...social psychological perspective Psykologi Fördjupningsarbete ht 12 Du har nu chansen att välja att fördjupa dig i ämnet ”psykologi”. Du ska jämföra en eller flera teorier med något ur verkligheten eller med en fiktiv händelse. Du kan till exempel utföra ett experiment, analysera en film, bok eller händelse som du varit med om eller hört talas om. Syftet med uppgiften är att du ska fördjupa dig i något ämnesområde som har en koppling till det vi arbetat med under hösten inom det kognitiva eller det biologiska perspektivet. Du kan välja att använda dig av teorier som vi ej gått igenom. Disposition • Inledning – syfte samt två frågeställningar • Teori – en eller flera teorier presenteras • Resultat – en faktisk eller fiktiv händelse redovisas • Analys – resultat analyseras med hjälp av teorier, frågeställningar besvaras Självständigt arbete. Arbetet bör vara minst 3,5 sidor långt exklusive källförteckningen (teckenstorlek 12, 1,5 radavstånd). Deadline torsdag vecka 51. Du ska skicka in arbetet till fronter Lycka till!/ Magnus Inför psykologiprovet 1. Kognitiva perspektivet Häfte Kognitiva scheman Psykologisk konservatism Selektiv perception Personperception Halo-effekt Rosenthaleffekt Stereotyper Placeboeffekt Kognitiv beteende terapi (KBT) – behandling, för- och nackdelar Upplevelse av smärta/smärtperception Roller, Visuell perception, synvillor och liknande kommer EJ på provet 2. Biologiska perspektivet ...
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...Social Perspectives Evolutionary Theorist: Ø Ibn Khaldun: He was a historian and wrote history of the cultural life of Babar tribes. He studied the socio-‐cultural aspects of these tribes and thus laid down the foundation of a new science called Ilmul Imran, which became the foundation of sociology. His social theories included: • Social Solidarity (Al-‐Asabiya): o A force that unites people with one another that subsequently leads to the formation of a state. o People, when combine their minds and forces, create solidarity amongst themselves, which is social solidarity. o Al-‐Asabiya is the emotions of similarity that keeps the people of a group united together having a common effective action. o The uniting force is highest in this relation. a spirit that is shared by another great social philosopher – Emile Durkheim. o The state decides conflicts of the group. o The group that achieves social solidarity becomes an invincible force that cannot be subjugated. o...
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...Management Accounting & Control (ACCFIN5036) Coursework: Academic Essay Length and submission: This is a 2500-word (excluding references) academic essay, which must be submitted on 23rd November 2015 at 12noon. Aim: The aim of this assignment is to test your management accounting and control knowledge in relation to its social and organizational perspectives where you see management accounting not only as a set of technical tools such as performance measurement indicators or costing techniques and methods, but also as social and institutional practice by which technical tools are promoted, legitimised, used or even misused. Question: Bearing in mind this broader perspective, consider a recent management accounting change programme such as Activity-Based Costing or Balanced Scorecard: its origin, development, diffusion and managerial effects. Explore why and how this programme has come about as a global programme and evaluate whether it solves the problems it expected to solve or whether it produces some unintended consequences. Materials to be used: Use relevant journal articles, which you must refer to. Follow standard academic referencing practices when citing them. Use your own intuition to answer the question above rather than merely reproducing the reading materials. When you directly quote from your readings, you must acknowledge by properly citing references. You must be aware of university’s plagiarism policy in this regard. Marking...
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...The article, This Bud May Be for the Belgians, discusses InBev’s buyout of Budweiser. Discuss the value of the brand from a consumer perspective. Some of you may not be beer drinkers, or drink any alcohol, but you are still a part of a culture where beer drinking is an identifiable lifestyle component, so you should be able to provide some perspective. Some things to consider are Budweiser’s targeted blue-collar market segment, its country of origin, and our nationalistic “pride of ownership.” Switch perspectives a bit, and consider how international consumers might value the quintessential American beer. Do you think that coming from the US enhances the value to overseas customers? Why or why not? (Blenkinsop & Geller, 2014) In replying to other classmates, discuss the consumer perspective, thinking about your own exposure to Budweiser’s products and promotions. Include your thoughts on the value of any of the AB brands. Even though I am not a beer drinking but during socializing events majority of my friends and the people I have observed prefer international beer (i.e. Russian, German etc). During the initial stages of the InBev buyout of Budweiser the response was not that great Hence, the AB InBev buyout adopted to understand and address factors hindering Budweiser’s growth in the US as well as build or introduce the brand in other markets helped them achieve strong in-market performance globally. In addition, the brand is now successfully developing a universal...
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...and avoid imaginary hopes. The creation of a strategic map includes merging various factors and information on the same page so as to ease communication. The strategic maps show every objective as a text within a shape (in most cases, an oval or rectangle), less than 20 objects and a broad interconnection between the objectives as they are joined together or linked by the arrows. There are four major perspectives that are attended to by the strategic maps; learning and growth perspective, financial perspective, the clients’ perspective and internal business perspective (Meredith & Shafer 2013). The financial perspective aims at developing a long lasting value to shareholders and coming up from the production strategy of bettering the costs structure, it also aims at the expansion of opportunities and improving the value of customers. The four elements of strategic maps get support from the branding, partnership, availability, quality, selection, functionality and service (Ogras et al 2005). The operations and customer management is taken care of by the internal business perspective, through service...
