...This video is very pertinent to the world of health care and social media today. Social media is very controversial when it comes to health care. I agree that this is because of HIPAA and confidentiality. Even when a nurse does not mean to violate HIPAA, he or she may do so inadvertently. This could happen by giving enough information about a patient in context of a situation that happened during your shift that another person could discern who you are talking about. It could also happen by patient information being in the background of a photo that is taken. There are so many ways that HIPAA could be violated using social media that I feel it is better not to risk it. The hospital system I work for has recently started using Facebook. This is used for cute animal or health care posts, and to keep the community informed about what is going on at our hospital. Awards, new services, and other positive information is shared via the Facebook page. I think it is also important to point out that social media is being used by administrators and bosses in all professions, including health care, to research candidates for employment an even to check in on current staff. I can say that just today my boss and I were conducting phone interviews of prospective candidates for a job opening we have in our department. After hanging up with the last candidate I searched for her on Facebook. Not only did we find out she has a current job that she left off her resume, we also saw a post...
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...ImpactConsulting Services in Healthcare Wipro of Social Media Transforming Healthcare through Social Media www.wipro.com 3 4 Prevalent models of social media engagements in the healthcare industry ..... 6 Key concerns in using social media in Healthcare ......................................................... 7 The future implications of social media on Healthcare .............................................. 2 ....................................................................................................................................... Why is social media important in Healthcare? ................................................................ Contents Introduction 7 Conclusion ......................................................................................................................................... 8 About the author ......................................................................................................................... 9 References ......................................................................................................................... 9 Impact of Social Media in Healthcare www.wipro.com Introduction Social media has moved beyond being a tool for young individuals to share their private lives (pictures, messages) to fostering serious discussion on technology and business. Increasingly driven by regulatory pressures, the need “get...
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...demand for transparency in healthcare, and consumerism in healthcare, and really focusing on the end consumer, and social media may well emerge as a strong play there.” Social media is atwitter with similar sentiment. Our previous post, “Why Social Media in Healthcare?” resulted in important conversations on the topic during the first days of HIMSS 11. We have created this series, “Responding to Healthcare Consumerism with Social Media” in order to continue this important conversation. This series aims to identify the benefits and drawbacks of using social media and collaboration tools in healthcare, explore the doctor and patient communities currently interacting online, outline social media’s impact on the quality of care, and use current innovations to predict the future of social media collaboration in the healthcare industry. We will begin this series by identifying the benefits and drawbacks of social media, and collaboration tools in general, for participating healthcare organizations. Ultimately, it is my hope that enthusiasm around these benefits, and problem solving around the drawbacks, will fuel creation of a more consumer-centric healthcare system. Benefits of Social Media in Healthcare Quick Dissemination of Medical Information: There is a lot of bad medical advice available online, and healthcare patients are consuming this information at a record pace at their own parel. This highlights an incredible opportunity for healthcare organizations, by way of...
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...Social Media Used By Healthcare Organizations HLTH 835: Healthcare Marketing and Communication, Spring 2016 Submitted by: Amita Singh March 29, 2016 Faculty: Professor Richard Gregg Social Media Used By Healthcare Organizations HLTH 835: Healthcare Marketing and Communication, Spring 2016 Submitted by: Amita Singh March 29, 2016 Faculty: Professor Richard Gregg Contents: Section Page i: Introduction 2 ii: Social media/ Networking approaches being used by Healthcare Organizations 3 iii: Market Segmentation and Marketing Strategies Used 8 i: Introduction Marketing is an aggregate of functions that involve moving of products or services from producer to consumer.7 In healthcare, it involves creating, communicating, and delivering health information 8 with an aim to promote better health in the community. Marketing strategies vary with time and need to reach their target audience. One of the most famous marketing strategies today involve social media. It is mainly due to the extensively wide use of these social media platforms as they have become part of our daily lives. According to the Pew Internet & American Life Project, one of the most popular activities among online consumers is health and medical research.1. The Mayo Clinic website has been described as the top Health Information Website in the 2013 Harris Poll EquiTrend survey.1 This gives us the idea how social media has shown increased use towards healthcare...
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...Introduction Social media has promoted communication. It has gathered people from all over the world to interact electronically without any movement. Social media tools such as LinkedIn, Facebook, Blogs and Twitter have enabled people to exchange information irrespective of where the person is located. Despite its advantages, social media may negatively affect healthcare because the healthcare providers are supposed to maintain confidentiality on patient’s personal information and medical history. The healthcare providers are supposed to comply with HIPAA privacy and security rule while using social media in order to evade lawsuits as a result of disclosing patient’s information on social media platforms. Based on Rienton (2013) examples, it...
