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Social Disorganization Theory Analysis

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Most theories of crime focus on the individual, but social disorganization theory focuses on the community. According to this theory, some communities experience high levels of crime while others do not. Problem solving is needed for a successful neighborhood or community to prevent high rates of crime and deviance. Quality of life and strong social actions also deter delinquency. This theory explains why crime committed by lower class communities is more prominent than neighborhoods from communities in better economic areas. An element of social disorganization theory is poverty. A lack of wealth can be due to lack of employment opportunities. When employment opportunities increase, we see residents flee to more secure and stable communities. When employment opportunities remain low, this is the beginning of economic deprivation. When economic deprivation occurs, social disorganization occurs which can lead to crime. Poverty can have a big influence on crime. When there are not any positive opportunities like employment, people may turn to other methods to put food on the table. The Chicago School of Criminology refers to work conducted by faculty to understand why crime and delinquency rates are higher in …show more content…
In the inner city, Anderson shows that there are many social evils like high rates of unemployment and teenage pregnancy. Learning the street code starts early in one's life from his or her parents to the street families who introduce them to such codes. The inner city seems to be morally decayed as it lacks role models to be copied by the youth and the economy favors few people. The inclination to violence springs from the circumstances of life among the ghetto poor--the lack of jobs that pay a living wage, the stigma of race, the fallout from rampant drug use and drug trafficking, and the resulting alienation and lack of hope for the

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