...9 chapter current controversies and issues Introduction The Clash of Values in Social Policies Welfare Euthanasia Government: How Much Support for the Needy? Target Populations: The Struggle for Support The AIDS Epidemic The Homeless Welfare Recipients Professionalism in the Human Services The Role of Human Services Workers Whom Do Human Services Workers Serve? A Basic Reading and Thinking Skill Ranking American Values References 324 Human Services in Contemporary America - © Cengage Learning c u r r e n t c o n t r ov e r s i e s a n d i s s u e s 325 INTRODUCTION You may have gathered by now that the human services field is quite complex. Complete agreement regarding philosophies, methods, goals, services, funding, or anything else just does not exist nor, from our point of view, should it. There are times when controversies and differences are stimulating, healthy, and valid and lead to creative solutions. At other times, they are repetitious, meaningless, and destructive. Too frequently they consume time, energy, and resources that might better be used providing needed services. To this end, we highly recommend that students become familiar with the books in the Opposing Viewpoints series, published by the Greenhaven Press, that deal with issues of concern to human services workers. The purpose of this chapter is to present a sampling of basic controversies and issues in the field of human services that have not yet been resolved and may never be resolved...
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...DEVELOPMENT STUDIES FACULTY OF PLANNING AND LAND MANAGEMENT DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING Social policy primarily refers to guidelines, principles, legislation and activities that affect the living conditions conducive to human welfare. Social policy often deals with wicked problems. Social Policy is defined as actions that affect the well-being of members of a society through shaping the distribution of and access to goods and resources in that society It is sometimes referred as "public policy and practice in the areas of health care, human services, criminal justice, inequality, education, and labor. The term 'social policy' can also refer to policies which govern human behavior. In the United States, the term 'social policy' may be used to refer to abortion and the regulation of its practice, euthanasia, homosexuality, the rules surrounding issues of marriage, divorce, adoption, the legal status of recreational drugs, and the legal status of prostitution. Social policy aims to improve human welfare and to meet human needs for education, health, housing and social security. After Nkrumah’s era, successive governments, including military regimes tried to improve upon the social well-being of citizens in the nation. After 1996 the various governments instituted some social policies. The elaborations below highlight on the various social policies formulated by the various governments from 1969 to date. 1. Dr. K.A Busia (The Progress Party 1969-1972) The...
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...when designing public policy. Efficiency is a comparative idea. It is a way of judging the merits of different ways of doing things. Efficient people are ones who get a lot done in a little time. Efficient allocations of resources are ones that yield the most total value for society from existing resources. Efficient choices are ones that result in the largest benefits for the same cost or the least cost given the benefit (Stone, 2002). According to Stone (2002), advocates of market mechanisms for policy making might argue that an exchange is efficient if it maximizes welfare at the present moment; inhabitants of the polis live over the long run and consider the time dimension a crucial part of most decisions. Another broad set challenges from the polis question, that an individual makes exchanges on the basis of full information about the objective alternatives and their subjective preferences. The challenge is impossible to have the type of information necessary for voluntary exchanges to result in efficiency. The market model requires accurate and complete information. But in the polis, information is always incomplete, interpretive and deliberately controlled. People can never have full information about the alternative available for satisfying their goals. Even if the money cost of information were zero, there would still be enormous time costs to process all the free information. Long term consequences are at issue in many public policy decisions as well-whether...
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...INTRODUCTION 1.1 INTRODUCTION TO THE STUDY INTRODUCTION Employee or labour welfare is a comprehensive term including various services, benefits and facilities offered to employees by the employer. Through such generous fringe benefits the employer makes life worth living for employees. The welfare amenities are extended in addition to normal wages and other economic rewards available to employees as per the legal provisions. According to Dr. Parandikar, “Labour welfare work is work for improving the health, safety and general well being and the industrial efficiency of the workers beyond the minimum standard laid down by labour legislation” Welfare measures may also be provided by the government, trade unions and non-government agencies in addition the employer. The basic purpose of labour welfare is to enrich the life of employees and keep them happy and contented. Welfare measures may be both statutory and voluntary. Labour laws require the employer to extend certain benefits to employees in addition to wages. Voluntary benefits are the result of employer’s generosity, enlightenment and philanthropic feelings. MEANING OF EMPLOYEE WELFARE According to the Oxford dictionary employee welfare or labour welfare means “the efforts to make life worth living for workmen”. According to the Labour Investigation Committee (1946), employee welfare means “anything done for intellection physical, moral and economic betterment of the workers...
