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Sorry for Disturbing You


Submitted By alex2419
Words 1269
Pages 6
Sorry for Disturbing You
– Assignment A &B
A) Write an essay (700-900 words) in which you analyse and interpret Richard Knight's short story "Sorry for Disturbing You".
Regret is defined as a feeling of sorrow or remorse for a fault, act, loss or disappointment. In spite of this melancholic definition, regret is inevitable in our lives. But it is often said, that “if we spend our time with regrets over yesterday, and worries over what might happen tomorrow, we have no today in which to live.” Hence, we must strive to reach a state of mind, where the regret that fills our lives and its consequences are accepted. The consequences of not reaching this state, is what Michael, a character in the short story “Sorry for Disturbing You”, is living with.
This so-called story is written by Richard Knight in 2008 and presents the encounter between a man, filled with regret, and a man, ready to defeat upcoming and predicted regrets. The story starts in medias res, when one of the main characters Ian opens the door to a drunken and sick stranger called Michael. Ian lets the stranger enter his home, whilst making him tea and helping him call a cab. But in the end Ian ends up driving Michael home, as Michael apologizes, saying he was “sorry to disrupt [his] evening”. Also, signifying the title of the story.
So on one hand we find Ian, a young man following his instinct, as he lets in the drunken stranger. Initially, Ian is surprised and confused to find this man on his doorstep, but even so he insists on helping out. This tells us, that Ian is ready to lend a hand – even to a total stranger. Subsequently Ian, tells his daughter to “go back in” as the man enters, because he doesn’t want “to frighten her”. For this reason Ian gives us the impression of being a very caring father.
In the house should’ve also been, according to Ian, his wife, Karen, but “they had things to

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