...SOC 322 Final Paper Click Link Below To Buy: http://hwcampus.com/shop/soc-322-final-paper/ OVERVIEW The Final Paper presents an overview of the topics of the course framed within one of the people groups studied, demonstrating the student’s’ ability to integrate the readings, writing assignments, and key term into a seminal project. FINAL PAPER TOPIC • The paper requires you to choose one of the people groups studied in the course and apply as many applicable social theories from the coursework as are appropriate. It will be supported by other work related to that people group such as movie reviews, discussion boards, article research, key words, and the like. Students will include at least five sources from outside of the coursework to supplement the paper. The paper must show how pluralism, diversity, multiculturalism, ethnocentrism, racism, and assimilation are elements of American society. GUIDELINES • Your paper should be 6 to 8 pages (2200 – 2500 words) and should cover the directives already given. • You should follow accepted research approaches and citation format (APA). • Your paper must be double-spaced in Times New Roman 12 point font. • It is to include a simple title page in Times New Roman 12 point font including Name of paper, Course, Professor, School, Date, Student Name. It is NOT to include any pictures or artwork. • Your paper must include an APA-style reference page that shows the sources used. • Your paper should be well developed and...
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...Running head: ETHICAL ISSUES IN MANAGEMENT PAPER Ethical Issues in Management Paper Carl Meyer University of Phoenix Ethical Issues in Management Paper First let’s explore the current moral and ethical issues involving managers pertaining to disciplinary actions within their organization. Secondly let’s explain how the relationship between social issues and ethical responsible management practices which pertain to discipline. Lastly, provide a workplace example of an ethical dilemma pertaining to discipline. Also what legal aspects did management face during this dilemma and what legalities governed or should have governed the decision. First and foremost discipline is one of the major issues faced by managers regarding ethics, morals, and values. Managers must conduct themselves with the utmost diplomacy when dealing with disciplinary actions toward employees. Respect is a two way street and must be adhered to by both management and employees. Nothing is worst than a manager who says one thing but their actions tell a whole other story. Hypocritical managers lose respect from their employees. Managers who have certain attributes like honesty, integrity, and trust are taken more seriously when it comes to disciplinary actions. When dealing with discipline managers should also adhere to acceptable moral and ethical values of our society. Unfortunately not all managers in leadership positions exhibit the same value system of higher standards. Personally let’s go on the...
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...Final: Capital Punishment a just social problem SOC 203 Intro to Social Problems The debate of capital punishment will always generate passion, it is one of the most debated issues in the Criminal Justice system. The absence of capital punishment would prove a greater problem for the sake of society. Many opponents will argue the death penalty should be abolished, they fail to offer up any comparable alternatives for the crime for murder. It is a harsh punishment but, in all fairness, the punishment fits the crime. Capital punishment does what the name suggests: it punishes and it removes the notion that one can kill and get away with it. It serves as a deterrent for those contemplating murder and in the end, it brings justice. Capital punishment defends the sanctity of life and until we evolve to the place where murders are no longer a part of our society, we must punish this crime fairly. To know we have removed a murdering criminal from the street is a relief thankful to deterrence of violent crime, retribution, Christianity, and innocence. One argument for the death penalty is the fact that it deters crime. Those enticed by killing someone might think twice if they know their life will be taken as a consequence. Joanna Shepherd explores the history of capital punishment and explains that while many studies produced mixed results, modern economic studies reveal executions “significantly deter murders” (Shepherd). In addition, Wesley Lowe reports when the death penalty...
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...Ethical Concerns of Consumer Tracking Name SOC 120: Introduction to Ethics & Social Responsibility Instructor September 2014 Ethical Concerns of Consumer Tracking The practice of consumer tracking has become commonplace through various public avenues, but there are certain aspects of this practice that could be construed as an invasion of privacy. There are so many activities that can be monitored in today’s technologically driven society. Retail outlets and other organizations have countless reasons to track their consumer or client base. The ethical concern is determining where to draw the line when collecting data or monitoring activity. Many companies will use the classical ethical theory of utilitarianism as the basis for collecting data from their consumer or client base. Kurt Mosser describes utilitarianism as an action that is chosen because it produces the best possible results for the greatest number of people (Mosser, 2013). At the corporate level, data is often collected to strengthen the operational processes of the business. This practice is often considered harmless by the businesses involved because their intent is not to use the accumulated personal information for any reason other than to improve the business. While previously working at the corporate headquarters for a retail organization, I was able to observe the practice of consumer tracking as it evolved. This particular organization purchased precious...
