...assignment Social media has taken over the world over the past few tears. From social media sites like twitter, facebook, and youtube many different companies, and people have all benefited from the use of social media. Since the internet is filled with computer hackers, scams, and sexual predators the disadvantages of social media can outweigh the advantages of social media at times. However the disadvantages of social media have not stopped social media networks from taking over the internet. Having the ability to do anything you can imagine from a social network for your business use or personal life has come to life. Using social media to find lost, old friends or family members was the main idea of social media networks when it first hit the internet scene. Then the genius behind the scenes explored different options to open up the door for more benefits of social media, like advertising a business, internet dating, job searching, night life, or even to receive news before it airs live on television networks. The internet has always been a dangerous thing to use even in the early 90’s some websites posted messages to use their website with caution, but with the evolution of social media it makes it hard for any website to protect their users. From computer hackers, sexual predators, and con artist make hard to trust anything on the internet or social media. Computer hackers love social media users who like to pay bills online, or benefit from using any type of online banking...
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...Since social media is such a mainstay in today’s society, people should not be allowed to obscure their identities on any platform. People use it to connect with family members, make love connections and even sometimes just to feel included. While social media and other online accounts and things of that nature can be fun and helpful, there is a lot that goes happens on a daily basis online that is not safe. The world is full of people who are not considerate of others feelings and choose to ignore right from wrong. There are scammers, bullies, predators and overall terrible people who make being online and having an account unsafe. If there was a way to pin point who these people are early, something can be done and can make social media and even the world a safer place. In the past 8-10 years, social media has taken off in ways some may feel are unimaginable. The first major social network to be launched was Facebook in 2004, today Facebook has an average of 1 billion active followers a month. In the year 2016, it is safe to say that our society revolves around social media. Knowing how big social media has become and continues to grow, it is necessary to acknowledge that not everyone goes on social media with the same purpose. Some people go online to lie, hide and even manipulate other users because they know they can do so usually without any repercussion. It is so easy to lie when setting up any sort of social media account. Users are given free range to put whatever name...
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...on is Social media alerts, Teen suicide and cyberbullying, Never trust a Predators, how to be safe on social media. Teen suicide When teens are on the internet some people are getting ridiculously, bullied and this bullying causes teen suicide Hurts people because of a post a judgment of what they feel The teen internet safety edgerly falls in with teen suicide Telling people your...
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...THBT: Social Media is Detrimental to society INTRODUCTION 1. Good afternoon Mr/Madam Chairman, Judicators fellow debaters and floor at large. The topic for our debate is “That THBT: Social Media is Detrimental to society” DEFINITION 2A. We define the topic as Social media is detrimental to society and we would look as society as the people living in it and there interaction with one and other and they live N.B This does not include businesses 3. We the proposing team believe that this statement is true TEAM SPLIT 3A. Today as first speaker I will be talking to you about Terrorist Recruitment Exploitation of children Cyberbullying A False Sense of Connection 3B. Our second speaker will be expanding on my points and adding his own and these will be _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ 3C.Our third speaker will rebutting and tying loose ends and basically sum up our debate our team case. ARGUMENTS The more social media we have, the more we think we're connecting, yet we are really disconnecting from each other. JR 1-My first point is Child Exploitation This is because We look at social media and we see this vast network of literally billions of people that can connect with each other and this translates to millions of predators that...
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...Social Networking In Schools: Educators Debate The Merits Of Technology In Classrooms In this digital world, opportunities for education are available like never before. Though teachers using online tools are empowering students take part in their education, they may also expose them to inappropriate material, sexual predators, and bullying and harassment by peers. Teachers who are not careful with their use of the sites can fall into inappropriate relationships with students or publicize photos and information they believed were kept private. For these reasons, critics are calling for regulation and for removing social networking from classrooms -- despite the positive affects they have on students and the essential tools they provide for education in today's digital climate. The positive effects of social networking sites in education are profound. According to a study conducted by the University of Minnesota on student use of social media, students who are already engaging in social networking could benefit from incorporating it into curriculum. Christine Greenhow, who was the principal investigator in a study, elaborated on the impact social networking could have on education. "By understanding how students may be positively using these networking technologies in their daily lives and where the as-yet-unrecognized educational opportunities are, we can help make schools even more relevant, connected, and meaningful to kids." Through utilizing teaching techniques that...