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...THE UNIVERSITY OF HONG KONG Department of Social Work and Social Administration COURSE OUTLINE template Academic Year: 2014 /2015 1. Basic Course Information: Course Code: SOWK 1009 Course Title: Existing New Course: to be implemented in Semester 1 / 2 / S Reflective Practitioner 2. Course Instructor / Course Co-ordinator: Name Office Debbie Lam C0549 Kurtee Chu C0550 Grace Leung Chan Ki CO553 C0553 phone 3917-2082 3917-1153 3917-2090 3917-7145 email debbie@hku.hk kurteec@hku.hk gsmleung@hku.hk kichan@socwork.hku.hk 3. Required Pre-requisites (if any): __________NIL________________________ 4. Course Description (should be the same as the syllabus; so please just copy from the syllabus of your program that is available at the Department Website) Social work practice is carried out through interactions between social workers and individuals, families, organizations and society. Social workers are inevitably shaped by their own experiences, beliefs, upbringing and culture, which might affect their interactions with these systems. This course encourages the students to start the reflective journey in visiting issues of self in relation to the perceived identity, intimacy, loss, family, and society. Through reflective exercises, discussions, and assigned readings, the students will develop a deeper understanding of their values, philosophy of life and behaviors, and how these in turn impact social work practice. The course adopts an active-learning and experiential approach...
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...How have social policies and changes to the Australian welfare state affected the aged population. In 1901 just 4.0% of the Australian population were older people and after two decades this has increased to 6.4%. In 2011 the aged population continued to increase and reached 14%. The Australian Bureau of Statistics (Abs.gov.au, 2012) indicates that since the baby boomers are now becoming old, there has been a decrease in fertility rates and an increase in life expectancy. The population of people over 65 years has continued to increase and it is predicted that it will continue to increase for the next 50 years. As people become older they are more susceptible to becoming sick and in need of government benefits. Since there is a major growth in the percentage of older people there have been major concerns that this will place more stress on our economic, social and health resources. (Jamrozik, 2009) explains that a social policy is intended to increase the standard of living and provide access to services through the means of sharing society’s resources. A wide range of social policies have been introduced in the last 20 years to support our aging population. Our Government provides income support and various concessions for those eligible (Humanservices.gov.au, 2014). As people retire they are no longer able to earn income and are in need of this income security in order to survive. A person to be eligible for this type of support depends on their income, assets and age...
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...What is the relationship between social policy and economic policy? (Your answer must refer to Keynesian and Monetarist economic ideas in relation to welfare Trying to explain the relationship between social and economic policy can be seen as quite a complex task. But, if you look at the wider picture it can be said to become quite easy to see if the two go well together and how they intertwine with eachother to benefit the welfare state. In order to go further and try to explain the relationship between social and economic policy, it is best to make sense of what exactly is meant by economic policy and to take a look at the different types of economic policy which helps to shape the welfare state. It is a government policy for maintaining economic growth and tax revenues. Alcock et all. (2012) explains ecenomic policy as government activites in the economic field focused on certain activites and topics. Some of these topics consist of securing economic growth, meaning the production of more services in the economy and the promotion of the manufacturing industry with tax benefits and grants. Managing the rates of employment through employment agencies also fits into one of the topics as well as using taxation policies to redistrubute income, property and wealth between different social groups. Taking these topics and interventions into consideration, the relationship between social and econoimic policy can be difficult to explain as in this certain case they...
