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Smart Market Game


Submitted By felipe05
Words 1254
Pages 6
Nova Southeastern University
Wayne Huizenga Graduate School of Business & Entrepreneurship

Assignment for Course: MKT 5070

Submitted to: Dr. Russell Carey

Submitted by: Felipe Ray David Preston

Date of Submission: November 9, 2013

Title of Assignment: Executive Briefing

CERTIFICATION OF AUTHORSHIP: I certify that I am the author of this paper and that any assistance I received in its preparation is fully acknowledge and disclosed in the paper. I have also cited any sources from which I used data, ideas of words, whether quoted directly or paraphrased. I also certify that this paper was prepared by me specifically for this course.

Student Signature: Felipe Ray David Preston


Instructor’s Grade on Assignment:
Instructor’s Comments:
Being one of the first companies to enter into the market in October 2013, AAA Technology, Inc. today has being successful in be ranking #2 within the micro-computer technology industry. AAA Technology, Inc. is a microcomputer company that with a mission to be the most reliable computer developer of the world, by delivering the best customer experience, with a great group of employees who will assure we met our client's needs, generating above average rewards to our stakeholders. With Locations in Los Angeles, CA, Chicago, IL and Toronto, Canada; AAA Tech thrives to provide quality user friendly products that will enhance the productivity and revenue of the organization at a reasonable price.
Target Group Based on marketing research we have found that we have a stronger advantage focusing on appealing to business to business sales sector of the industry. The two segments of focus in that sector are workhorse and traveler. The Workhorse Segment

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