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Smokeless Tobacco Essay

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Smokeless tobacco not only contains a long list of harmful chemicals such as nicotine and TSNAs (tobacco-specific nitrosamines, a carcinogen), but also the product itself has an extensive microbial community. Given these facts, it is reasonable to think that use of smokeless tobacco products may also affect the chemistry and microbiome of the user’s mouth. In the experiment detailed in this article, the authors examined the metabolomics, or the total metabolites, produced by the bacterium Capnocytophaga sputigena, an opportunistic pathogen associated with periodontal diseases, in the mouth after exposure to smokeless tobacco. To do this, they grew C. sputigena in blood-heart infusion (BHI) media to imitate the soluble nutrients in human tissue where this bacterium lives. The also grew some C. sputigena in BHI mixed with aqueous extracts collected from homogenized smokeless tobacco. The authors then took samples from supernatants in the media and eluted them with gradient solutions, which acted …show more content…
This summer I worked with a team at the CDC that specialized in examining the microbial community of smokeless tobacco, and participated in similar research looking at the metagenomics and transcriptomics of the microbial community living and growing directly in the tobacco products themselves. This article in particular caught my attention because it was about the metabolomics of the oral microbiome rather than of the product. The team I worked with was in the process of doing the paperwork to be allowed to do oral microbiome studies, but had not begun them yet, so this article was a nice showcase of the power behind using “omics” techniques for applications involving the microbiome as well as tobacco products. My interest has increased further in this topic after reading this article, as it shows a different approach to problem similar to the one I’ve worked with before, and it was very well

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