...societies, how has work changed in Canada overtime? | /25 | * Is “post-industrial” a proper description for Canadian society today? * Note: Adopt a critical approach. Support all arguments with relevant references/data. | /30 | * Technical aspects: Use APA format for in-text citations and reference page * 12 point font and double-spaced * Title page with name and student id * Note: There is no mark for “technical aspects” for assignment 1. Instead of penalizing students, I provide feedback to help with subsequent assignments. You will be penalized if you don’t follow the appropriate format for the rest of the assignments. | 0 | * Creativity: What is this? Creative thinking. * No marks for assignment 1 | 0 | Total | /100 | Assignment 2 Organization * Introduction (purpose/thesis statement and an overview of essay) * Paragraphing * Coherence: All the requirements of the assignment are related. A coherent essay must be able to “connect all the dots.” For example, any discussion of government policies must be related to the barriers that the most affected groups face in the labour market. * Conclusion | /10 | * What is the difference between inequality and insecurity and how can these phenomena be explained theoretically? | /10 | * How does labour market inequality and insecurity affect social groups? | /25 | * Has work become more unequal and/or insecure in Canada? |...
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...Sociology 100 | Exploration of a Journal Article in Sociology | By: Kenneth Hinchey | Professor Hartnett 4/29/2012 | The article I have chosen is titled “Race, Ethnicity, and Law Enforcement. This article explores the relationship between race, criminality and law enforcement and highlights some of the issues surrounding the intersection of race and criminal behavior. After reading this article I found a few things interesting, such as when the author writes about class subordination, which was identified by W.J. Wilson (1978). He explains how in the second half of the twentieth century, civil rights leaders made great strides to achieve equal rights for people of all racial groups. While this goal may have been legislatively achieved, racial privilege remains a significant issue with which we as a society must grapple. I found this interesting because today we are still faced with these same issues even though we elected our first African American president I feel class subordination still remains with people thinking they are better off just by sheer virtue of race. This is due to a need for people who are not well off to elevate their status, if only in their own minds. Macdonald (2000). Another interesting portion of the article touches on racial profiling. The author writes about a study conducted by Kowalski and Lundman (2007) in which they studied vehicle stop and vehicle search data as well as citizen observation reporting police...
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...------------------------------------------------- University of Phoenix Material Social Structure Matrix Complete both parts of this worksheet. Part 1 – Social Roles and Status Complete the following matrix by answering each in one or two sentences. Question | Answer | StatusIdentify the different statuses you hold in society, both ascribed and achieved. | Some ascribed rolls I carry are the roll of: Son, male, and latino.An achieved roll would be: Manager, High School Graduate, and traveler. | Master StatusIdentify your master status in society. | My master status is that I am the son of immigrant parents, achived career success at a young age, and the eldest of my siblings. | Social RolesDescribe the roles associated with the various statuses identified above. | I would say I am a manager as a profession, a college student, a son, a brother, a friend, boyfriend, grandson, nephew, an collegue. | Role conflict, strain, exitDiscuss a time when you experienced either role conflict, role strain, or role exit. | I experienced roll strain when I was promoted and my requirements skyrocketed soon-after, I was instantly placed in a category where I was suppose to know all the answers and say the right things. It was a big challenge to overcome. | GroupsIdentify one primary group and one secondary group to which you belong. | My romantic relationship would serve as a primary and my workplace as a second. | Norms, sanctions, and valuesDescribe the norms...
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...Soc 100 Assignment 10 1. Explain the four stages of demographic transition theory. The first stage of demographic transition theory is the preindustrial, agrarian stage. In this society they have high birth rates because of the economic value of children as labor meanwhile they also have high death rates due to the low living standards and lack of medical technology. The second stage is the onset of industrialization in which death rates began to fall due to greater food supplies, yet birth rates remain high causing a rapid population growth. In the third stage, a mature industrial society, the higher standard of living makes raising children expensive and without the need for cheap child labor children become a liability so birth rates drop along with the continued drop in death rates. The postindustrial society stage is where demographic transition completes, dual income families with few children become the norm and death rates remain steady causing a slow population growth or a decline. In this theory it is easy to see how a society’s population is linked to its technological development. 2. Explain what you think the urban ecology theories and the urban political economy theory teach us about cities. Urban ecology theory explains that the first cities emerged in fertile farmlands where the agrarian society’s lived, then as the societies became more concerned with defense they found natural landscapes to protect their cities such as mountains or rivers....
