...Social Performance: Part 1 Aleccia Reese-King Professor Dan Fitzgerald BUS 475 May 2, 2013 Second Home Educational Child Care (SHECC) is a organization that provides child care services to parents for an affordable price. This mid-sized child care company serves children from 6 months to six years of age. Our unique services are safe and secure, providing the parents with an excellent place where their children can be educated and taken care of. Second Home Educational Child Care will base our operations in Havertown and Brookhaven, Pennsylvania. The facility will consist of two 1,500 square feet houses in quiet, residential neighborhoods. The yards will be securely fenced to ensure safety, protection and to ensure no one can either come in or wander away. The yards will be furnished with safe, educational and entertaining toys, as well as a sandbox. The houses will typically be used for rainy-day activities, naps, story-telling, the serving and preparation of meals. The houses will also contain safe educational toys, games, and books for the entertainment of the children. The roles of the stakeholders in the education and child care field range from the owners to the children. These stakeholders will shape various projects within the business, ensure resources are available to contribute to our business's success, and provide insight regarding the reaction to a project's outcome, which will create adjustments within the our company when necessary to win...
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...Aamo Iorliam et.al / International Journal on Computer Science and Engineering (IJCSE) The Impact of Social Network Usage on University Students Academic Performance: A Case Study of Benue State University Makurdi, Nigeria. 1 Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, Benue State University, Makurdi, miorliam@yahoo.com 2 Department of Business Management, Benue State University, Makurdi, odeexpress@gmail.com Aamo Iorliam1and Egena Ode 2 Abstract Advancement in technology and the increased availability of internet enabled handheld devices have significantly increased students’ access and use of the internet. The use of social media is enhanced by the availability and access to internet. In Nigeria and the world today, social media has gained acceptability and has become a tool for communication and social cohesion amongst students. The use of this assortment of social media has diverse effects on the user’s life, some of which are negative and others, positive. This study is aimed at investigating the impact of Social Network Usage on University Students Academic Performance using Benue State University Makurdi, Nigeria as a case study. The study sampled 1596 students. The study focused on three key impact areas: the time spent on social media, the frequency of visiting social media and the relationship between the volume of social friends and a student’s academic performance. Correlation and regression analyses were used to determine and measure the extent to which the three...
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...Table of contents Executive summary i 1. Introduction 1 2. Motivation of publishing sustainability report 1 3. Key features of sustainability report 2 3.1 Completeness 2 3.2 Transparency 2 3.3 Comparability 2 4. Evaluation 3 4.1 Completeness 3 4.2 Transparency 3 4.3 Comparability 3 5. Conclusion 4 6. References 5 Executive summary Sustainability report is a kind of report which results from sustainable development, it aims at helping company to have a better long-term performance. Sustainability report is characterized by a range of information include environmental, social and governance. Sustainability report has a great impact on investment decision and company's financial performance. The motivation of company publish the sustainability report is the benefits which include more profit, reputation, and support from government and consumer. The key features of the sustainability report contain completeness, transparency and comparability. 1 Introduction With the growing demand for meaningful, timely and comparable data, sustainability report becomes more and more popular; almost every company will publish their sustainability report. Thus, stakeholders put more attention...
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... Abstract Presence of depression may be seen from different point of views. Usually to say that someone is depressed should be followed by certain change in behavior. There are many different types of depression, starting from normal, occasional change in behavior up to the major depression. Purpose of this study was to examine the perceived effects of anxiety towards academic performance and perceived strategies to overcome anxiety among International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM) students. A sample of 45 students was randomly selected from five different kulliyahs. Data were collected by using online questionnaire. It was found that the most significant effect of anxiety disorder on IIUM students’ performance was “passive attitude” and the most significant strategy to overcome anxiety among IIUM students was “efficient planning”. Therefore, it is concluded that there are few perceived effects on anxiety disorder towards academic performance as perceived by IIUM students and there are also many strategies that is useful to overcome anxiety disorder. Keywords: Anxiety, Academic performance, IIUM students, Effects, Strategies Introduction Depression is present in everyone’s life, from the occasionally short-lived feelings to long lasting feeling which interfere with daily activities. Person under constant pressure may be categorized as depressed if it has a strong influence on his life at a whole. Students are exposed to the...
