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Smart Healthcare


Submitted By mkd989141
Words 1969
Pages 8
Smart Health Care System
- A Smart way for a Healthier world

Usual problems that we come across in most of our health care systems are raising costs, inconsistent quality, and limited access to timely care. What we need to realise is that our health care system is not a ‘system’ yet. There is indeed an urgent need to work on this area and bring about improvements in the overall quality of the prevailing health service system.

From the statistics shown below, it is evident that a major contributor to the deaths in India is limited accessibility to healthcare. It can be observed that more than 50% of the deaths that happen in India are at the residences.

However, there is a paradigm shift with regard to home care due to convergence of several technologies. Increasingly capable tele-health systems and the internet are not only moving the point of care closer to the patient, but the patient can now assume a more active role in his or her own care. The migration of healthcare industry to electronic patient records and the emergence of a growing number of enabling healthcare technologies coupled with these developments, demonstrate the unprecedented potential for delivering highly automated, intelligent health care in the home while at the same time reducing the cost of care.

Integration of health care and smart technology for Home care
How it works
An example of a home equipped with smart health care system would be as follows: * Sensors supported by a local area network (LAN) is distributed throughout the home and the immediate outside environment * Transmitters and receivers will be distributed throughout the home allowing wireless sensors to utilize low-power infrared and radio-frequency

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