...engage in an interdisciplinary analysis of oral, written, visual, and material representations of American life and culture and the historical and social contexts in which they are produced and consumed. Our analyses will necessitate a survey the interplay of the popular arts and American society, using American studies interdisciplinary methodologies. The framework of the course is the development of critical thinking and writing skills. All students are encouraged to avail themselves of the free services at the University’s Writing Center, http://www.umbc.edu/lrc/writing_center.htm List of assignments and percentage of grade Formal Assignment #1/Critical Analysis 20% Formal Assignment #2/Creative Production 30% Response Papers (4) 20% Participation 15% In-class Quizzes (3) 15% General Policies Grading Assignments will be due in class on the due date; after class the assignment becomes one day late. Grades for assignments one day late will be dropped one full grade; assignments two days late will be dropped two full grades. Note that weekend days count as full days. A grade of...
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...Com put er Fundam ent als: Pradeep K. Sinha & Pr it ii Sinha Com put er Fundam ent als: Pradeep K. Sinha & Pr it Sinha Ref Page Chapt er 9: I nput - Out put Dev ices Slide 1/ 58 Com put er Fundam ent als: Pradeep K. Sinha & Pr it ii Sinha Com put er Fundam ent als: Pradeep K. Sinha & Pr it Sinha Le a r n in g Obj e ct ive s I n t h is ch a pt e r you w ill le a r n a bou t : § I nput / Out put ( I / O) devices § Com m only used input devices § Com m only used out put devices § Ot her concept s relat ed t o I / O devices Ref Page 148 Chapt er 9: I nput - Out put Dev ices Slide 2/ 58 Com put er Fundam ent als: Pradeep K. Sinha & Pr it ii Sinha Com put er Fundam ent als: Pradeep K. Sinha & Pr it Sinha I / O D e vice s § Provide m eans of com m unicat ion bet ween a com put er and out er w orld § Also known as peripheral devices because t hey surround t he CPU and m em ory of a com put er syst em § I nput devices are used t o ent er dat a fr om t he out side world int o prim ary st orage § Out put devices supply r esult s of processing from prim ary st orage t o user s Ref Page 148 Chapt er 9: I nput - Out put Dev ices Slide 3/ 58 Com put er Fundam ent als: Pradeep K. Sinha & Pr it ii Sinha Com put er Fundam ent als: Pradeep K. Sinha & Pr it Sinha Role of I / O D e vice s Input data from external world Input Devices CPU and Memory Output Devices Results of processing in human acceptable form Input data coded in internal...
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...Different Perspectives Author(s): Gaby Herrmann and Günther Pernul Source: International Journal of Electronic Commerce, Vol. 3, No. 3, Developing the Business Components of the Digital Economy (Spring, 1999), pp. 89-103 Published by: M.E. Sharpe, Inc. Stable URL: http://www.jstor.org/stable/27750897 . Accessed: 31/01/2015 04:15 Your use of the JSTOR archive indicates your acceptance of the Terms & Conditions of Use, available at . http://www.jstor.org/page/info/about/policies/terms.jsp . Viewing Business-Process Security fromDifferent Perspectives Gaby Herrmann and G?nther Pernul are crucial success factors inelectronic commerce. ABSTRACT: Security and integrity a framework that includes the securityand integrity This paper offers requirementsof business processes in businessprocess execution. An themodeling and refinement securityand integrity of requirements. High-level security of requirements business processes are viewed fromfivedifferent perspectives. The tasks involved in the different perspectives are described, and the modeling of security re quirements isoutlined by focusingon the example of the legal binding of contracts. KEYWORDS binding, important part of the framework is AND PHRASES: Business process, business-process reengineering, legal semantics. security of markets in recent years, many enterprises Because of the globalization have located their offices and production sites all over theworld. They need to cooperate in...
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...Running Head: Effectiveness of Juvenile Correctional Facilities Effectiveness of Juvenile Correctional Facilities: Juvenile Crime Kalah Jiggetts Criminal Justice Abstract This paper uses data on juvenile offenders released from correctional facilities in Florida to explore the effects of facility management type (private for-profit, private nonprofit, public state-operated, and public county-operated) on recidivism outcomes and costs. The data provide detailed information on individual characteristics, criminal and correctional histories, judge-assigned restrictiveness levels, and home zip codes—allowing us to control for the non-random assignment of individuals to facilities far better than any previous study. Relative to all other management types, for-profit management leads to a statistically significant increase in recidivism, but, relative to nonprofit and state-operated facilities, for-profit facilities operate at a lower cost to the government per comparable individual released. Cost- benefit analysis implies that the short-run savings offered by for-profit over nonprofit management are negated in the long run due to increased recidivism rates, even if one measures the benefits of reducing criminal activity as only the avoided costs of additional confinement. Since its beginnings in the mid-1980s, prison privatization in the United States has provoked several rounds of congressional hearings and hundreds of articles...