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...Canterbury Boys’ High School English 2014/15 Advanced Course The following information gives an outline of the Year 12 Advanced English Program for the HSC tested in 2015. The syllabus states that: The aim of Senior English is to enable students to understand, use, enjoy and value the English language in its various textual forms and to become thoughtful, imaginative and effective communicators in a diverse and changing society. The study of English involves exploring, responding to and composing texts • in and for a range of personal, social, historical, cultural and workplace contexts • using a variety of language modes, forms, features and structures. Meaning is achieved through responding and composing, which are typically interdependent and ongoing processes. In Year 12 time is allocated to certain issues and texts based on the time needed to cover the Board of Studies’ requirements for the fulfilment of the English outcomes. This program is based on the premise that: • students are required to experience literature in a variety of modes (short story, novel, poetry, non-fiction, film and drama) • there should be a continuing study of non-literary material (print and non-print, multi-media) • students should be encouraged to develop reading interests outside the classroom • there will be a continuing emphasis on oral English in class discussions, small group discussions, debating, public speaking, interviewing, dramatic reconstructions ...
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...this necessary experience? 3. What are the most important personal satisfactions and dissatisfactions connected with your occupation? What part do you personally find most satisfying? Most challenging? What do you like and not like about working in this industry? 4. What things did you do before you entered this occupation/business? -Which one those have been most helpful? 5. Are you optimistic about the company’s future? 6. How does the company make use of technology for internal communication and outside marketing? (Use of email, internet, social networking, etc.) 7. If you could do things all over again, would you choose the same path for yourself? Why? What would you change? 8. What abilities or personal qualities do you believe contribute most to success in this business? 9. Does your work relate to any experiences or studies you had in college? 10. From your perspective, what are the problems you see working in this field? 11. What interests you least about the job or creates the most stress? 12. What kinds of experience, paid or unpaid, would you encourage for anybody pursuing a career in this field? 13. Do you have any special world of warning or encouragement as a result of your...
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...2, Discussion 1 Discuss Empowerment and Empowerment Theory, The Strengths Perspective, and Resiliency and why this focus is a vital concept in the Generalist Practice. Empowerment allows individuals with valuable options in gaining control over their lives, addressing the impact of inequalities, oppression, and discrimination. “It is the process of increasing personal, interpersonal, or political power so that individuals can take action to improve their life situations” (Kirst-Ashman, 2011). It allows one to solve their own problems. The Strength Perspective “provides structure and content as it assesses attainable goals, mobilizes resources to promote change and self-esteem, and instills hope in the future” (Marisca, 2013). It allows an individual to learn from their own behaviors (strengths) and develop to their full potential by focusing on their strengths rather than the problem. Resiliency allows an individual to recover after dealing with a setback. It allows the client to face the situation and overcome it. By focusing on these concepts, goals are set to “increase self-efficacy, develop group consciousness, reduce self-blame, and assume personal responsibility for change” (Cox, 2001). When working with diverse groups, all biases are set aside and allows each individual to learn about themselves, each group or individual is different. Social workers who are committed to these perspectives need to “explore their attitudes, beliefs, biases, and their own selves in...
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...India was amazing. People were always willing to help us any way that they could. Whether it was the hotel employees, the bus crew, restaurant staff, bystanders on the street, or even those living in absolute poverty, the people of India were always smiling at us and wanting to know where we were from. Most people would think that they were always looking for a rupee or two, but that was not the case. They were genuinely glad that we were in their country and wanted to make sure that we had the best experience possible. It was inspiring and amazing and I think we could all learn of a lot from them. India was an eye-opening experience and it absolutely gave me an appreciation for how fortunate I am and it really put life into perspective. It made me realize what’s important and what I really value in life. There were times when I found myself frustrated, dirty, exhausted and ready to throw in the towel, but then I would turn a corner and spot something spectacular or come across a child with a smile on their face and I would remember how fortunate I was to experience such a unique place. India is a beautiful place filled with incredible people whose pride in their country is unwavering, and rightfully...
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...CHANGING PERSPECTIVES PSY/220 KATRENA TAYLOR 7/24/11 WRITTEN BY GARY ELLIOTT The scenario that is in the text is something that we see all too often out in society. We as people think that we should have control over what is going on around us at all times. The way we view something is what we have seen in the past, or have experienced ourselves. I have been guilty of this very thing; everyone has a different perspective on the same situations. People that have religion see things different than people that don’t. Most people just see the situation from their perspective on the outside and they don’t take the time to ask questions or try to see the other side. After reading the following scenario, I would say that the first analogy of the situation fits well. You see that sort of situation all the time, whether you are at the grocery store or at Wal-Mart. I actually witnessed a situation like this once at a store called Game stops. These kids were so bad that they were running around knocking over the displays, the mother was patiently waiting in line to purchase the games that she bought. One of the guys that worked there had to stop the kids from destroying the store, while the mother paid no mind to what was going on. Where I live there are a lot of homeless people constantly walking around and asking for anything mainly money. These are the same people that are telling you that their car broke down and the just need a little gas to get home. Most of these homeless...
