ask my mother to take me to all the dancing contests in town because that was what I loved to do. I loved to dance. I never gave much thought or worry about reading a book. For me, that was absolutely boring. I didn’t care about improving my poor literacy skills. I believed, that a dancer did not need to have good writing or reading skills. At that moment, I was only concern about how I was going become a better dancer. Time went by, as expected, and my dream of being a dancer changed. When I started high school I discovered my passion for numbers and problem solving. The world of mathematics became my new passion. Again, I continued thinking that I didn’t need to have perfect writing and reading skills, until that day. In 10th grade, I was asked by the professor to read two paragraphs in class. As I started reading, I was so nervous that I misread leaders as cheerleaders. All my classmates started laughing at me, including the professor. I could feel my cheeks turning bright red, and my eyes tearing. I just wanted to run out of that place and never come back. That was one...
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...Wonder woman has been around for over seventy years. The only other super heroes that are even comparable are super man and batman through the years she has thrilled and inspired many young girls. “She is constantly pulled in two directions; her stories must be entertaining and non threatening to the male status quo, while simultaneously furthering her as the original symbol of 'Girl Power’” (Introduction). She is an icon of strength to women everywhere, but she can also be chastised for wearing a skimpy costume. Wonder Woman represents the entire female gender, at a time of important social flux. Wonder Woman has evolved into an important symbol of the feminist movement; even though she was created by a man to influence a male audience (Introduction). In February of 1941 William Moulton Marston Wrote ‘Suprema: The Wonder Woman.’ This was the first sight of Wonder Woman....
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...difference is language Or just the bits you got wrong 'Cause we were the ones who invented the language, oi Understated is how we prefer to be That's why I've sold three millions and you've never heard of me The paparazzi shoot me the the girls all loose on me But don't shoot idols, we fight football rivalry The work wac means to cum back home And I wrote the ten wac commandments on my own I was in front of the bloke shooting at the Nas show But they weren't shooting at him it was honor that night though We don't shoot idols happily shoot instead Up my road the police just shot a youth dead 'Cause they guessed he might of been a bit of a terrorist Does this bomb look big in this bag then but we love Biggy, Johnny Cash and Stevie Wonder It's no Biggy we got no cash and its no...
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...Nikki Jones Professor French Engl. 1301 April 3, 2013 Beauty: When the Other Dancer Is the Self One's perception of themselves is usually influenced by their own experiences. In Alice Walker essay "Beauty: When the Other Dancer self" she describes herself over coming and gaining acceptance of herself exactly the way she is. She narrates in remembrance of the event that forever changed her and perception of beauty. Walker uses superlatives, Metaphors, and tense throughout her writing to deliver her ever-changing outlook toward her own beauty. Walker describes the accident that happens to her as a child to show that one’s mindset can be altered through an intense experience and how her attitude completely transforms from a arrogant child into a newly reincarnated woman who now sees a new kind of beauty from within herself. She uses different points of her life to develop this very idea in separate comprehensible stages. She brings the scene to life when she tells us how she manipulates her daddy into taking her to the county fair by swirling around, with her hands on her hips, in her pretty dress and biscuit polished patent leather shoes and says '“I’m the prettiest!”' As she parades around using her cuteness for her father's approval. Her attitude is further encouraged by the people of her church. She was always used to hearing “'Oh, isn’t she the cutest thing!' This makes us believe that she is satisfied with her looks and shows us that she is confident with the outer...
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