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Snehalatha Bhrijbhush Land Of The Blue Devil

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Pages 6
Snehalatha Bhrijbhushan is a young girl with a brighter future ahead of her as the author states, “[she] is going to become someone fascinated with the world of science.” (Subramaniam, 2000) People around her also expecting her to achieve great things. Snaha is a very intelligent young girl who love science that she wants to be a scientist. Sneha want to persuding her dream in the Land of the Blue Devil. However, there are rumor about this land that telling other, it not easy to achieve their goal. On the other hand, it rates as the land of the kind and gentle people which make other people believe that it a land that they can approach and tried to obtain their goals. In the land of the Blue Devil, she found the Building of Scientific truth, she met with Supreme White Patriarch who not only discriminate her for being a woman, but he believes that she will not be able to handle the course or task that require it to be a scientist. For example, …show more content…
Snaha want to wash her name and accent away and if she were to do this than the mirror will accept her and treated her similar to other white patriarch. She come out of the washing machine and become Snow Brown, but still feel out of place in the new environment because she does not act and behavior like other patriarch Whit did. This lead Snow Brown to go back to the House of Seven Detergent to wash her differences part away according to the Mirror advice, which she came out act like everyone. However, her new-self do not make a different at the ways she was being treating and she still feel being unequal as other male student. The Mirror told her that she need to be more aggressive and participle in class activity and shoot for number one or act like a scientist. Snow Brown went back and use the third detergent to wash her good self and she became this striding out, pride oozing out of everyone

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