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...Questions and Answers for the Portland Cement Manufacturing Industry NESHAP 40 CFR 63, Subpart LLL What is the legal status of this guide? The Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards (OAQPS) and the Office of Enforcement and Compliance Assistance (OECA) of the U. S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) have reviewed this document and approved it for publication. When using this document, remember that it isn’t legally binding and doesn’t replace the final rule - “National Emission Standard for Hazardous Air Pollutants for the Portland Cement Manufacturing Industry” (published in the Federal Register, 6/14/99, 64 FR 31898 ) or any State, local or tribal rules that may apply to your facility. This document isn’t intended, nor can you rely on it, to create any rights enforceable by any party in litigation with the United States. The EPA may change this document at any time without public notice. This document includes only requirements from the final rule published in the Federal Register. i Contents Chapter 1 - Introduction Why should I use this document? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Is there anything I should know before using this document? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 How do I get copies of this document? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Chapter 2 - Does This Rule Apply To Me? What does this rule contain? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...
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...| Email: | k2fiolle@uwaterloo.ca | Office Hours: | Wednesdays, 9 AM to 11 AM, by appointment, or email | Name: | Darren Charters | Office Location: | HH 3153 | Telephone: | 519-888-4567 extension 32570 | Email: | dcharters@uwaterloo.ca | Office Hours: | Wednesdays, 2:00pm – 4:00pm, by appointment, or email | Course Description: AFM 311 focuses on developing the qualities and transferable skills necessary for integration, continuous learning, and professional development. The course is oriented around the ethical and moral issues faced by accounting and finance professionals. Students are expected to have taken AFM 211 before taking AFM 311. As well, AFM 431 (a precursor course to this one) as well as PHIL 215/ARBUS 202 are anti-requisites to this course. If a student has taken one of those courses and hasn’t already spoken to Professor Charters (or someone else in the SAF) about this he/she should speak to the professor as soon as possible so an appropriate determination of how to proceed can occur. More can be said about the course than the calendar description included above. This is the primary ethics course designed for students in the AFM, Math/CPA, and BioTech/CPA programs. The focus of the course is the study of ethical and moral issues that arise in professional lives of accountants and financial managers It is assumed that all of you have some familiarity with the financial scandals of...
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...______ Professor Dr. Carlos Eduardo Frickman Young – Orientador ________________________________________________________ Professor Dr. José Eduardo Cassiolato ________________________________________________________ Professora Dra. Maria Cecília J. Lustosa RIO DE JANEIRO AGOSTO 2011 3 DETERMINANTES DA INOVAÇÃO AMBIENTAL: UMA ANÁLISE DAS ESTRATÉGIAS DAS FIRMAS DA INDÚSTRIA DE TRANSFORMAÇÃO BRASILEIRA RESUMO: Diante da natureza dinâmica do papel da tecnologia sobre o meio ambiente, a dissertação analisa os determinantes das inovações que reduziram os impactos ambientais para as firmas da indústria de transformação brasileira com base nos dados da PINTEC 2008. Em relação às estratégias e esforços inovativos das firmas, os dados evidenciam que essas atividades são focadas nos determinantes que tem pouca ou nenhuma relação com...
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...BELHAVEN UNIVERSITY Jackson, Mississippi A CHRISTIAN UNIVERSITY OF LIBERAL ARTS AND SCIENCES FOUNDED IN 1883 CATALOGUE 2014-2015 EFFECTIVE JUNE 1, 2014 Directory of Communication Mailing Address: Belhaven University 1500 Peachtree St. Jackson, MS 39202 Belhaven University 535 Chestnut St. Suite 100 Chattanooga, TN 37402 Belhaven University 7111 South Crest Parkway Southaven, MS 38671 Belhaven University – LeFleur 4780 I-55 North Suite 125 Jackson, MS 39211 Belhaven University 15115 Park Row Suite 175 Houston, TX 77084 Belhaven University Online 1500 Peachtree St. Box 279 Jackson, MS 39202 Belhaven University 1790 Kirby Parkway Suite 100 Memphis, TN 38138 Belhaven University 4151 Ashford Dunwoody Rd. Suite 130 Atlanta, GA 30319 Belhaven University 5200 Vineland Rd. Suite 100 Orlando, FL 32811 Traditional Admission Adult and Graduate Studies Admission – Jackson Atlanta Chattanooga Desoto Houston Memphis Orlando Alumni Relations/Development Belhaven Fax Business Office Campus Operations Integrated Marketing Registrar Student Life Security Student Financial Planning Student Development Online Admission Online Student Services (601) 968-5940 or (800) 960-5940 (601) 968-5988 or Fax (601) 352-7640 (404) 425-5590 or Fax (404) 425-5869 (423) 265-7784 or Fax (423) 265-2703 (622) 469-5387 (281) 579-9977 or Fax (281) 579-0275 (901) 896-0184 or Fax (901) 888-0771 (407) 804-1424 or Fax (407) 367-3333 (601) 968-5980 (601) 968-9998 (601) 968-5901 (601) 968-5904 (601) 968-5930 (601) 968-5922...