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...This document of SOC 320 Week 5 Assignment Final Paper contains: Environmental Concerns and Public Policy Sociology - General Sociology Final Paper Your 8 to 10 page final paper is to be a comprehensive research study on one of the following Public Policy topics: Social Security Health Care Welfare Primary and Secondary Public Education Environmental Concerns You will identify relevant material consistent with the focus of the topic using scholarly journals and professional websites with authored material (not popular Internet sites). Your analysis of the selected topic must include the following: The scope and nature of the public policy problem The evolution of public policy Evaluation of policy, the actors involved The intergovernmental structure and political concerns The approaches to policy setting The suggested policy direction that is supported by research In addition to the textbook, you must use a minimum of six resources from the Ashford Online Library Database, academic websites or professional journals and organizations in the field of Sociology. You are encouraged to analyze your findings and avoid over-use of direct quotations. Writing the Final Paper The Research Paper: Must be eight double-spaced pages in length and formatted according to APA style as outlined in the approved APA style guide. Must include a cover page that includes: Student's name Course name...
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...NTC 406 Week 3 Individual Assignment Bandwidth is a Rate at which electronic signals can travel through a medium, such as a wire, cable, or channel or capacity of network to transmit data on network. There are different transmissions medium such as audio video and voice. Bandwidth need is different in the all because these all are different data format. In analog transmission (such as of voice signals over copper telephone lines) bandwidth is measured in cycles per second (or Hertz); for example, a telephone conversation requires about 4,000 Hertz (4 KHz) of bandwidth. In digital transmission (such as of data from one computer to another) bandwidth is measured in bits per second (BPS); for example, modern modems can send and receive data at 56,000 bps (56 Kbps) over ordinary telephone lines. For the same amount of data, digital transmission requires more bandwidth than the analog transmission, and different types of data require very different bandwidths. For example, full motion video normally requires about 10 million bits per second (10 Mbps) bandwidth which is sufficient to carry 1,200 simultaneous telephone conversations. A typical voice signal has a bandwidth of approximately three kilohertz (3 kHz); an analog television (TV) broadcast video signal has a bandwidth of six megahertz (6 MHz) -- some 2,000 times as wide as the voice signal. Three bandwidth techniques involves are as like Traffic Management/QoS, Caching and Compression so these are different bandwidth...
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...CPS – Hurt Page 1 Child Protection Services (CPS) and How Juveniles Are Affected Jessie Hurt SOC-331 Social Justice & Ethics Instructor Jen Brockel January 14th, 2013 CPS - Hurt Page 2 “Nearly five children die every day in America from abuse and neglect, and in 2010, an estimated 1,560 children died from abuse and neglect in the United States.” (Alliance, 2012) Children who are being abused and taken from their families, put into foster care systems and/or even adopted out to other families, these children are far more likely to turn to the streets and drugs as a result of their circumstances. Although Child Protection Services (CPS) has changed from the early 1800’s one problem still remains in effect and that is trying to prevent juvenile delinquency through this service, because numerous mistreated children make the jump from innocence to delinquency and find themselves in the juvenile justice system, other systems of care, or in extreme cases they find themselves in adult criminal court. “As child abuse and/ or neglect increases the risk of arrest as a juvenile by 55% and the risk of committing a violent crime by 96%.” (Bilchik & Nash, Fall 2008) Child Protection Services (CPS) history in America is divided into 3 eras. The first era was from colonial times until 1875 and was known as being the “era before organized protection” (Myers, 2008) and the...
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...SOC 318 Week 5 Final Paper Movies and Sports https://hwguiders.com/downloads/soc-318-week-5-final-paper-movies-and-sports SOC 318 Week 5 Final Paper Movies and Sports Our society has historically and still to this day dealt with a multitude of issues that profoundly divide cultures, institutions, organizations and more importantly people. Sports can instantly be placed in this category when matters related to segregation, race and ethnicity are interrelated. I have selected the movie “Remember the Titans” to discuss the impacts of the aforesaid as they pertain to sports throughout this paper. In 2000, Remember the Titans was an American sports drama motion picture centered upon legendary African American football coach Herman Boone who was portrayed by mega-star Denzel Washington. (Wikipedia, 2015 ) This movie was not only one of the best-selling and entertaining movies of its year, but offered audiences a comprehensive representation of communal actions and conducts in the lives of people similar to themselves. I will dissect Remember the Titans via credible arguments (realistic conflict theory), various social approaches (cultural theory) and the fundamentals of racial discrimination (racism).(Coakley, 2014) Realistic conflict theory “is a social psychological model of intergroup conflict.”(Baumeister & Vohs, 2007)“it illustrates how intergroup conflict can arise as a result of conflicting goals and competition over limited resources, and it also offers an explanation...