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...Market Influences in Health Care – Social Media and Technology National American University Abstract How much does social media influence individual’s health care decisions? The effect of information that individuals receive through social media and technology is having a growing effect on their views towards health care. Mass media is in the business to convince individuals to have a certain thought or idea about health care. Social media and technology is identifying ways to connect with the audience, which is everyone. When individuals see an ad about a new medication or procedure, the viewer start to internalize the messages and signals at a conscious and subconscious levels. Everything an individual experiences through social media and technology can shape their thoughts, ideas and influence their choices and decisions. The different messages received through these different ways can shape the images of many areas within the health care systems. Social Media - Social media is at every turn from the moment you wake up; to the moment you go to bed. It has become a part of our daily life and there is no getting away from it! It is impossible to imagine a life without social media somewhere. It has become the standard to have a number of televisions, computers, tablets and smart phones in every home and see a smart phone in everyone’s hand when your are out and about. We must have access to the internet at all times and the faster the better...
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...Social Media ENG Sandy Davis Social Media According to a study by Pew Research Internet Project, “Some 73% of online adults now use a social networking site of some kind. Facebook is the dominant social networking platform in the number of users, but a striking number of users are now diversifying onto other platforms. Some 42% of online adults now use multiple social networking sites”.(Social Media Update 2013) Even though social media is believed to have a negative effect on our culture, it has many positive benefits as well. How social media is changing healthcare, Healthcare facilities and providers have started to move in the direction of social media, they are coordinating these tools with their marketing and patient commitment. Healthcare facilities and health care providers that include physicians, nurses, pharmacists, and physical therapists, have a plethora of options when it comes to developing a presence online. They have the option of starting a blog or joining networks such as Facebook, Twitter, and MySpace. There are also online communities that are solely for the use of healthcare providers. Social media allows patients to interact with physicians and healthcare workers; it makes it possible for patients to be more informed when it applies to their healthcare procedures. Healthcare companies can take advantage of social media by creating surveys and blogs where patients can share their opinions and experiences Patients are taking a more active role in...
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...Debra Hunt Healthcare Communications The delivery of Healthcare is a very high touch organization that requires the interaction of every stakeholder within the healthcare atmosphere. Communication, whether it’s interpersonal or intrapersonal, is a very important part of the healthcare process and may be transformed by the excessive and valuable use of every communication tools. Health information is the most valuable support of the healthcare industry. Therefore, use of the communication systems are the ground point of the entire healthcare system, as far as interacting and exchanging ideas and information from one another. The care of patients in the nursing homes, are very big concern especially when dealing with people of different backgrounds, cultures, ethnics, and treatment of care. Each person residing in a nursing home needs to be cared for, information is kept on each patient, and different healthcare professions are in the positions to transfer and discuss different matters that apply to each individual. As more people enter into these nursing homes and healthcare facilities, there is an e increase in attention of the information and communication technology being used in the healthcare field. As the nursing home administrator of Garden Manor, I will be discussing the different types of communication methods for my health care organization (Garden Manor), including the advantages and disadvantages of using traditional, electronic, and social media for health care...
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...Assignment 1: Product Development HSA505 Product Development Today social media is one of the most talked about and the most used form of communication among many generations we see today. They vary from parents, students, athletes, companies, business, consumers, organizations and other various forms of social networking. Social media allows users to share, exchange, collect; information, ideas and pictures/videos in networks via laptops, cell phones, IPADS, or any other mobile device that may have access to virtual communities or networks. As social media replaces old fashion ways, many healthcare providers such as hospitals are jumping on the social media wave to enhance its market potential against their competitors to have an advantage. New technological advancements have made their way to healthcare providers which are going unseen by patients and consumers. Qualified staff members and doctors are being employed; new improvements to the internal and external within hospitals are being made. Without the use of social media these aspects can be overlooked by just walking into any healthcare facility. One way of presenting these new ideas, advancements and changes is by the use of social media, to reach a wide variety of people. The way I would build my hospitals brand is simply by creating a social media app specifically for our healthcare facility. By creating this app for cell phones, IPADs, tablets and any other smart devices that may connect to a network...
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...This essay will explain the difference between marketing in the Business and Healthcare industry by discussing the key aspects and impacts of the external environment with each industry. I will develop and address the issues presented by customers want and needs in aspect of the healthcare professional and debate the need for marketing in the hospitals versus clinics. As a healthcare provider of a clinic, explanation will be given to differentiate the advantages of my clinic of choice versus other clinics. Marketing and business development in the business industry are processes of cultivating ongoing relationships that lead to deep trust and long-term value-exchange between the business and their stakeholders to develop and maintain purpose-based relationships. Marketing is all about putting customers/patients at the heart of the business and responding to their needs and wants toward implementing a mission and goal. In a challenging economic climate, the customer needs to trust that the product offers something unique in terms of style, quality and sustainability - these all derive from strategic planning. Business ethics can be powerful marketing tool and should form a key part of your marketing strategy when combined with the quality and style of the product. Dell Computer is a great example of bold and daring marketing that has endured. When the computer industry was employing nothing but conventional wisdom and selling through complicated and profit-draining distribution...