Words: 151104 - Pages: 605
...References Copyrighted Material. Not for Distribution. Electronic Copyrighted Material. Not for Distribution. Copyright © 2012 by the American Psychological Association. All rights reserved. Except as permitted under the United States Copyright Act of 1976, no part of this publication may be reproduced or distributed in any form or by any means, including, but not limited to, the process of scanning and digitization, or stored in a database or retrieval system, without the prior written permission of the publisher. Published by American Psychological Association 750 First Street, NE Washington, DC 20002 www.apa.org To order APA Order Department P.O. Box 92984 Washington, DC 20090-2984 Tel: (800) 374-2721; Direct: (202) 336-5510 Fax: (202) 336-5502; TDD/TTY: (202) 336-6123 Online: www.apa.org/pubs/books E-mail: order@apa.org Typeset in Sabon, Futura, and Univers by Circle Graphics, Columbia, MD APA Editorial and Production Staff APA Books Editorial Director: Mary Lynn Skutley Senior Editor, APA Style: Anne W. Gasque Production Manager: Jennifer M. Meidinger Production Editor: Harriet Kaplan APA Journals Director, Editorial Services: Paige Jackson Editorial Supervisor: Jeffery Hume-Pratuch Manuscript Editor II: Chelsea Lee Manuscript Editor II: Stefanie Lazer 1-4338-0704-1 978-1-4338-0704-6 Copyrighted Material. Not for Distribution. Copyrighted Material. Not for Distribution. Contents Electronic Media How References Are Constructed 2 Notation 2 General Guidelines...
Words: 13062 - Pages: 53
...eBAY.COM A Case Report for Getting Tools Used NOTE: THIS IS ONLY A PORTION OF THE GETTING TOOLS USED RESEARCH REPORT. FOR THE FULL DOCUMENT AND OTHER INFORMATION VISIT WWW.CFAH.ORG. Getting Tools Used Table of Contents Foreword by Jessie Gruman ......................................................................................................................................... 1 Executive Summary ........................................................................................................................................................ 3 About CFAH ...................................................................................................................................................................... 7 Table of Contents ........................................................................................................................................................... 8 Introduction: 21st Century Marketplace .................................................................................................................. 9 Research Framework ................................................................................................................................................... 17 Case Studies.................................................................................................................................................................... 25 Consumer Reports: Car Buying Guide ....................................
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...INFORMS Multiple Criteria Decision Making, Multiattribute Utility Theory: Recent Accomplishments and What Lies Ahead Author(s): Jyrki Wallenius, Peter C. Fishburn, Stanley Zionts, James S. Dyer, Ralph E. Steuer and Kalyanmoy Deb Source: Management Science, Vol. 54, No. 7 (Jul., 2008), pp. 1336-1349 Published by: INFORMS Stable URL: http://www.jstor.org/stable/20122479 Accessed: 15-10-2015 13:28 UTC Your use of the JSTOR archive indicates your acceptance of the Terms & Conditions of Use, available at http://www.jstor.org/page/ info/about/policies/terms.jsp JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and facilitate new forms of scholarship. For more information about JSTOR, please contact support@jstor.org. INFORMS is collaborating with JSTOR to digitize, preserve and extend access to Management Science. http://www.jstor.org This content downloaded from on Thu, 15 Oct 2015 13:28:04 UTC All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions SCIENCE MANAGEMENT WjEE. Vol. 54, No. 7, July 2008, 1336-1349 pp. DOI io.l287/nmsc.l070.0838 ISSN 0025-19091EISSN1526-55011081540711336@2008 INFORMS Criteria Decision Making, Multiattribute Multiple Utility Theory: Recent Accomplishments and What Lies Ahead School Helsinki Jyrki Wallenius of...
