...Essay Sorry for Disturbing You A: We are several billions of people on Earth. We are born to this planet with abilities of an enormous scale. Our vocabulary enables us to express our feelings as well as our body language disclose them. As a result, we are very lucky human beings! We are like gregarious animals: Even though we are all different, we cannot live alone. We know for a fact that we are currently seven billion people on Earth, so why are many of them living in loneliness? Studies have shown that one of the primary sources to human happiness is the close and confident relation we can have to our fellow men. Therefore, the ability to communicate is crucial for how we will evolve in the future. Such issues are being handled in Richard Knight’s short story “Sorry for Disturbing You”, from 2008. In the short story, Michael Phelps is described as an old man, who one evening is knocking on Ian’s front door. He wants to borrow the phone so he can call a taxi. Phelps is intoxicated by alcohol and claims that he used to know the previous owners of Ian’s house, Edie and George Higham. Ian invites him in and tries to help him. To find what connection the drunken man has to this couple; he calls them, but without success. They will not help him at all: “Look, if he’s bothering you I suggest you call the police. I’m sorry he’s disturbing your evening but… I really must go. Sorry.” George Higham seems frustrated and dismissive towards Ian. This reaction is due to the...
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...Instructions: ”Sorry for Disturbing You” Write an essay (900-1200) words in which you analyse and interpret Richard Knight’s short story “Sorry for Disturbing You”. Part of your essay must focus on the function of dialogue in “Sorry for Disturbing You” I will correct the following elements: * Verbal concord * Personal pronouns (he, him, she, his, her etc.) * Spelling * Paragraph structure * Introduction + thesis statement Text: “Sorry for Disturbing You”, a short story by Richard Knight, 2008 Sorry for Disturbing You is a short story written by Richard Knight and its main theme is regretting some of the choices made in life. Two guys are regretting things in this story – an old man called Michael and Ian, who is also the main character. Michael is an old sick man one night knocking at Ian’s door asking for a phone to call for a cap. Ian doesn’t feel like letting him in, but he follows his instinct and finally lets him in to help him. Ian following his instinct turned out to be a good thing, because letting Michael made Ian change The story is told by a third person limited narrator, as it is only Ian’s thought that appears in the text. So reading this story Ian is our eyes and ears. Every description is given to us by his point of view, which means that the impression of the characters that we get is affected by what Ian’s thoughts of these people. The fact that the narrator is a limited narrator, also has the effect that Ian can only be described...
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...Sorry for Disturbing You – Assignment A &B A) Write an essay (700-900 words) in which you analyse and interpret Richard Knight's short story "Sorry for Disturbing You". Regret is defined as a feeling of sorrow or remorse for a fault, act, loss or disappointment. In spite of this melancholic definition, regret is inevitable in our lives. But it is often said, that “if we spend our time with regrets over yesterday, and worries over what might happen tomorrow, we have no today in which to live.” Hence, we must strive to reach a state of mind, where the regret that fills our lives and its consequences are accepted. The consequences of not reaching this state, is what Michael, a character in the short story “Sorry for Disturbing You”, is living with. This so-called story is written by Richard Knight in 2008 and presents the encounter between a man, filled with regret, and a man, ready to defeat upcoming and predicted regrets. The story starts in medias res, when one of the main characters Ian opens the door to a drunken and sick stranger called Michael. Ian lets the stranger enter his home, whilst making him tea and helping him call a cab. But in the end Ian ends up driving Michael home, as Michael apologizes, saying he was “sorry to disrupt [his] evening”. Also, signifying the title of the story. So on one hand we find Ian, a young man following his instinct, as he lets in the drunken stranger. Initially, Ian is surprised and confused to find this man on his doorstep, but...
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...------------------------------------------------- Sorry for disturbing you A. Several acknowledged studies show that one of the primary sources to human happiness is the close and positive relations we can have to each other. We have the ability to communicate and we have an enormous vocabulary to express how we feel. But with great power comes great responsibility. Communication is a central part of an intimate relationship and, if handled properly, it can be the key to a long and happy life. But if a person is unable to communicate about feelings it can be the end of ever obtaining true intimacy and in the end lead to loneliness and low self-esteem. This essay will contain an analysis and interpretation of the short story Sorry for Disturbing You by Richard Knight (2008), which deals with the subject of communication. The story is about a meeting between two strangers that occurs when the main character of the story, Ian, finds an old and dirty man knocking on his door. Subsequently I will put it into perspective by discussing Love Poem by Douglas Dunn (1969) and The Ambulance Box by Andrew Phillip (2009). The composition of Sorry for Disturbing You is mainly chronological. It starts in medias res as Ian reflects over his meeting with Michael Phelps. This is the only place where there is a breach of the chronologically time line. The story spans over a couple of hours, from the moment Ian opens the door to when he returns home to his wife and daughter, Karen and Corinne...
