...Socialization Paper Nelson Reyes Sociology 101 November 12, 2011 The agents of socialization have made me the person I am today. It has also helped shape my personality since I was born to today. After analyzing the agents of socialization that has made me who I am, I feel that school, family, and where I work are agents of socialization that have had more of a priority in my life. It has influenced my emotions, attitudes, and behavior. I will describe how each agent socialized me to become the person I am today and also relate other concepts in relation to those agents. I was brought into this world on June 6, 1991. I was born and raised in Los Angeles, but spend most of my sensorimotor stage and preoperational stage in East Los Angeles. Out of 3 children, I am the only male to two immigrants. My mom is from a country called Honduras and my dad is from El Salvador. My mom came to the United States when she was 15 years old to have a better life than at home. Same with my dad but he needed to get a job here to support the family. I don’t remember that much when I was baby. When I was 5 years old, my father had to work and my mom would stay home with me. She would take me to the park so that we didn’t stay home bored and after go to the grocery store and get food for dad and us. While at home, they showed me how to eat right, when having guests to the apartment to show respect, and always say thank you. When my dad had the day off work he would take me to play basketball...
Words: 1466 - Pages: 6
...Quick Review Primary Socialization •Socialization is the process whereby we learn to become competent members of a group. Primary socialization is the learning we experience from the people who raise us. •Researchers have many theories about the developmental stages that children experience. •Freud theorized that the development of the id, ego, and superego occurs over time and that the three must be in balance. •Mead developed a theory which posited that “self” is a product of social experience. •Cooley developed the notion of the looking-glass self. •Piaget posited four stages of cognitive development: sensorimotor, preoperational, concrete operational, and formal operational. •Kohlberg developed a theory of moral development with three levels: preconventional, conventional, and postconventional. •Agents of socialization are people, groups, and experiences that influence behavior and self-image. They include family, school, peer groups, and the mass media. •Isolated or institutionalized children may not experience primary socialization and can suffer many social and psychological defects as a result. Resocialization •Primary socialization occurs in childhood. Resocialization, the learning of new norms and values, occurs later in life, when life circumstances change or when people join a new group. •The workplace is an agent of resocialization. •Total institutions are environments in which people are isolated from mainstream society and expected to adhere to rigid...
Words: 298 - Pages: 2
...Chapter 1: Expanding abroad Voorbeeld MNE: Intel, Unilever, Samsung, McKinsey Starbucks Vb. blz. 3 toont aan dat de invloed van MNE op de wereldeconomie gigantisch is. MNE stellen enorm veel mensen te werk en volgen vaak een zeer complexe strategie. 1. The MNE: Definition, Scope and Influence Wat is een MNE – multinational ( multinationaal management) Niet alle MNE zijn groot, maar de meeste grote bedrijven in de wereld zijn MNE. zijn Men is alleen een MNE als men aan deze voorwaarden voldoet: 1. Directe investeringen doen in het buitenland. MNE doet niet alleen aan export, maar is ook écht aanwezig in het buitenland. Ze voeren er directe investeringen in door vb. te produceren in het buitenland. 2. Actief met de investering bezig zijn (vb. aanwezig zijn in de RvB) 3. Geïntegreerde operaties (geen losse filliaaltjes) Dit betekent ook dat de operationele omgeving sterk verandert, de complexiteit stijgt. ekent omgeving Veel verschillende consumenten, distributiesystemen, … Ook de politieke agenda van de landen waarin we investeren speelt een belangrijke rol. Global game: men speelt wereldwijd waardoor alles complex wordt. Binnen de EU spelen de wisselkoersen geen rol meer maar daarbuiten wel, dit kan een belangrijke invloed hebben op vb. de winst. Ook organisatorisch is de omgeving complex. De meeste MNE zijn vrij recent (na WO II) uitgegroeid tot internationale spelers. In totaal zijn er wereldwijd zo’n 70 000 bedrijven van dit type. De toegevoegde waarde van grote...
Words: 29103 - Pages: 117