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Nursing Ethics: Practice (Resource Utilization)

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Practice (Practice; Ethics; Resource Utilization)

Ms. Costa is a BSN prepared full time (1.0) FTEE staff nurse in the hemodialysis clinic. In addition to her required roles and responsibilities she has cross trained to be responsible for the peritoneal dialysis patients on a prn basis.
Ms. Costa applies the nursing process and care management principles within a collaborative, interdisciplinary practice setting while continuously demonstrating sound evidence based practice and critical thinking in the delivery of patient care. With the help of the interdisciplinary team she has worked collaboratively to address and reinforce nutritional needs, social/family issues, barriers to care, and safety concerns.
She is the primary nurse for five …show more content…
Costa’s assessment skills, critical thinking and clinical expertise were demonstrated when a patient one of the patients began complaining of right calf cramping and a pain level of 9/10.Ms. Costa completed a thorough physical assessment of the extremity. The patient was noted to have diminished pedal pulses, poor capillary refill, and redness of skin on the affected extremity. The patient was admitted and an immediate surgical intervention was done which included a bilateral femoral endarterectomy, aortogram, bilateral iliac angioplasty and stent placement to restore adequate blood flow to his lower extremities. Her astute assessment skills resulted in a positive outcome for the …show more content…
Costa assumed the lead in being appointed the units Vascular Access Co-coordinator (VAC). In this role she functions as a patient advocate, teacher (for patients and colleagues), and liaison. Ms. Costa works in collaboration with the nephrology team (physicians/nurses/technicians), vascular surgery, and the outpatient vascular lab. Providence Access Care Center providing continuous quality improvement in patient outcomes. She also worked closely with the social worker to remove barriers of care so her 96 year old patient could stay home. This led to a better quality of life for the patient. She worked closely with the facilities transplant coordinator, social worker and outside transplant center to successfully support a transplant for one of her primary

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