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...Marx as a Racist Born on May 5, 1818, Karl Marx was the first son in the family to not die early. While his other older brothers had died of illness, Karl lived on and was thought of by his mother as a Gluckskind, or “child of fortune.” The Marx family was a middl3eclass family in the city of Trier. Karl, much like his father, had mental gifts. When he came of age his family shipped him to the University of Bonn for schooling. His father, a self-made attorney, implored Karl to study hard and attain knowledge for reaching steady employment. Instead of listening to his father, Karl squandered his father’s money and became engulfed in debt. Along with debt, Karl also indulged in drunkenness and even engaged in a duel. Karl chose to use his years at college learning Greek and Roman mythology. To add to his selfishness, after schooling Karl married much to his families’ consternation. Karl also refused to support his mother and sisters after his father had died. Karl grew disgusted at his mother and wanted her to die so he could gain her inheritance. There are many things Karl Marx did growing up that God’s Word speaks against. I believe Karl Marx proved early on just how selfish he was. In Ephesians 6:2 the Lord wishes us to honor our parents. There are also countless warnings about drunkenness and being in debt. But we must heed these warnings and not ignore them. Karl Marx was Jewish and raised a Lutheran so I believe he was taught proper morals. Often the choices...
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...Death of a Salesman, Character analysis By Henry Cord Willy Loman, the main character in Death of a Salesman is a complex and fascinatingly tragic character. He is a man struggling to hold onto what dignity he has left in a changing society that no longer values the ideals he grew up to believe in. While society can be blamed for much of his misfortune, he must also be blamed himself to an equal extent for his bad judgement, disloyalty and his foolish pride. Willy Loman is a firm believer in the "American Dream:" the notion that any man can rise from humble beginnings to greatness. His particular slant on this ideal is that a man succeeds by selling his charisma, that to be well liked is the most important asset a man can have. He made a living at this for 30 years, but as he enters the later stage of his life, people have stopped smiling back and he can no longer sell the firm's goods to support himself. His ambition was one of greatness, to work hard and to be a member of the firm; and if he could not succeed in this respect, that he should at least be well-liked and be able to sell until the day of his death: When his friends would flock from all over the country to pay their respects. Willy's main flaw is his foolish pride, this it what makes him such a tragic hero. Yet there are many facets to his personality that contribute to the state he and the family are in during the play. His upbringing of the boys is one major issue, he raised them with the notion that if...
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...increased from that of the rest of society. Many people have considered O’Connor’s works controversial from the time she first started writing; To this day, O’Connor’s work causes strong emotion among its readers, however, much like other writers advocating for something or against something during O’Connor’s time, she has had to fight in order to make people care. O’Connor blatantly expressed her religious views in her stories and consistently critiqued controversial themes and real-world issues in her writing, such as racism, Catholic doctrine, finding meaning in life, and possessing world-influenced, consumeristic views about how life should be. As a result, she experienced harsh criticism from the majority of people who read her work. This essay will give examples of the ways Flannery O’Connor’s used two of her short stories to provided commentary and challenge and change the thinking of American readers in order to prevent their apathy....
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...Building Background Knowledge for Academic Achievement by Robert J. Marzano Table of Contents Chapter 1. The Importance of Background Knowledge According to the National Center for Education Statistics (2003), every day from September to June some 53.5 million students in the United States walk into classes that teach English, mathematics, science, history, and geography and face the sometimes daunting task of learning new content. Indeed, one of the nation's long-term goals as stated in the The National Education Goals Report: Building a Nation of Learners (National Education Goals Panel, 1991) is for U.S. students to master “challenging subject matter” in core subject areas (p. 4). Since that goal was articulated, national and state-level standards documents have identified the challenging subject matter alluded to by the goals panel. For example, in English, high school students are expected to know and be able to use standard conventions for citing various types of primary and secondary sources. In mathematics, they are expected to understand and use sigma notation and factorial representations. In science, they are expected to know how insulators, semiconductors, and superconductors respond to electric forces. In history, they are expected to understand how civilization developed in Mesopotamia and the Indus Valley. In geography, they are expected to understand how the spread of radiation from the Chernobyl nuclear accident has affected the present-day world. Although...
