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Social Inequality In To Kill A Mockingbird

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Racial Inequality Have you ever been accused of something you did not do? Well back in the era of the 30’s Racial Inequality was a big problem where people would be treated differently, just because of their skin color. It is not nearly as big of a problem now, but it can still show up sometimes. In the story To Kill a Mockingbird this novel shows how much social inequality was a factor in daily life, and how people were treated differently in the era of segregation. A major point of this novel that ties it all together is that an African American man named Tom Robinson that was accused of rape by Mayella Ewell. Tom was treated very differently than all of the caucasians throughout the whole story, only because he was African American. …show more content…
Near the beginning Atticus had asked Heck Tate what side the bruises were on Mayella’s face. Heck Tate responded with "Oh yes, that'd make it her right. It was her right eye, Mr. Finch. I remember now, she was bunged up on that side of her face...." (Lee). This was a key part of the trial because shortly after this Atticus called Tom Robinson up to the stand and Tom could barely put his left hand on the bible. One of the first questions that Atticus asked Tom was what happened to his left arm. Tom’s response was "I got it caught in a cotton gin, caught it in Mr. Dolphus Raymond's cotton gin when I was a boy, it tore all the muscles loose from my bones" (Lee 186). This should have shown the jury that it would have been very hard for Tom to have hit Mayella on the right side of the face because his left arm was destroyed. Even though there was clear evidence that Tom Robinson did not commit the crime, the jury still charged him with the rape of Mayella Ewell.
In conclusion, the novel To Kill a Mockingbird had a very major theme of racial inequality. This novel shows how life was back in that era of time with people’s communities was so racially ruled. Since this was a big problem in that era of time people always thought African Americans were to blame if a crime occurred. This could be where most stereotypes came from. In today’s society people can still be racially ruled, but it is not as common. This

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