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...Corporate Social Responsibility in the financial reports:- Contents Abstract- 4 Acknowledgement- 5 Chapter-1 5 Introduction- 5 Background and overview: 6 Scope of the dissertation: 7 Research questions: 8 The aim and the research tasks: 9 Structure of dissertation 10 Chapter-2 11 Literature review: 11 1. Theories on Corporate Social Responsibility: 11 2. Motivation behind Corporate Social Responsibility: 13 3. Financial performance as motivation: 14 4. Relation between CSR and Financial Performances: 16 Theories on CSR: 19 Instrumental theories: 19 Political theories: 19 Integrative theories: 20 Ethical theories: 20 Measurement of Financial Performances: 22 Chapter-3 22 Research Methodology: 22 Introduction 22 Research model and approach 25 Research collection 29 Process of data analysis 33 Chapter-4 34 Analysis 34 Survey questions 34 Focus group discussion 42 Chapter-5 43 Result and findings 43 Implications for practitioners 44 Implications for future research 45 Chapter-6 45 Recommendations and conclusions 45 Appendix-1 49 Questionnaire- 49 Interview questions- 51 Bibliography 52 Abstract- In today’s business world the word, “Corporate Social Responsibility” (CSR) is more than a buzzword to the stakeholders. The concept of CSR is evolving in the business world from decades; however, the actual meaning with its impact is yet to be achieved. The emergence of Corporate Social responsibility...
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...2. Global Reporting Initiative (Lecture 13, 11) Part A 1) Discuss in general the global reporting Initiative G4 Reporting Guidelines 2) In more detail, the social or environmental section of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) 3) Name at least a few of the social or environmental performance indicators that are listed Part B: (check Barrick Gold’s responsibility report; GRI index) 1) Briefly explain how Barrick complies with the social or environmental aspects of the GRI (Report: http://barrickresponsibility.com/media/1309/2013-full-report.pdf Professor provide report and index report) 2) Do you think it is possible to determine Barrick’s social or environmental performance based on its GRI reporting? Requirement: explain your position + make direct reference to at least four of the GRI performance indicators Soncur disclosure link: http://sustainability.suncor.com/2014/en/gri-content-index.aspx http://sustainability.suncor.com/2014/en/default.aspx 4. Royalties and the MFSP (Lecture 4, 8) Part A: 1) Explanation of the royalty calculation in the post-pay-out phase for an oil sands mine in the Province of Alberta under the Oil Sands Royalty Regulation, 2009; 2) At least one numerical example + discussion of its sensitivity to oil price and net revenue Part B: 1) Easily understandable numerical example of the financial security calculation from Alberta’s Mine Financial Security Program. 2) Discuss whether or not you feel that...
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...STUDENTS’ ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE AS INFLUENCED BY THE USE OF SOCIAL NETWORKING SITES AND OTHER ONLINE ACTIVITIES Chapter 1 INTRODUCTION Background of the Study In this age of globalization, the advent of internet is something that has shaken almost all spheres of personal, social and professional human life. Wikipedia.org, 2012 cited that with the rapid growth of people who use or have access to the Internet, millions of people can stay connected together using the web provision called Social Networking Sites (SNSs). According to Chelly and Mataillet, 2012 that social networking sites are interactive web links that give people an opportunity to create, share and publish information, build communities and communicate around the world. Specifically, social networking is a common online activity that allows people to communicate with those they would not usually have contact with and this communication includes information, news, ideas, pictures, technology, cultural practices, and anything else that people can say to each other in face to face interactions (wikia.com, 2012). Moreover, SNSs provide place for other online activities like searching information, gaming, shopping, viewing videos, listening music, uploading and viewing pictures, reading posts, blogging, and online banking; and, those activities are positively the reason why many students are interested in checking out these sites (Asilo et al, 2010). Indeed, a study in the USA revealed that teenagers are keen...