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...Applying Sociological Perspectives Stephanie Ann Tombline SOC/100 May 30, 2016 Jennifer Hudgins Applying Sociological Perspectives Social networking sites - such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, and, Pinterest, just to name a few - provide individuals with an online web of global networking that allows maintaining social ties with one another. Sociologists often ponder, "How do these social websites impact society?" Above all, this is the question that is the central focus shared by all three of the primary sociological perspectives (Structural Functionalism, Conflict Theory, and, Symbolic Interactionism) when studying and performing research on the topic. Otherwise, the three paradigms of sociological theories are differentiating interpretations of how they perceive social networking sites. Namely, I find this subject intriguing because humans are perpetually seeking innovations intended to ameliorate the quality of life, and diverse opinions pertinent to the effect on the gamut of society and individuals within a community, is inevitable. Albeit, each perspective's view generated as a result of these social milestones, equally hold valid points. Therefore, while social networking sites provide a multitude of beneficial improvements to the world, there are just as many issues that arise, and all three sociological perspectives serve to complement one another in the comprehension of social media networks and the sway they bring to societies. As Viewed Through...
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...University of Phoenix Material Social Structure Matrix Part 1 – Social Roles and Status |Status |The two different statuses I hold are unemployed and being a mother and a student. Being unemployed | |Identify the different statuses you hold |would fall under ascribed. And being a mother and student would fall under achieved. | |in society, both ascribed and achieved. | | |Master Status |My mastery status in society would be a parent. | |Identify your master status in society. | | |Social Roles |My role as a parent is a very important responsibility. I have to always be a mother. Even when | |Describe the roles associated with the |times get tough. | |various statuses identified above. | | |Role conflict, strain, exit |I experienced a role conflict. I was hospitalized due to a gallblatter removal. It was unexpected. | |Discuss a time when you experienced |It was hard because I never had surgery before...
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...SOC 100 Assignment 3 Obesity in America Click Link Below To Buy: http://hwcampus.com/shop/soc-100-assignment-3-obesity-in-america/ Due Week 9 and worth 65 points Obesity in America is considered an epidemic. There are many contributing factors to obesity (both childhood and adult), such as biological, environmental, social, or economic factors. Review the information on obesity on pages 383 to 385 in the textbook. You may also use the Internet or Strayer Library to research obesity and its causes. Suggested Reading: • “What Are the Health Risks of Overweight and Obesity?” located at http://www.nhlbi.nih.gov/health/health-topics/topics/obe/risks.html Write a one to two page (1-2) page essay in which you: 1. Describe the effect that obesity (childhood and / or adult) has had on you personally or your community. 2. Select one (1) contributing factor to childhood or adult obesity. Recommend two (2) preventative measures related to the selected factor that people can take in order to reduce their chance of becoming obese. 3. Discuss one (1) sociological theory that relates to the selected contributing factor to obesity. Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements: • Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides. Check with your professor for any additional instructions. • To keep this essay short and manageable, your only sources for the essay should be the article from the National Heart, Lung...
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...The most influential person in my life has often stated that “taking risks and overcoming obstacles promotes important discoveries in your life and work.” The most important experience in my life sought me out. It happened to me; I didn’t cause it. However, I am so grateful for that experience because it has changed me in a magnificent way. I have discovered many things about myself as well as others that have benefited my maturity. As I sat at the dining room table one Tuesday night awaiting dinner, I felt as though my world was starting to crash down around me. School, work, friends, and just life in general were stressing me out, not to mention thoughts of the future. I was suddenly faced with the most devastating news of my life; or so I thought. My mother has always been my most adamant supporter but as she sat there, telling me that I would have to pay for my college tuition, I couldn’t help but feel nothing less of hatred for her. The lack of my parents’ financial support has motivated me to prove that I can and will achieve my dreams. As a result of this experience, I am currently in school while holding two jobs at the same time which takes a great deal of responsibility and a considerable amount of time. Working two jobs and staying in school is not exactly what I call fun. However, it is worth the trouble knowing that I get a lesson about responsibility out of it. All this hard work has taught me how to be responsible. I can use this example now and put it into use...