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...Donald Martinez Professor, Gary Steel WRTG101S 27 November 2012 Social Media Equals Dangers Every day, people are on social media like robots. It is as if the world never existed without it. Social media’s gain in popularity is both exciting and alarming. Facebook is the most popular social media today. “Facebook currently has 901 million active users worldwide.” (Curtan) People sit on sites like Facebook all day and interact with friends and strangers worldwide. Wilber said, “For many people that are stuck at home, for whatever reason, social media opens new doors. Due to the fact that there is a high unemployment rate, I find that there are so many people on different disability websites, and that's their way of connecting so they don't feel isolated." (Curtan) In real life though, these same people are not socializing face-to-face. The human interactions are not there. According to Dr. Aric Sigman, a psychologist and biologist, “Social networking websites like Facebook pose a serious risk to your health.” (NaturalBias.com) In addition, some people use Facebook responsibly, and others do not. Many people neglect their real life for one full of virtual friends. Social media, Facebook in particular, is not only a great invention but also a dangerous invention. These social media friendships on sites like Facebook have two sides. There are people known personally and people not known personally. "I try to reach out to a lot of women in different countries — they...
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...the latest gadgets, they tend to have little knowledge on the possible effects technology might bring. But technology, while useful, brings many negative effects to teens' lives. Parents who have technophile kids should be aware of the possible risks and dangers. Predators Informed parents know that the media blows the prevalence of online sexual predators out of proportion. However, they do exist, and they often go after easy targets, namely children. Technology such as the Internet and smart phones give both children and predators the ability to make contact with large amounts of new people. Uninformed children might feel they are making a friend but in fact are running the risk of being preyed upon. The key risk here, though, is not the predator but the lack of adult knowledge about technology and the lack of supervision parents give to their children’s online behaviors. Parents who feel bad prying into their children’s lives are ignoring the fact that most children, especially teens, are sexually curious, willing to take risks, and have poor decision-making behaviors. So, while not common, sexual predators do exist and should be something parents talk to their kids about before allowing them full reign online. Mental Health Problems Clinical coordinator at Illinois Addiction Recovery Shannon Chrismore wrote in the book, “Internet Addiction: A Handbook and Guide to Evaluation and Treatment,” about the comorbidity between technology addiction and other mental health problems...
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...It has been researched that 92% of teenagers get online daily ("Teens, Social Media & Technology Overview 2015"). I believe many can agree that they pull out their smartphone every time there is down-time in their day. No conversation in the car between you and the driver? Easy solution. Pull out your smartphone and check your Twitter feed. Making technology so relevant in our lives may not sound like a bad thing but there are many risks that come with being so active online. Some of these risks include addiction, cyber bullying, distraction and more. Yes, technology has brought us far in this world, but these threats are major- especially for teens. Technology, specifically the internet, does more harm than good. The Telegraph newspaper...
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...friends. Cyberbullying Teens sometimes use the Internet to bully other teens. Sometimes it starts with insulting someone or sharing personal information about another teen on social networking sites in an attempt to embarrass them. It can escalate to stalking and physical violence. A 2010 ABC news report, "Mean Girls: Cyberbullying Blamed for Teen Suicides," called attention to cyberbullying, which means using social media sites and email to harass and ridicule others. The report says that this type of harassment has been responsible for teen suicides. Time and Risks When teens spend many hours per day using the Internet, they reduce the time they have to spend with family and on school work and physical activities. In addition, according to an article written by Kate Fogarty, assistant professor with the Department of Family, Youth and Community Sciences at the University of Florida, a teen who goes online for two or more hours, three or more times a week, faces a higher risk of falling prey to online sexual exploitation. Online Predators Teens are often exposed to pornography and may find themselves prey for sexual predators after uploading sexy photos of themselves or discussing sex online with someone that they do not know. Professor Fogarty from the University of Florida reported that adult predators often use Internet chat rooms to initiate improper relationships...
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...Sexual predators are people who have committed sex crime. In the United States, there are more than 400,000 registered sexual predators. There are many ways in which sexual offenders could be punished for their actions. For one, Law makers should pass on a law stating that sex offenders have to notify others by writing it on their social media accounts, that they have committed a sex crime. Secondly, sexual predators should be chemically casturated to help prevent urges. Lastly, if you are aware of a sexual predator in your community you should not be afraid to inform others because they might not be aware. Their statements should indicate the crime committed, if this is their first offense, if not how many, and the court’s decision upon the crime. Offenders must also state their physical characteristics and residential address. Indicating their...