Words: 11852 - Pages: 48
...ALLIED AMERICAN UNIVERSITY Personalized. Flexible. Dedicated. Online Programs – Individual Support – Open Enrollment – Ease of Transfer Credits UNIVERSITY CATALOG 2013 Seventh Edition 22952 Alcalde Drive, Laguna Hills, CA 92653 Phone: (888) 384-0849 ∼ Fax: (949) 707-2978 7:00 A.M. – 5:00 P.M. (Monday – Friday) Email: info@allied.edu Website: www.allied.edu KEY STAFF AND FACULTY Charlotte Hislop, Ph.D. Candidate, President/CEO Bonny Nickle, Ed.D., Provost Eric Sharkey, M.Ed., Director of Education Bill Luton, Ph.D., Director of Assessment and Dean of Business Carlo Tannoury, Ph.D. Candidate, Dean of Computer Information Systems Patricia Drown, Ph.D., Dean of Criminal Justice and General Studies C.J. Bishop, M.B.A., Institutional Research Frank Vazquez, Operations Director Parrish Nicholls, J.D., Director of Compliance Lindsay Oglesby, Admissions Director Abby Dolan, B.A., Registrar Sasha Heard, M.B.A., Student Services Manager Barbara Jobin, B.S.B.A., Career Center Manager Hugo Aguilar, B.A., Chief Financial Officer Richard Madrigal, B.A., Financial Aid Officer As a prospective student at Allied American University, you are encouraged to review this catalog prior to signing an enrollment agreement. You are also encouraged to review the student performance fact sheet which must be provided to you prior to signing an enrollment agreement. This catalog is not a contract between the student, AAU, or any party or parties. Reasonable effort was made at the time this document...
Words: 52297 - Pages: 210
...THE LEGAL REGULATION OF THE EXTERNAL COMPANY AUDITOR IN POST-ENRON SOUTH AFRICA Hannine Drake THESIS PRESENTED IN FULFILMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF LAWS AT THE UNIVERSITY OF STELLENBOSCH Supervisor: Prof A.H. van Wyk March 2009 ii DECLARATION By submitting this thesis electronically, I declare that the entirety of the work contained therein is my own, original work, that I am the owner of the copyright thereof (unless to the extent explicitly otherwise stated) and that I have not previously in its entirety or in part submitted it for obtaining any qualification. Date: 25 February 2009 Copyright © 2009 Stellenbosch University All rights reserved iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS In acknowledgement to all who have contributed to this work in some form: writing this thesis would have otherwise been like swimming through mud. To my supervisor, Professor Andreas van Wyk, thank you for your leadership, patience, and academic skill in guiding me through the research process. To Adéle Mulder and Charl Marais, thank you for your continuous insight and perspectives, both academic and otherwise. And finally to Hilda and Gerrie Steyn, who have been absolutely crucial throughout all my years of study, thank you for your indispensable support, in all its forms. iv SUMMARY The worldwide increase of corporate failures on the scale of Enron and WorldCom has sparked a renewed international trend of corporate governance review...
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...Atividades Científicas e Tecnológicas Manual de Oslo Proposta de Diretrizes para Coleta e Interpretação de Dados sobre Inovação Tecnológica Organização para Cooperação Econômica e Desenvolvimento Departamento Estatístico da Comunidade Européia Financiadora de Estudos e Projetos Organização para Cooperação e Desenvolvimento Econômico Em conformidade com o Artigo 1o da Convenção firmada em Paris em 14 de dezembro de 1960, que entrou em vigor em 30 de setembro de 1961, a Organização para a Cooperação e o Desenvolvimento Econômico (OCDE) promoverá políticas que busquem: — alcançar o mais alto nível de desenvolvimento econômico sustentável e de emprego e um padrão de vida progressivamente melhor nos países membros, mantendo ao mesmo tempo a estabilidade financeira e contribuindo, por conseguinte, para o desenvolvimento da economia mundial; — contribuir para a expansão econômica estável, tanto nos países membros quanto nos não membros em processo de desenvolvimento econômico; e — o contribuir para a expansão do comércio mundial calcada no multilateralismo e na não discriminação, de conformidade com as obrigações internacionais. Integraram a OCDE, originalmente, os seguintes países...
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...Zonneveld, Marita Hutjes, Martin Khor, Max Lawson, Michael Oyat, Mick Wheeler, Monica Naggaga, Pablo Dubois e Néstor Osorio e os colegas da Organização Internacional do Café, Patrick Knight, Pauline Tiffen, Peter Baker, Phil Bloomer, Rainer Quitzow, Robert Simmons, Ruth Mayne, Siddo Deva, Simon Ticehurst, Steve Thorne, Tatiana Lara, Than Thi Thien Huong, Tran My Hanh, Wendel Trio,Xavier Declercq, O texto foi editado por Kate Raworth e David Wilson e o projeto gráfico é de Barney Haward. A produção deste relatório para o português foi coordenada pelo escritório da Oxfam no Brasil. A tradução foi realizada por Master Language, a revisão por Tereza Moreira e a edição por Luiz Daré. Algumas das pesquisas contidas neste relatório foram produzidas com a assistência financeira da Comissão da Comunidade Européia. As opiniões expressadas no relatório são dos autores e, como tal, não representam o ponto de vista oficial da Comissão. © Oxfam International 2002 www.maketradefair.com...
Words: 29411 - Pages: 118