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...The five characteristics for human service professionals are: Self-awareness, Ability to communicate, Empathy, Responsibility/commitment, and Flexibility. Self-awareness is the deep understanding of one's own self, this includes comprehending self-knowledge about beliefs, attitudes, values, stereotypes, biases, cultural and gender differences, and behaviors. Self-awareness is beneficial in diminishing preconceptions and opinions, allowing one to modify or change their "self" toward a client's perspective. Empathy is the ability to see or feel what the client has experienced. Similar to self-awareness, empathy furthers the progression of understanding oneself and enables a provider to put their feet into the client's shoes. Providers who have experienced as well as relate to the client's situation have an easier time expressing empathy. Responsibility/Commitment are ideal promises to a client. The provider shall support the client in whichever possible way is needed through responsibility and will offer the highest quality of service through commitment. A provider displays a strong presence of professionalism and acts to the best of their abilities. They will adhere to a code of ethic or conduct and will remain honest with their client throughout their service. Flexibility provides versatility to a provider’s service. They may need to change, abandon, or revise plans if the program suddenly becomes difficult or unusual. Flexibility allows a provider to learn new alternatives...
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...probably fail once or twice but you’ll get there.” 2. I – Emotions are as reliable as reason. II – Areas of knowledge are not applied; they are organized clusters of knowledge. III – No area of knowledge is inferior to another, especially the arts and the religious knowledge systems. 3. - I know bits and pieces of knowledge as I am of the opinion that we can never know the whole story. - I can say I know myself pretty well. I believe my background and experiences shape the way I think. Therefore, my pursuit and interpretation of knowledge is often skewed to fit my preferences. - I know what I know mainly through evidence, experience and my intuition. I explore the nature of knowledge by looking at knowledge from different perspectives, examining biases and the ways of knowing used to interpret the knowledge at...
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...Reflective Practice Reflective practice is a process which enables you to achieve a better understanding of yourself, your skills, competencies, knowledge and professional practice. Although most of us engage in thinking about experiences either before, during or after an event, we need to document our understanding in order to clearly identify and demonstrate the components of our learning. Identifying what we have learnt requires us to think about our experiences, and consider the outcomes, in order to evaluate the experience, and identify our thoughts, feelings and understanding of the relevant issues. The objective is to identify what we have learnt in order to construct new or different approaches to our future practice, or to recognise and validate effective practice to utilise in the future. Learning comes from many different incidents and experiences that we have in life. We can learn much about ourselves, others, our job, our organisation, and professional practice, as well as our abilities and skills, if we consciously take the time to reflect on our learning. As a starting point, a pro-forma sheet for reflective practice, incorporating some ideas around the type of experiences we can utilise for learning, is provided. N.B. When reflecting on clinical incidents or professional practice involving patient care, patient confidentiality must never be breached Further guidance on different theories and methodologies for reflective practice is available on...
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...Anthony Doerr uses many different perspectives in his novel All the Light we Cannot See to convey how different people are affected by the current ongoing war, World War II. Doerr focuses on 2 characters perspectives in his novel; Werner, a intelligent boy enlisted into a nazi training camp and later sent onto the field and Marie-Laure, a blind girl with a passion for knowledge. Werner’s perspective is focused around survival and he does what he is told because he fears for his life. Contrary to this, Marie-Laure has a hopeful perspective because her hope creates her reality in her mind. Doerr uses different perspectives to show how focusing too much on one point of view can obscure reality and make a person blind to the reality of some situations. Werner has a very fearful perspective....
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...Ubaidur Khan Ms. Walters ENG3U 4/17/2016 Eurocentrism; It’s all a Matter of Perspective When it boils down to it, everything in literature is a matter of perspective. If you were to read a book implying a conspiracy about the crises in Palestine and pinning all the blame on Canada, would you believe it? It’s quite likely - because when you read a book, you begin to see things from the perspective of the author, or, the perspective the author wants you to see things through. The author’s passages and vivid imagery would figuratively allow you to see, hear, and feel things from a perspective that ultimately influences your views, beliefs, and values. Eurocentrism is the practice of viewing things from a European perspective and it’s effects are usually subconscious in a way that those affected don’t realize they’re affected. So to what extent exactly does literature force us to consider the long term effects of eurocentrism? Now, as they have taught the next generations, which compose themselves of their own children and immigrated families, these traditions get passed on to them, and so on. However, the key point here is that they aren’t passed on as ‘eurocentric beliefs’, rather, they are passed on as ‘normal’ beliefs and traditions. Literature certainly allows us to consider the long-term effects of eurocentrism to a great extent, and it does this by modelling everyday examples where eurocentrism takes place in a way that allows us to see where and when eurocentrism takes...
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