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...康复治疗的运动学基础 江钟立 2008年 运动学是研究人体活动的科学,所涉及的基础内容主要包括生物力学和生理学。生物力学是应用力学的原理来分析人体运动规律的科学,运动生理学则是研究运动中人体主要系统和脏器功能生理效应规律的科学,两者均是康复治疗学的重要理论基础。正确认识各运动器官的力学特性及其在运动中的相互作用和生理功能,对创伤和疾病的预防、治疗和康复都极为重要。 一、运动力学基础 (一)人体生物力学的概念 1、人体力的种类 力学是研究物体间相互作用的力与物体发生位移(运动)之间关系的物理学分支。自然界常见的力有重力、引力、压力等,这些力作用于物体使之发生位置或状态的改变,物体之间发生位置变化的过程称之为运动。与人体运动有关的力主要有内力和外力两种。 (1)内力 是指人体内部各种组织器官相互作用的力。其中最重要的首先是肌肉收缩所产生的主动拉力,是维持人体姿势和产生运动的动力;其次是各种组织器官的被动阻力,包括肌肉、骨、软骨、关节囊、韧带、筋膜等受压力或拉力作用时对抗变形的阻力,躯体的惯性力和内脏器官间的摩擦力及其固定装置(如腹膜、肠系膜、大血管等)的阻力等。 (2)外力 是指外界环境作用于人体的力,包括重力、器械的阻力、支撑反作用力、摩擦力及流体作用力。各种外力经常被利用来作为运动训练的负荷,这种负荷要求肢体运动的方向和力量与之相适应,因而选择投入工作的肌群及其收缩强度,这是肌力训练的方法学理论基础。 2、人体杠杆 人的躯体运动遵循杠杆原理,各种复杂动作都可分解为一系列的杠杆运动。杠杆包括支点、力点和阻力点。支点到力点的垂直距离为力臂,支点到阻力点的垂直距离为阻力臂。根据杠杆上三个点的不同位置关系,可将杠杆分成三类: (1)第1类杠杆(平衡杠杆) 其支点位于力点与阻力点之间。如头颅与脊柱的连结,支点位于寰枕关节的额状轴上,力点(如斜方肌、肩胛提肌、头夹肌等的作用点)在支点的后方,阻力点(头的重心)位于支点的前方。主要作用是传递动力和保持平衡,支点靠近力点时有增大速度和幅度的作用,支点靠近阻力点时有省力的作用。 (2)第2类杠杆(省力杠杆) 其阻力点位于力点和支点的之间。如站立位提踵时,以跖趾关节为支点,小腿三头肌以粗大的跟腱附着于跟骨上的止点为力点,人体重力通过距骨体形成阻力点,在跗骨与跖骨构成的杠杆中位于支点和力点之间。这类杠杆力臂始终大于阻力臂,可用较小的力来克服较大的阻力,有利于作功。 (3)第3类杠杆(速度杠杆) 其力点位于阻力点和支点的之间。如肱二头肌屈起前臂的动作,支点在肘关节中心,力点(肱二头肌在桡骨粗隆上的止点)在支点和阻力点(手及所持重物的重心)的中间。此类杠杆因为力臂始终小于阻力臂,力必须大于阻力才能引起运动,不省力,但可以获得较大的运动速度。人体活动大部分是速度杠杆。 (二)运动平面和运动轴 记述人体运动通常采用基本姿势位,将人体运动的方向用三个相互垂直的平面和轴来表示。 1、基本姿势位 (1)基本姿势位 是人体运动的始发姿势。身体直立,面向前,双目平视,双足并立,足尖向前,双手下垂于身体两侧,掌心贴于体侧。 (2)解剖学体位 是阐述人体各部位结构位置关系时采用的体位。身体直立,双眼向前平视,两脚跟靠拢,足尖向前,两上肢垂于躯干两侧,手掌向前。 2、基本运动平面 人体可分为三个基本运动平面,即矢状面、额状面和水平面,相互间呈垂直状。矢状面是...