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...Is It Worth the Risk? Social Media and Healthcare Robert Shaw NR360: Info Systems Chamberlain College of Nursing Fall 2015 Is It Worth the Risk? Social Media and Healthcare Social media has taken over the way that we interact with one another. It is leading the way in which we communicate with family, friends, coworkers and strangers. It is also the way we keep up with our favorite celebrities and gossip. Social media and the use of smartphones are becoming more prevalent in business and the healthcare field as well. According to Pew Research Center, “62% of smartphone owners have used their phone in the past year to look up information about a health condition” (April, 2015). Technology, just like all things come with flaws and setbacks. However, with the new technology being created every day, along with the increasing use of both smartphones and social media, using these outlets for patient-provider relationships can enhance overall patient trust and care. That being said, ensuring that patient privacy is not violated has to be the number one priority. Advances in technology and media can pose great triumphs for healthcare further down the road, as long as the appropriate measures are taken to ensure that HIPAA standards are being met at all times while using these outlets. Understanding HIPAA’s Guidelines for Securing Patient Information HIPAA’s Privacy Rule sets the guidelines for the use and disclosure of protected health information (HHS, n.d). This Privacy...
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...HIPAA and Social Media Lolita Stanton January 27, 2013 National Louis University HCL 430 Social media has taking the world by storm. Face book, My Space, Twitter, and many more are connecting people of the world to one another. In the article “Social Media and HIPAA Compliance”, the author takes a look at the rules that govern HIPAA and social media. HIPAA is an abbreviation for the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act. HIPAA was signed into law by President Bill Clinton. HIPAA is a federal law that contains strong rules that regulate the use of disclosure of (PHI) Protected Health Information. PHI is considered to be any information that contains health status, provisions of health care or payment for health care that can be linked to an individual. If a person feels like their rights have been violated, they can file a complaint with the Department of Health and Human Services or the office for civil rights. If a health care provider is found guilty of a HIPAA violation, the person will pay a monetary penalty. This articles main focus was to show how social media can play a positive roll if used correctly by healthcare providers and patients. Many Bariatric patients have found comfort in the social media sites. Some institutions use social media to form forums to help patients. Social media sites can be used for support groups. It is always helpful when you can find someone...
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...undoubtedly a crucial part of healthcare, and it is growing in its’ importance to sustain health services in nursing homes. In this paper I will review the different forms of communication within a health care organization including but not limited to traditional, electronic and social media for health care communication. In the process I will further discuss the effects of HIPAA and other regulations on the use of these media for health care communication. The importance of communication within our health care field is often overlooked and minimized, but we must understand it is significant to all who hold a health care position as well as those in managerial functions. There has been situations that occurs in our nursing homes in which we have faced transitions of management and unfortunately our residents/patients were not given the opportunity to communicate with our healthcare providers effectively. This could possibly be due to the lack of family locally, also the patient may have not given us permission to release their medical information has been an ongoing problem that we as administrators have been facing daily. It is these current situations where we as administrators take initiative to improve those situations by incorporating better ways to communicate effectively amongst the entire health care team and to face this challenge head on. It is important to understand the advantages and disadvantages between traditional media and electronic media, and only once we’ve achieved...
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...delivery of healthcare was introduced that brought about new technologies and medicine for providers and consumers. These advancements in healthcare has increased access while the quality still remains questionable. Many new technologies in healthcare brings challenges for both providers and consumers that should be measured as for the quality they provide and regulatory provisions that are needed. As healthcare understands the advantages of social media, there are disadvantages as well. Social media is becoming the way healthcare consumers choose to research and share medicine today. The convenience to research acute and chronic diseases has allowed consumers to become empowered with medicine for better communication with physicians. As a result, better treatments and outcomes can develop with decreased readmissions or visits to the ER. However, Social media can also reduce the quality of healthcare as well. Facebook, Twitter and health blogs presents an open environment for discussion, but at the same time can be misleading. Information obtained in social media lacks relevance as it pertains to individual experiences and outcomes that is subject to bias. For physicians, this information may inhibit the quality of care that should be provided. Thus, it is necessary for consumers to discuss any health information obtained from social media with physicians. Smartphones has brought about the revolution of EHealth for consumers to engage and manage their own healthcare. As the healthcare...
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..."Companies that embrace social media as a central part of their strategy quickly realize social media is not about pushing out promotional materials to their audience. It is about having collaborative interactions with customers, prospects and even employees allowing these companies to gain valuable insights, solidify longlasting relationships and cultivate customer advocates. More and more companies are embracing social media as a strategic part of their business.” (Desk, 2015) The pharmaceutical industry is one of the great absentees of the social media. Out of fifty pharmaceuticals included in a social media use study, only ten had an identifiable presence on social media. Several articles had been written about what they call the "PharmaSocmephobia." A very interesting study from IMS Institute dedicates over 40 pages to explore, discuss and analyze the reasons, the pros and cons of this behavior. By ignoring social media pharmaceuticals are missing on great information for product development, key opinion leader identification and monitoring. Social media are a tool to listen to customer ideas and feedback, and collaborate with social groups to test products and services. As stated by IMS Pharmaceutical companies cannot afford to delay their entry into these ever evolving and increasingly significant new channels of communication. "Early movers will test the water with an educated trial and error approach and discover benefits for the company as a whole...
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