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Social Consequences Of Marijuana Legalization In The United States

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Cannabis legislation has never been closer to legalization in the whole country. The issue of marijuana legalization can be viewed from a few different perspectives. An individual can be opposed to legalization of marijuana, approve marijuana legalization, or feel that marijuana legalization does not affect him or her. Why not legalize cannabis? Legalizing Marijuana could potentially lead to a drop in the crime rate. Legalization could also help the economy by bringing in a new industry rivaling that of tobacco and alcohol. Marijuana can also be used medicinally to benefit those unfortunate individuals who are suffering from pains and illnesses.
Marijuana Legalization would decrease the crime rate substantially. The social consequences of Marijuana policy making are large and unproductive. The Editorial Board of the New York Times stated that," There were 658,000 arrests for marijuana possession in 2012, according to FBI figures, compared with 256,000 for cocaine, heroin and their derivatives." Inmates incarcerated on marijuana-related charges cost U.S. prisons $1 billion annually, according to a 2007 study. Legalizing Cannabis would directly effect this variable because most individuals are arrested for possession alone. Especially African Americans. Even the police themselves condone marijuana legalization. "(LEAP) Law …show more content…
It has been predicted that the industry is expected to grow from 1.4billion or more by 2018. This is money that ultimately could make a large difference in thousands of people's lives. A wise decision would be to legalize it, regulate it, tax it, and mail

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