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...FACULTY OF BUSINESS & MANAGEMENT MAY 2012 OUMM 3203 PROFESSSIONAL ETHICS MATRICULATION NO: : 861215566517001 IDENTITY CARD NO: : 861215-56-6517 TELEPHONE NO: : 017-2542131 E-MAIL ADDRESS : VICKY_BUISS@YAHOO.COM LEARNING CENTRE : PPNS ETHICAL PROBLEMS IN MANAGEMENT “A man without ethics is a wild beast loosed upon this world” Albert Camus “Ethics is the activity of man directed to secure the inner perfection of his own personality” Albert Schweitzer INTRODUCTION 1. General. Management in general is a command function that requires detail and in depth research, planning, coordination, validation and implementation to ensure the desired Vision, Mission and Objectives of an organization is achieved both effectively and collectively. Therefore, management is an important tool towards the success and sustainability of any organization. As such, the need to have a clear understanding on the true meaning of management and other related subject matters in relation to this paper is as follows: a. Management. ‘Management’, generally means the act of getting people together to accomplish desired goals and objectives using available resources efficiently and effectively. Management in its broad sense comprises of planning, organizing, staffing, leading or directing and controlling. b. Ethics. ‘Ethics’ also known as ‘Moral Philosophy’ can be defined as the principles of morally acceptable conduct of individuals....
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...An investigation on how the mode of transport affect study, leisure, social activities, and academic performance of undergraduate students Abstract This study seeks to investigate how mode of transport influences the activities of undergraduate students, and whether it impacts their academic performance. The activity patterns of 50 KPTM students are analysed. The respondent profile indicates that slightly more than half are females; between 21-24 years old; and currently pursuing their bachleor degree. In terms of lifestyle, large majority are average and above average financially; with 2 to 4 siblings; using private transport; and exercise irregularly. In terms of study-related activities, their academic performances are self-reported as average and above average; fair and good class attendance; only sometimes or never late for class; and considered to be more focused and attentive by their preferences to seat between the front-middle and the middle-back rows. In terms of time spent (hours per week) on the core activities, on average the students reported to study 20.6 h/week; to have leisure time for 24.6 h/week; social activities for 40.4 h/week; and working 3.4 h/week. The major findings of this study reveal that mode of transport does play an important role in student’s study, leisure, and social activities. The findings indicate that those students with private transport tend to spend slightly less time on self-study (20.4-20.8 h/week) and miss slightly more classes...
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...Governance, 2001, Volume:1 Issue:2 Page:16 - 22 WHAT DO WE MEAN BY CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY? Lance Moir Cranfield School of Management Lance Moir Cranfield School of Management Cranfield University Cranfield Bedford England MK43 0AL Tel: +44 (0) 1234 754374 Fax: +44 (0) 1234 752554 E-mail: l.moir@cranfield.ac.uk WHAT DO WE MEAN BY CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY? There is an increasing focus by firms on examining their social responsibilities. For example, Business in the Community published ‘Winning with Integrity’ in November 2000. This has as part of its objectives ‘to produce materials and resources on how companies should measure and report their impact on society’ (Business Impact, 2000). It lists twenty such initiatives in various areas of furthering corporate social responsibility, not including its own report. Similarly, the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD, 1999) seeks to develop a clear understanding of corporate social responsibility, including a matrix of corporate social responsibility indicators. But what is meant by Corporate Social Responsibility (‘CSR’)? Responsibility for what and to whom and who is calling for firms to be socially responsible? This article examines the broad development of the ideas behind CSR within the literature and some of the current attempts to define the social responsibilities of business. It starts by examining the debate about the nature of corporate social responsibility and current...
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...CHAPTER I Introduction Social work is the profession which is concerned with man’s adjustment to his environment; a person (or groups) in relation to a person’s (or their) social situation. The social work profession promotes social change, problem-solving in human relationships and the empowerment and liberation of people to enhance well-being. (IFSW, 2001) Social work, introduced in the 1930’s as a systematic method of helping people in the field of public welfare in the Philippines, came to be officially recognized as a profession with the passage of a law by Congress in 1965 elevating social work to a profession. There are 47 schools of social work including Western Mindanao State University in the country today and trained social workers find employment in a variety of fields and setting which are engaged in social welfare activities. Background of the Study: This study focus on the different type of problems that the students suffer in the college life. It may vary according to their family background and society. Campus life can be overpowering, and it's extremely familiar for college students to become depressed. Gloominess is an influential feeling of the lowest point, and sadness, which affects badly millions students and others. Many students are that receive from their troubles low pressure. College life is frequently a stressful time. Nowadays college students face number of pressure. Rationale The researchers...