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...SOC 318 Week 5 Final Paper Movies and Sports https://hwguiders.com/downloads/soc-318-week-5-final-paper-movies-and-sports SOC 318 Week 5 Final Paper Movies and Sports Our society has historically and still to this day dealt with a multitude of issues that profoundly divide cultures, institutions, organizations and more importantly people. Sports can instantly be placed in this category when matters related to segregation, race and ethnicity are interrelated. I have selected the movie “Remember the Titans” to discuss the impacts of the aforesaid as they pertain to sports throughout this paper. In 2000, Remember the Titans was an American sports drama motion picture centered upon legendary African American football coach Herman Boone who was portrayed by mega-star Denzel Washington. (Wikipedia, 2015 ) This movie was not only one of the best-selling and entertaining movies of its year, but offered audiences a comprehensive representation of communal actions and conducts in the lives of people similar to themselves. I will dissect Remember the Titans via credible arguments (realistic conflict theory), various social approaches (cultural theory) and the fundamentals of racial discrimination (racism).(Coakley, 2014) Realistic conflict theory “is a social psychological model of intergroup conflict.”(Baumeister & Vohs, 2007)“it illustrates how intergroup conflict can arise as a result of conflicting goals and competition over limited resources, and it also offers an explanation...
Words: 408 - Pages: 2
...DeVry SOCS 350 Week 7 Course Project; Final Paper IF You Want To Purchase A+ Work Then Click The Link Below , Instant Download http://www.hwspeed.com/DeVry-SOCS-350-Week-7-Course-Project-Final-Paper-489349003.htm?categoryId=-1 If You Face Any Problem E- Mail Us At JOHNMATE1122@Gmail.Com Laws Regarding Same-Sex Marriages in Maryland Custody and Federal Benefits Traditionally, marriage is described in the constitution as the union between one man and one woman. It is also known as a heterosexual marriage. On the other hand, the union between two individuals of the same sex is referred to as same-sex marriage, gay marriage or homosexual marriage. The term marriage implies the union is recognized legally, religiously and socially. The individuals in a same-sex marriage should be accorded the same rights and protections as heterosexual couples. Same-sex couples use the bill of rights to further the cause that accords them the same rights and privileges as heterosexual couples. Same-sex couples face social and religious opposition to their chosen sexual orientation. Family isolates them and the society judges them. Gays and lesbians are not conventional they fall outside of the socially accepted way of being. In recent years, they have received protection from opponents and bigots from the government. It has been in the form of rights and privileges provided for under the bill of rights. Gays and lesbian may not be discriminated, but that does...
Words: 279 - Pages: 2
...SOC 308 Week 5 Final Paper Indias Caste System https://hwguiders.com/downloads/soc-308-week-5-final-paper-indias-caste-system SOC 308 Week 5 Final Paper Indias Caste System The Unique Caste System of India: Within India’s society there is a lot of controversy surrounding their Caste system. India’s daily events consist of Dalits that are assaulted, raped, butchered, abused, shamelessly mutilated and shot without any regard for the consequences of the people committing these violent acts. There are numerous deaths concerning women who are pregnant due to bribe non-payments at hospitals ran by the government, falling in love with a woman from a caste more superior from their own and even rumors of people being boiled to death for nothing more than an argument with their boss. India’s society has been one of democracy for many years, but the structure socially practices the caste system in terms of having no regard for law abolishment. Attempts have been considered useless after several efforts to abolish the caste segregation and adaptation through national and international means failed. The profoundly instilled caste system is a problem of social proportions that demand a vast commitment internationally and domestically. These commitments will help us understand why these practices are still in place and what specific measures will be needed for the removal of this system. Caste association in India has caused more than a million people within society to be plagued...
Words: 483 - Pages: 2
...SOC 308 Week 5 Final Paper Indias Caste System https://hwguiders.com/downloads/soc-308-week-5-final-paper-indias-caste-system SOC 308 Week 5 Final Paper Indias Caste System The Unique Caste System of India: Within India’s society there is a lot of controversy surrounding their Caste system. India’s daily events consist of Dalits that are assaulted, raped, butchered, abused, shamelessly mutilated and shot without any regard for the consequences of the people committing these violent acts. There are numerous deaths concerning women who are pregnant due to bribe non-payments at hospitals ran by the government, falling in love with a woman from a caste more superior from their own and even rumors of people being boiled to death for nothing more than an argument with their boss. India’s society has been one of democracy for many years, but the structure socially practices the caste system in terms of having no regard for law abolishment. Attempts have been considered useless after several efforts to abolish the caste segregation and adaptation through national and international means failed. The profoundly instilled caste system is a problem of social proportions that demand a vast commitment internationally and domestically. These commitments will help us understand why these practices are still in place and what specific measures will be needed for the removal of this system. Caste association in India has caused more than a million people within society to be plagued...
