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Submitted By mahal19
Words 295
Pages 2
Equal Rights Proposition Outline
Racial Profiling of Mid-Eastern People in U.S. airports
SOC 315
December 12, 2011

Equal Rights Proposition Outline
A. 65 percent are in the labor force B. Lower income than the national level
A. Women labor force participation is higher B. Fewer immigrant women work than born in the U.S. Opportunities A. 73 percent work in the field
(Technical, sales, managerial, professional) B. Income 22 percent higher than the U.S. average income
SECTION 2: HOW SOCIETY HAS CONSTRUCTED THIS GROUPS IDENTITY A. Sustained animosity originating in the attacks of 9/11 B. Areas with dense Muslim population C. Community Participation by people of Middle Eastern descent.
The Fifth Amendment A. Obey its own laws when dealing with people B. Constitutional rights to be free of arbitrary actions C. Freedoms guaranteed in the bill of Rights
SECTION 4: SUMMARY OF EXISTING OR PROPOSED SOLUTIONS OF DIFFERING GROUPS. A. House Research Department (Cleary, 2000) B. TSA Security Directive SD-1544-09-06 (Burningham, 2011) C. U.S. Equal Opportunity
Does Mid-Eastern Racial Profiling in airports exist in other countries?

A. United States B. Tel Aviv, Israel C. London, England D. Bali, Indonesia
How is it handled by differing groups? A. Policies B. Group/Cultural Concerns
SECTION 6: TEAM B’s COMPROMISE OR ALTERNATIVE TO EXISTING SOLUTIONS A. Increased education about Middle Eastern culture/religion in the U.S. society B. General Education of airport security and rules.

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