Words: 8330 - Pages: 34
...Free Essays Home Search Essays FAQ Contact Search: Go View Cart / Checkout Search Results Free Essays Unrated Essays Better Essays Stronger Essays Powerful Essays Term Papers Research Papers Search by keyword: wind Sort By: Go Your search returned over 400 essays for "wind" 1 2 3 4 5 Next >> These results are sorted by most relevant first (ranked search). You may also sort these by color rating or essay length. Title Length Color Rating Wind Power and Wildlife Issues in Kansas - ... Turbines can produce electricity at wind speeds as low as 9 miles per hour, reach their peak of production at 33 miles per hour, plus shut down and turn sideways at wind speeds above 56 miles per hour. An average wind speed at the site of a turbine is 20 miles per hour. Because of these features on the towers, they rank Kansas the 3rd in the US for wind energy potential. The Gray County Wind Farm in Kansas, powered by Florida Power and Light Energy, has collected data from 2001-2009 on electricity production.... [tags: kansas, wind energy, wind turbines] :: 1 Works Cited 1537 words (4.4 pages) $29.95 [preview] Analysis of Wind Turbine Designs - Abstract Bill Gates, founder of Microsoft and one of the most philanthropic men in history giving over 28 billion dollars to charity so far, states his number one wish for the world wouldn't be to rid the world of aids, vaccinate kids around the world, or feed every starving children; instead, it would be...
Words: 9531 - Pages: 39
...2013B Carefully read the following excerpt from the short story “Mammita’s Garden Cove” by Cyril Dabydeen. Then write a well-organized essay in which you analyze how Dabydeen uses literary techniques to convey Max’s complex attitudes toward place. ‘Where d’you come from?’ Max was used to the question; used to being told no as well. He walked away, feet kicking hard ground, telling himself that Line he must persevere. More than anything else he knew 5 he must find a job before long. In a way being unemployed made him feel prepared for hell itself even though he knew too that somewhere there was a sweet heaven waiting for him. How couldn’t it be? After all he was in Canada. He wanted to laugh all of 10 He continued walking along, thoughts drifting back to the far-gone past. Was it that far-gone? He wasn’t sure . . . yet his thoughts kept going back, to the time he was on the island and how he used to dream about 15 being in Canada, of starting an entirely new life. He remembered those dreams clearly now; remembered too thinking of marrying some sweet island-woman with whom he’d share his life, of having children and later buying a house. Maybe someday he’d even own 20 a cottage on the edge of the city. He wasn’t too sure where one built a cottage, but there had to be a cottage. He’d then be in the middle class; life would be different from the hand-to-mouth existence he was used to. 25 His heels pressed into the asphalt, walking on. And slowly he...
Words: 37585 - Pages: 151
...2013B Carefully read the following excerpt from the short story “Mammita’s Garden Cove” by Cyril Dabydeen. Then write a well-organized essay in which you analyze how Dabydeen uses literary techniques to convey Max’s complex attitudes toward place. ‘Where d’you come from?’ Max was used to the question; used to being told no as well. He walked away, feet kicking hard ground, telling himself that Line he must persevere. More than anything else he knew 5 he must find a job before long. In a way being unemployed made him feel prepared for hell itself even though he knew too that somewhere there was a sweet heaven waiting for him. How couldn’t it be? After all he was in Canada. He wanted to laugh all of 10 He continued walking along, thoughts drifting back to the far-gone past. Was it that far-gone? He wasn’t sure . . . yet his thoughts kept going back, to the time he was on the island and how he used to dream about 15 being in Canada, of starting an entirely new life. He remembered those dreams clearly now; remembered too thinking of marrying some sweet island-woman with whom he’d share his life, of having children and later buying a house. Maybe someday he’d even own 20 a cottage on the edge of the city. He wasn’t too sure where one built a cottage, but there had to be a cottage. He’d then be in the middle class; life would be different from the hand-to-mouth existence he was used to. 25 His heels pressed into the asphalt, walking on. And slowly he...