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...SOCIAL POLICY ANALYSIS: WELFARE TO WORK Research is key to the continued development of the theory and knowledge base of social work practice. The AASW supports the undertaking of research as a key activity to build and maintain the mission of the social work profession. Research is an essential area of social work practice and is included in the AASW Practice Standards for Social Workers, (section 4.3), highlighting its importance to social work practice. Social workers are expected to “understand the role of research and evaluation in obtaining and generating new knowledge for practice.” (AASW 2013) Social work research informs professional practice. Through social work research, the profession can: * Assess the needs and resources of people in their environments * Evaluate the effectiveness of social work services in meeting people needs * Demonstrate relative costs and benefits of social work services * Advance professional education in light of changing contexts for practice * Understand the impact of legislation and social policy on the clients and communities we serve Australia’s population is ageing. At the same time, spending on income support payments as a whole (and not just age pensions) is anticipated to increase. Without on-going high rates of economic growth, the nation will struggle to support its ageing population and those who rely on government income support (ABS, 2006). Australian governments have long recognized the...
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...ABSTRACT: The term welfare brings a lot of controversy, for some, it implies that its recipients meaning “poor people” are getting a free ride getting public assistance. For others it is believed to be anti-work, anti-family. Nonetheless, regardless of how one’s felt about welfare, no one can argue that poverty is a social issue that has serious impact on society. Although poverty means different thing to different people, to some, poverty means the some members of society are lazy, not able to take personal responsibility. For others, it means that some members of society are not getting a fair share of the wealth distribution. The point that it remain is viewed as not having enough or lacking enough resource to provide for one’s needs. But many disagree on this definition, because some scholars in the field of sociology agree that poverty transcend money and wealth. Hutchinson (2003) eloquently posits that” poverty influences the ability of parents to adequately meet their children’s basic needs. Understanding human development requires an ecological approach that views the child in a home environment duly placed in a community context, where the family strives to meet their needs and obtain long-term resources” (p.56). The social problem created by poverty is a much larger than any debate ever address. Its remains an issue of serious social concern, addressing the truthfulness about poverty is crucial to assist in the policy making process. Because ignoring the cause...
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...Social Policy Introduction Social Policy is an educational subject concerned with the lessons of social activities and the welfare condition. The Department of Social Policy at the London School of Economics names social policy as "an interdisciplinary and practical subject concerned with the analysis of societies' reactions to social need. It search for foster in its students a aptitude to understand hypothesis and proof strained from a wide variety of social science regulations, including sociology, economics, geography, psychology, law, history, political science and philosophy. The name ‘Social policy’ is used to relate on the policies which governments use for social welfare and social security, on the methods in which social benefit is developed in the society and on the educational study of the subject. It also stands for a series of issues broaden far away from the procedures of government-the means by which welfare is encouraged, and the social and economic situations which outline the expansion of welfare. The principle areas of social policy are given below, * Social services, social safety ,community care, education; * Social troubles which includes crime, disability, old age ; * Race, gender, poverty are also included. Task-1 1.1 Identify the historical and contemporary landmarks in social policy and analysis the historical land marks of social and welfare Policies of historical and contemporary landmarks explain that how the qualities of existence...
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...This essay will focus on exploring the changing approaches and attitudes to welfare since the Poor Law, thus establishing the measures introduced or policies implemented to enable society to lead a sustainable livelihood. In addition, it will identify the individuals who were influential in the creation of a welfare state by examining six different concepts, namely: the 1601 Elizabethean Poor Law, The Poor Law Amendment Act of 1834, New Liberalism, Fabianism, Thatcherism and Blairism. The removal of monasteries and church welfare led the parliament to pass the first act for the relief of the poor. The 1601 Old Poor Law was a response to the issue of poverty by the state on a national scale, providing relief to the sick/elderly/disabled; able-bodied and children/orphans. Administered by parishes, it “sought to assist the 'settled' poor, who were expected to accept whatever work or relief the parish offered.” (www.victorianweb.org/history/poorlaw/elizpl.html) There is an implication that a safety net was provided for those who had fallen on hard times, however they had no freedom of choice regards the type of employment they took on, their dietary intake, clothing etc. They were reliant on relief and were susceptible to exploitation through cheap labour. “Each parish looked after their own poor and a poor rate was levied on householders” (Moore; 2000). The lack of uniformity in system suggests that treatment and rules differed from parish to parish, however, parishes were likely...
