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Sociology's Next Top Theorist Analysis

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In Tyra Banks’ finale of “Sociology’s Next Top Theorist” the finalists are required to put on a fashion show that expresses their theories of how power works in society. The first contestant to outline the models of the walkway is German theorist Herbert Marcuse. Two models walk in parallel with different styles of dress. One is wearing a long ballroom gown made from the stitching of popular advertisements. The newest iPhone, The Force Awakens poster, brand drinks, and Nikes to name a few. Additionally, she is holding a Louis Vuitton purse and wearing make-up. Marcuse defines this style as false couture, representing our “false” needs. While the second model is wearing a simple sun dress with images of brand less water/food/clothing/hygienic products, basic transportation, and adequate shelter. She is carrying a black bag with no label and has no make-up on. Marcuse describes this style as true couture, representing our “true” needs.
Several men that are wearing shirts with the word “power” on them come onto the stage and take the true couture model backstage before placing a sticker saying “true” onto the false couture model. The acting consumer audience is then attracted to only the false couture because it is displaying itself as the true needs for society as deemed by those in power and is now the single …show more content…
As opposed to Marcuse who believes that power over society is related to the distribution of false goods and surplus repression, Foucault describes forms of power with five models. First is sovereign power, a male model dressed as a king acts out punishments of the body on criminals in front of the rest of civilians to show force. This ensures people to comply with authority out of fear. The model tears off his royal

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