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Socrates Knowledge Greek Analysis

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Socrates’ account of knowledge was illustrated in the standard definitions of epistemology and its ideas of justification and the difference between whether something is truth or belief. Understanding knowledge as Socrates’ describes this concept can be seen several places. The first is when he compares himself to a midwife of truth, which is an odd saying, but it is to portray that Socrates doesn’t create true ideas, but works to deliver them, examining the world for truth, which must be done through an analytical viewpoint of society and humanity itself. As seen through his actions of interviewing the people of Athens, the way to truth though his methods can’t be done through introspection and contemplation, but through question and answer …show more content…
As he worked to utilize his examinations efficiently, these inquiries requiring justification for everything a person explained. Thus, it was necessary for a person to be able to understand and outline the reasons for every aspect of their line of work. The wise dimension of this arrived from the realization that a person is unable to know everything about one subject. One can know a great deal, far more than the rest of the population. However, their knowledge will always be limited to an extent as their justifications begin to grow circular after a point, to the point where their reasons for an aspect of their field can no longer be explained by them, stating that something is such a way because it must be. In the end, everyone is unable to give a logical reasoning for the actions of a field. Consequences include placing on trial all of the knowledge one has as it can no longer be justified when one aspect of their understanding no longer abides by reason. Socrates was perceiving this and working to explain this discovery and no one was able to comprehend his thoughts, saying that knowledge was limited and ambiguous. Socrates was questioning people’s knowledge and their understanding, partly giving humility to people by offering the idea that all great knowledge is meant for god-like beings. This is how Socrates becomes the wisest man, as he found it his duty to spread this discovery where no one was able to perceive this without his

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