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...How would you describe yourself as a human being? I’m honest, responsible, and dedicated. What are the reasons for your interests? Analyze your childhood. How were your interests shaped from your upbringing? I was growing up spending most of time in my mother’s small clinic. Mother alone diagnost symptoms and prescribe medication for the patient. when I was finally older enough to help mother in her clinic, she was thrilled to have me as a little helper. I’ve witness a lot of pain and suffer. I’ve seen the terminal cancer patient lying there in pain, begging to die. I’ve heard the scream of women give birth to a child. I’ve seen mothers crying hysterically because her child is severely injured. I have always wished that I could help them. My father had type 1 diabetic. He was my long term patient until I came to US in 1999. Mother taught me how to give insulin injection to my father. And monitoring father’s diet. Father past away 2004. Please tell us about your career goals and any plans you may have for graduate study. I wish to become a pharmacist specialized in diabetic. Most common type 2 diabetic is a chronic disease that can be cure with cautiously monitoring and adjusting diet plus exercise. Who was the most influential person in your life? How did this person make you want to become better? That is certainly my mother. I admired her; she’s a hard working woman with a kindest heart. Mother works more than 10 hours day, 7 days a week. she...
Words: 441 - Pages: 2
...theatrical performance is referred to as: • Presentation of self • Theatrical socialization • Dramaturgical approach • Shakespearean social interaction Question 4 The unspoken classroom socialization to the norms, values, and roles of a culture that school provides is referred to as: • Textbook socialization • Socialization curriculum • Curriculum of inequality • Hidden curriculum Question 5 Which of the following behaviors is most likely the result of family socialization? • Texting and holding a face-to-face conversation at the same time • Standing during the playing of the national anthem • Arriving to an important appointment 15 minutes early • Performing specific household chores Want SOC 100 midterm exam part 2 answer download now SOC 100 Midterm Exam Part 2 Question 6 Adopting the behavior or standards of a group you emulate or hope to join is referred to as: • Conformity • Clique socialization • Anticipatory socialization • Pro-active conformity Question 7 The ability of groups to exclude outsiders...
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...SOC 100 Midterm Exam Part 1 – Assignment Question 1 _____ is considered the first female sociologist and argued that injustices such as slavery and women’s inequality stunted a society’s moral development. • Auguste Comte • Émile Durkheim • Karl Marx • Harriet Martineau Question 2 The ability of individuals and groups to exercise free will and to make social change is referred to as: • Structure • Agency • Free choice • Individualism Question 3 Patterned social arrangements that have an enabling or constraining effect on agency are referred to as: • Structure • Institutions • Free will • Socialization Question 4 Accepted social behaviors and beliefs are referred to as: • Norms • Culture • Social status • Values Question 5 The relationship between agency and structure is _____, as ______. • one-sided, agency influences structure • one-sided, structure enables or constrains agency • reciprocal, they both have an effect on one another • nonexistent, there is no relationship between the two Find the midterm exam answers here just a click away SOC 100 Midterm Exam Part 1 - Assignment Question 6 _____ established the first rules for conducting sociological research and examined the impact of modern society on social solidarity. • Auguste Comte • Émile Durkheim • Karl Marx • Harriet Martineau Question 7 _____ believed that nearly all known societies are characterized by some system of division by economic class, which...
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...Racial Profiling is a form of discrimination by which an individual’s race or cultural background is used as the primary reason to suspect that the individual has broken the law. Shopping while black, Driving while black, and Stop-and-Frisk are commonly used phrases and laws that are associated with racial profiling that have recently made headlines on multiple occasions in the past year. Shopping while black is the racial profiling term used when an individual is accused of shoplifting or other unlawful act while in a marketplace. There have been two major stories in the headlines recently involving racial profiling. The first incident involves Rob Brown the star of HBO’s “Treme” is filing a class action lawsuit against Macy’s for accusing him of providing a fake credit card to make a purchase and detaining him in a cell for 45 minutes. The other incident involves Barneys’ New York an American chain of luxury department stores headquartered in New York City. In this particular incident an 18 year old college student was arrested for allegedly providing a fake debit card when purchasing a $349.00 belt. This story has managed to get extended time in the headlines because Barneys is currently endorsed by renowned hip-hop, business mogul Shawn “Jay-Z” Carter. While these are not the only two racial profiling incidences that have occurred, they have gained mainstream media attention because they involve celebrities which shines a bright light on this type of discrimination that...