Words: 37585 - Pages: 151
...A VISUAL GUIDE TO ESSAY WRITING Dr Valli Rao, Associate Professor Kate Chanock, and Dr Lakshmi Krishnan use a visual approach to walk students through the most important processes in essay writing for university: formulating, refining, and expressing academic argument. ‘MetamorTHESIS‘ Your main argument or thesis is your position in answer to the essay question. It changes and develops as you undertake your reading and research towards the essay. how to develop & communicate academic argument “I love the way the authors explain what an argument is. I also love the way they justify holding opinions in an academic context … A Visual Guide to Essay Writing shows you excellently how to communicate with your marker by employing your ‘authorial voice’.” - Dr Alastair Greig Head, School of Social Sciences The Australian National University Valli Rao Kate Chanock Lakshmi Krishnan “This is a great book ... clear, useful, beautifully conceived and produced ... an intriguing approach, one that will make sense to students and really assist their essay writing skills.” - Brigid Ballard & John Clanchy authors of the international best-seller Essay writing for students: a practical guide How effective structure supports reasoned argument in essays1 Discipline/field Topic Underlying question Introduce discipline/field/context and topic Roughly, 10–15% of essay length Why is this topic interesting from the perspective of the discipline/field...
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...Prologue Florence, 1283 The poet stood next to the bridge and watched as the young woman approached. The world ground to a near standstill as he remarked her wide, dark eyes and elegantly curled brown hair. At first he didn’t recognize her. She was breathtakingly beautiful, her movements sure and graceful. Yet there was something about her face and figure that reminded him of the girl he’d fallen in love with long ago. They’d gone their separate ways, and he had always mourned her, his angel, his muse, his beloved Beatrice. Without her, his life had been lonely and small. Now his blessedness appeared. As she approached him with her companions, he bowed his head and body in a chivalrous salute. He had no expectation that his presence would be acknowledged. She was both perfect and untouchable, a browneyed angel dressed in resplendent white, while he was older, world-weary and wanting. She had almost passed him when his downcast eyes caught sight of one of her slippers — a slipper that hesitated just in front of him. His heart beat a furious tattoo as he waited, breathless. A soft and gentle voice broke into his remembrances as she spoke to him kindly. His startled eyes flew to hers. For years and years he’d longed for this moment, dreamed of it even, but never had he imagined encountering her in such a serendipitous fashion. And never had he dared hope he would be greeted so sweetly. Caught off balance, he mumbled his pleasantries and allowed himself the indulgence of a smile...
Words: 188392 - Pages: 754
...question back to us: To what extent are the British or American people responsible for the vicious terror bombings of civilians, perfected as a technique of warfare by the Western democracies and reaching their culmination in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, surely among the most unspeakable crimes in history. To an undergraduate in 1945-46—to anyone whose political and moral consciousness had been formed by the horrors of the 1930s, by the war in Ethiopia, the Russian purge, the “China Incident,” the Spanish Civil War, the Nazi atrocities, the Western reaction to these events and, in part, complicity in them—these questions had particular significance and poignancy. With respect to the responsibility of intellectuals, there are still other, equally disturbing questions. Intellectuals are in a position to expose the lies of governments, to analyze actions according to their causes and motives and often hidden intentions. In the Western world, at least, they have the power that comes from political liberty, from access to information and freedom of expression. For a...
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...the Caravan “This is going to be just about the most exciting holiday we’ve ever had!” said Roger, carrying a suitcase and bag down to the front door. “Diana, bring that pile of books, will you, before we forget them?” Diana picked them up and ran down the stairs after Roger. At the front door stood a caravan. Diana stood and gloated over it for about the twentieth time. “Fancy Dad buying a caravan!” she said. “And oh, what a pity he can’t come with us after all!” “Yes - after all our plans!” said Roger. “Still, it’s a jolly good thing Mummy didn’t back out, when she heard Dad had to go off to America - I was awfully afraid she would! My heart went into my boots, I can tell you.” “Same here,” said Diana, stacking the books neatly on a shelf in the caravan. “Have we got our bird-book - we’ll see plenty of birds on our travels, and that’s my holiday task - writing an essay on ‘Birds I have seen’.” “Well, don’t forget to take the field-glasses then,” said Roger. “They’re hanging in the hall. I say - what did you think about Mummy asking Miss Pepper to come with us, now that Daddy can’t manage?” Miss Pepper was a very old friend of their mother’s. The children were fond of her - but Roger felt rather doubtful about having her on a caravan holiday with them. “You see - she’s all right in a house,” he said to Diana. “But in a small caravan, with hardly any room - won’t she get fussed? We shall be so much on top of one another.” “Oh well - Mummy must have...
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