Words: 483 - Pages: 2
...DeVry SOCS 350 Week 7 Course Project; Final Paper IF You Want To Purchase A+ Work Then Click The Link Below , Instant Download http://www.hwspeed.com/DeVry-SOCS-350-Week-7-Course-Project-Final-Paper-489349003.htm?categoryId=-1 If You Face Any Problem E- Mail Us At JOHNMATE1122@Gmail.Com Laws Regarding Same-Sex Marriages in Maryland Custody and Federal Benefits Traditionally, marriage is described in the constitution as the union between one man and one woman. It is also known as a heterosexual marriage. On the other hand, the union between two individuals of the same sex is referred to as same-sex marriage, gay marriage or homosexual marriage. The term marriage implies the union is recognized legally, religiously and socially. The individuals in a same-sex marriage should be accorded the same rights and protections as heterosexual couples. Same-sex couples use the bill of rights to further the cause that accords them the same rights and privileges as heterosexual couples. Same-sex couples face social and religious opposition to their chosen sexual orientation. Family isolates them and the society judges them. Gays and lesbians are not conventional they fall outside of the socially accepted way of being. In recent years, they have received protection from opponents and bigots from the government. It has been in the form of rights and privileges provided for under the bill of rights. Gays and lesbian may not be discriminated, but that does...
Words: 279 - Pages: 2
...SOC 402 Week 5 Final Paper Social Issues and the Workplace https://homeworklance.com/downloads/soc-402-week-5-final-paper-social-issues-workplace/ Social Issues and the Workplace For the Final Paper, you will choose a social issue affecting the workplace and working environment, and develop a paper that thoroughly discusses the issue from both the workplace and societal viewpoints. Be sure to include the positive and negative aspects of the issue in relation to the workplace, society, and workers, especially the unique worker groups who may be most affected (e.g., women, immigrants, LGBTQ citizens, the working or middle classes, and racial, ethnic or cultural groups). Analyze how the issue could be positively supported using various social controls (e.g., laws, organizational policies/practices, training/education, government or corporate involvement, or social change) and recommend interventions in these areas. In addition, discuss the potential social or economic benefits which may result if your recommendations were implemented. Choose one of the following social issues: • The role of women in leadership • Faith-based decision making in business (hiring and customers served) • The use of immigrant labor in California • Sexual harassment • Executive versus worker compensation disparity • The gender wage gap • Whistleblowing The paper must be eight to ten double-spaced pages in length (excluding the title and reference pages) and formatted according to APA style...
Words: 503 - Pages: 3
...SOC 100 WEEK 10 ASSIGNMENT 4 PART 4 To purchase this tutorial visit here: http://wiseamerican.us/product/soc-100-week-10-assignment-4-part-4/ contact us at: SUPPORT@WISEAMERICAN.US SOC 100 WEEK 10 Assignment 4 – Part 4 Investigate a Social Issue – Final Paper SOC 100 WEEK 10 ASSIGNMENT 4 PART 4 To purchase this tutorial visit here: http://wiseamerican.us/product/soc-100-week-10-assignment-4-part-4/ contact us at: SUPPORT@WISEAMERICAN.US SOC 100 WEEK 10 Assignment 4 – Part 4 Investigate a Social Issue – Final Paper SOC 100 WEEK 10 ASSIGNMENT 4 PART 4 To purchase this tutorial visit here: http://wiseamerican.us/product/soc-100-week-10-assignment-4-part-4/ contact us at: SUPPORT@WISEAMERICAN.US SOC 100 WEEK 10 Assignment 4 – Part 4 Investigate a Social Issue – Final Paper SOC 100 WEEK 10 ASSIGNMENT 4 PART 4 To purchase this tutorial visit here: http://wiseamerican.us/product/soc-100-week-10-assignment-4-part-4/ contact us at: SUPPORT@WISEAMERICAN.US SOC 100 WEEK 10 Assignment 4 – Part 4 Investigate a Social Issue – Final Paper SOC 100 WEEK 10 ASSIGNMENT 4 PART 4 To purchase this tutorial visit here: http://wiseamerican.us/product/soc-100-week-10-assignment-4-part-4/ contact us at: SUPPORT@WISEAMERICAN.US SOC 100 WEEK 10 Assignment 4 – Part 4 Investigate a Social Issue – Final Paper SOC 100 WEEK 10 ASSIGNMENT 4 PART 4 To purchase this tutorial visit here: http://wiseamerican.us/product/soc-100-week-10-assignment-4-part-4/ contact us at: SUPPORT@WISEAMERICAN...
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