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...Chapter 1: A new framework for implementing corporate sustainability Key points: ▪ Sustainability performance is the effect of corporate activity on the social, environmental, and economic fabric of society. ▪ A balance between economic progress, social responsibility, and environmental protection, sometimes referred to as the triple bottom line, can lead to competitive advantage. ▪ The evaluation of social, economic, and environmental impacts of organizational actions is necessary to make effective operational and capital investment decisions that positively impact organizational objectives and satisfy the objectives of multiple stakeholders. ▪ The financial payoff of a proactive sustainability strategy can be substantial. ▪ To become a leader in sustainability, one needs to articulate what sustainability is, develop processes to promote sustainability throughout the corporation, measure performance on sustainability, and ultimately link this measurement to corporate financial performance. ▪ Corporate citizenship is an important driver for building trust, attracting and retaining employees, and obtaining a “license to operate” within a community. ▪ Corporate citizenship is much more than charitable donations and public relations—it’s the way the company integrates sustainability principles with everyday business operations and policies and then translates all of this into bottom-line results. ▪ For sustainability to be long lasting and useful...
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...Chapter 1: A new framework for implementing corporate sustainability Key points: ▪ Sustainability performance is the effect of corporate activity on the social, environmental, and economic fabric of society. ▪ A balance between economic progress, social responsibility, and environmental protection, sometimes referred to as the triple bottom line, can lead to competitive advantage. ▪ The evaluation of social, economic, and environmental impacts of organizational actions is necessary to make effective operational and capital investment decisions that positively impact organizational objectives and satisfy the objectives of multiple stakeholders. ▪ The financial payoff of a proactive sustainability strategy can be substantial. ▪ To become a leader in sustainability, one needs to articulate what sustainability is, develop processes to promote sustainability throughout the corporation, measure performance on sustainability, and ultimately link this measurement to corporate financial performance. ▪ Corporate citizenship is an important driver for building trust, attracting and retaining employees, and obtaining a “license to operate” within a community. ▪ Corporate citizenship is much more than charitable donations and public relations—it’s the way the company integrates sustainability principles with everyday business operations and policies and then translates all of this into bottom-line results. ▪ For sustainability to be long lasting and useful...
Words: 12220 - Pages: 49
...– Internal | An Assignment cover sheet needs to be included with each assignment. Please complete all details clearly. If you are submitting the assignment on paper, please staple this sheet to the front of each assignment. If you are submitting the assignment online, please ensure this cover sheet is included at the start of your document. (This is preferable to a separate attachment.) Please check your Course Information Booklet or contact your School Office for assignment submission locations. Name: Xueying Sha | Student ID | 1 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 5 | 9 | 7 | 2 | 1 | Email: shaxy008@mymail.unisa.edu.au | Course code and title: CONTEMPORARY ISSUES IN ACCOUNTING M | School: | Program Code: | Course Coordinator: Dr. ELVIA SHAUKI | Tutor: Elvia Shauki/Haniff Zainuldin | Day, Time, Location of Tutorial/Practical: | Assignment number: | Due date: May 6, 2013 | Assignment topic: The incorporation of social and environmental factors within external reporting | Further Information: (e.g. state if extension was granted and attach evidence of approval, Revised Submission Date) | I declare that the work contained in this assignment is my own, except where acknowledgement of sources is made. I authorise the University to test any work submitted by me, using text comparison software, for instances of plagiarism. I understand this will involve the University or its contractor copying my work and storing it on a database to be used in future to...
Words: 2918 - Pages: 12
...evaluation of the Mining industry’s value chain; including an environmental analysis of a mining company, as well as an evaluation of the industry’s corporate social responsibility, corporate social responsiveness and finally the corporate social performance. The Mining Industry is one of the World’s largest industries. The ‘idea’ of mining dates back to the beginning stage of civilization. Some examples of early mining can be found in Egypt, Europe and the Philippines. As of now, top mining countries are South Africa, Russia, Australia, Ukraine and Guinea. This industry faces constant technology advancement, consequently it is an expensive investment, with large profit. The Mining Industry can be controversial when looked through an ethical lens. This Industry is analysed through four perspectives. * The utilitarianism perspective, an act is morally right if the outcome benefits the greatest amount of people; * The rights perspective, basically, important entitlements that should be respected and protected in every action; * The justice perspective, fair treatment of individuals in a situation where everyone is involved and gets what they deserve to; * The virtue perspective, morally correct behaviour is practiced by virtuous characters. A main concept when evaluating from an ethical lens is Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). CSR is economic, legal, ethical, and philanthropic expectations placed on organizations by society. There has been an increasing attention...
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