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...SOC 100 WEEK 6 QUIZ 5 STR NEW To purchase this tutorial visit here: http://wiseamerican.us/product/soc-100-week-6-quiz-5-str-new/ contact us at: SUPPORT@WISEAMERICAN.US SOC 100 Week 6 Quiz 5 – STR NEW SOC 100 WEEK 6 QUIZ 5 STR NEW To purchase this tutorial visit here: http://wiseamerican.us/product/soc-100-week-6-quiz-5-str-new/ contact us at: SUPPORT@WISEAMERICAN.US SOC 100 Week 6 Quiz 5 – STR NEW SOC 100 WEEK 6 QUIZ 5 STR NEW To purchase this tutorial visit here: http://wiseamerican.us/product/soc-100-week-6-quiz-5-str-new/ contact us at: SUPPORT@WISEAMERICAN.US SOC 100 Week 6 Quiz 5 – STR NEW SOC 100 WEEK 6 QUIZ 5 STR NEW To purchase this tutorial visit here: http://wiseamerican.us/product/soc-100-week-6-quiz-5-str-new/ contact us at: SUPPORT@WISEAMERICAN.US SOC 100 Week 6 Quiz 5 – STR NEW SOC 100 WEEK 6 QUIZ 5 STR NEW To purchase this tutorial visit here: http://wiseamerican.us/product/soc-100-week-6-quiz-5-str-new/ contact us at: SUPPORT@WISEAMERICAN.US SOC 100 Week 6 Quiz 5 – STR NEW SOC 100 WEEK 6 QUIZ 5 STR NEW To purchase this tutorial visit here: http://wiseamerican.us/product/soc-100-week-6-quiz-5-str-new/ contact us at: SUPPORT@WISEAMERICAN.US SOC 100 Week 6 Quiz 5 – STR NEW SOC 100 WEEK 6 QUIZ 5 STR NEW To purchase this tutorial visit here: http://wiseamerican.us/product/soc-100-week-6-quiz-5-str-new/ contact us at: SUPPORT@WISEAMERICAN.US SOC 100 Week 6 Quiz 5 – STR...
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...SOC 100 WEEK 3 ASSIGNMENT 1 PART 1 To purchase this tutorial visit here: http://wiseamerican.us/product/soc-100-week-3-assignment-1-part-1/ contact us at: SUPPORT@WISEAMERICAN.US SOC 100 WEEK 3 Assignment 1 – Part 1 Identifying the Hypothesis SOC 100 WEEK 3 ASSIGNMENT 1 PART 1 To purchase this tutorial visit here: http://wiseamerican.us/product/soc-100-week-3-assignment-1-part-1/ contact us at: SUPPORT@WISEAMERICAN.US SOC 100 WEEK 3 Assignment 1 – Part 1 Identifying the Hypothesis SOC 100 WEEK 3 ASSIGNMENT 1 PART 1 To purchase this tutorial visit here: http://wiseamerican.us/product/soc-100-week-3-assignment-1-part-1/ contact us at: SUPPORT@WISEAMERICAN.US SOC 100 WEEK 3 Assignment 1 – Part 1 Identifying the Hypothesis SOC 100 WEEK 3 ASSIGNMENT 1 PART 1 To purchase this tutorial visit here: http://wiseamerican.us/product/soc-100-week-3-assignment-1-part-1/ contact us at: SUPPORT@WISEAMERICAN.US SOC 100 WEEK 3 Assignment 1 – Part 1 Identifying the Hypothesis SOC 100 WEEK 3 ASSIGNMENT 1 PART 1 To purchase this tutorial visit here: http://wiseamerican.us/product/soc-100-week-3-assignment-1-part-1/ contact us at: SUPPORT@WISEAMERICAN.US SOC 100 WEEK 3 Assignment 1 – Part 1 Identifying the Hypothesis SOC 100 WEEK 3 ASSIGNMENT 1 PART 1 To purchase this tutorial visit here: http://wiseamerican.us/product/soc-100-week-3-assignment-1-part-1/ contact us at: SUPPORT@WISEAMERICAN.US SOC 100 WEEK 3 Assignment 1 – Part 1 Identifying the Hypothesis SOC 100...
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