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...PROCTECTING CHILDREN ONLINE Protecting Children Online Abstract Protecting children online is becoming an all hands effort. Online predators are the new way for individuals to plan, fantasize, and full fill their needs. Just telling your child to not talk to strangers will not cut it in today’s internet world. Protecting children online takes planning, coaching and internet rules setup to hopefully provide that barrier. Anybody can be anybody behind a computer. Providing this vital information to children could be the one thing that saves that child’s life. What is a sexual predator online? A sexual predator is better known as pedophile. We have all checked those websites to find out and to see if we have a sex offender living near our homes. How many people have actually checked out the websites children are visiting? The children today are more technological then their parents and the parents need to be aware of the dangers that lurk behind every computer. The most common means by which sexual predators contact children over the Internet is through chat rooms, instant messages and email. In fact, 89% of sexual solicitations were made in either chat rooms or instant messages and 1 in 5 youth (ages 10-17 years) has been sexually solicited online (JAMA, 2001). Considering that 25% of kids online participate in real time chat and 13 million use instant messaging, the risks of such children, either knowingly or unknowingly, interacting with a predator is alarming....
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...Social media is something almost every person has and uses constantly. Students are distracted by phones and media all the time. It has been shown that grades are lower for students that use phones in school, rather than students that do not. Students that do not use phones in school tend to get better grades because they are paying attention to what they are learning in class, and not focusing on their phones or media. Students that use phones in class tend not to care about what they are being taught, or just cannot take their eyes away from whatever they are doing on their phones. Many young children also use social media and can end up being very unsafe. Online predators and scammers are able to get in touch with anyone who has social media. Children are more likely to get caught up in situations because they might not know what is going on, or who they are talking to behind the screen. Most children do not think about putting their accounts on private and allow anyone to see what they post, their...
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...Social networking has seeped into our everyday lives and is slowly taking over the person we once were. Today, people don’t think anything of it because we have become so adapted to social media and having so many accounts like Twitter, Instagram, Facebook ect., that are constantly checked and updated daily. So many effects can come out of this one cause and literally can become so extreme to the point where families are ripped apart, teenage girl’s reputations are broken down and the confidence that once lived has been taken away. These are just a couple of many effects social media has upon today’s everyday life and our generations. Those who have a secondary life on the internet are not always aware about everyday situations and slowly lose connection with the real world. Nowadays, it seems like a reputation online is more important and it becomes obvious that communication thrives through social media. New cliques are created and people have even found a way to make a living online. Social media has seemed to create a huge impact, especially on teenagers. However, most are blind to the impact it creates and do not realize what their child’s online world may really be like. Today, popularity is just as equivalent to having a lot of followers on Twitter, Instagram or Tumblr. It almost becomes like a race to see who can have more followers than the next guy but clearly, popularity is not about a lot of friends anymore; it revolves around being known for absolutely...
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...Cyber Predators Sexual predators have more access to children today than in the past. Through the internet Sexual offenders can connect with children more discreetly. Today, children are just as likely to socialize online as they are to meet in the mall or by going to other public places like the movies. Predators use the anonymity of the internet to their advantage since it allows them to become whoever they want. They target both girls and boys of all ages. "Child predators are migrating from traditional methods to alternate media," says Detective Lt. Thomas Kish of the Michigan State Police. "They are going to places where children are.” (Wendy, K) Many children are not aware of these dangers. Online predators are good manipulators, they look for children that are emotionally vulnerable. They use issues the child may have to befriend and empathize with them while building a false friendship and trust. Since many naïve children list personal information online , it is easy for predators to find information about their victims. Some examples of information that should be kept private are schools attended, phone numbers, home addresses, first and last names. Children need to be guarded from online predators. Both parents and children have to be made more aware of online predators and how to avoid them. Parents can set limitations to how and when a child plays on online “the Xbox has password-protected "family settings" that allow parents to turn off Internet access or track...
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...Dr. John Drozd Writing 101 04/07/2016 Social Media and Its Impacts on Society One of the biggest invention in the world is social media. A tool that changed our society and the way we communicate with others. The aspects of social media both have a positive and negative impact on life. Websites such as Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter has made it easier for people to communicate with other people all over the world. However, this type of technology might be doing more harm than good. The downfall of social media is that it prevents people to have a face to face interaction. Without that face to face interaction, false information can be used such as identity. Social media reflex a negative influence in school, relationships, self-influence, and interaction with others. Social media has expanded and became more popular not only to teens but to adults as well. Meeting new people may seem like it has become a good concept because of social networks, but it is the complete opposite. For example, when a guy compliments a girl, the possibility of a girl responding back to a guy in person is way higher than the possibility of a guy leaving a compliment on a girl's picture. People usually tend to respond to people to attractive people and to people that they know personally. The sad truth is that growing up with social media, people feel more comfortable talking behind a computer than in person. This...
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