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...Legislating the Family: Heterosexist Bias in Social Welfare Policy Frameworks Amy Lind University of Virginia Studies in Women and Gender Program This article addresses the effects of heterosexist bias in social welfare policy frameworks on lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) individuals and families in the United States. It discusses the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act (PRWORA), the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA), federal definitions of family and household, and stereotypes about LGBT individuals. It argues that poor LGBT individuals and families lack full citizen rights and access to needed social services as a result of these explicit and implicit biases. Key words: Welfare reform; family policy; civil rights; gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender (LGBT); heterosexism Welfare reform is fundamentally about family policy—about promoting and privileging particular kinds of families, and about penalizing and stigmatizing others. (Cahill and Jones 2002: 1). Two pieces of legislation were passed in 1996 that set an important tone for family policy in the United States: The 1996 Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act (PRWORA), an act that expanded welfare-to-work programs throughout the country, restricted people’s access to public assistance, and crystallized the broader restructuring of public-private boundaries; and the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA), which defines marriage as a legal union between a man...
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...reinforced, rather than reduced, by social policy in Germany and Sweden? Social policy in the modern western world is constantly developing in terms of equality, especially in the promotion of gender equality in society. Radical improvements such as the right for women to work, to vote and the equal opportunities available in terms of education; has radically improved the position of women, mothers and single parents in economic forerunners such as Germany and Sweden, with the gender gap being arguably non-existent if compared to previous generations. However, it is still apparent that there are startling differences between the two countries in terms of welfare benefits and social policy affecting men and women, with neither achieving the desired goal of an egalitarian society. Within his ground-breaking study on welfare state regime-types, Gøsta Esping-Andersen argues that gender imbalances within social policy is the outcome and production of the specific welfare-regime type the state possesses, suggesting that whether traditionalist or socialist in their views, welfare states dominate policies, consequently determining which social group benefits such as the bourgeoisie or proletariat, the majority or minority or men or women for example. (Esping-Andersen, 1990: 24) The first chancellor of Germany, Otto Von Bismarck created a social insurance system in 1873, of which became a pioneering model for the basis of the German welfare state, which to this day is still...
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...The welfare, intended as the set of measures and policies devoted to ensure minimum quality life standards to individuals, is normally associated to the state insomuch reference is generally made to “welfare state”. The welfare state is based on ethical ideals: it is created in the name of social justice, to implement the fundamental rights and freedoms of human beings (as developed from time to time in the various cultures). Stuart White wants to clarify in the Oxford Handbook of the Welfare State, the main ethical arguments, which are inherent in the creation of the welfare state. First of all a process for the achievement of the basic needs of the citizens (questionable what are the basic needs), latterly equality, seen as same opportunities without racial or social influence, and lastly liberty, conceived as ‘negative’ liberty of coercive ‘redistribution’ in order to achieve a moral and social congruence between all the individuals. However, welfare state, even if based on ethic-philosophical findings, has many implications and effects in the economic field. As Briggs (1961) argued, the welfare state is an organization whose purpose is to modify the market forces in at least three directions: (I) ensure to the individuals and to the families minimum incomes; (II) decrease the level of insecurity; and (III) assure the best standard available of social services (Cittadini 2015). ***** Modern concept...
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...summit for social development after the golden age: the future of the welfare state in the new global order by gøsta esping-andersen unrisd united nations research institute for social development UNRISD work for the Social Summit is being carried out with the support and co-operation of the United Nations Development Programme. Proof-reading and layout: Rhonda Gibbes Dissemination: Adrienne Cruz UNRISD/OP/94/7 ISSN 1020-2285 Copyright United Nations Research Institute for Social Development (UNRISD). Short extracts from this publication may be reproduced unaltered without authorization on condition that the source is indicated. For rights of reproduction or translation, application should be made to UNRISD, Palais des Nations, 1211 Geneva 10, Switzerland. UNRISD welcomes such applications. UNRISD publications can be obtained from the same address. The designations employed and the presentation of the material in this publication do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the United Nations Research Institute for Social Development concerning the legal status of any country, territory or area, or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries. The views expressed in this publication are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Institute. after the golden age: the future of the welfare state in the new global order occasional paper no. 7 world summit for social development ...
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