...The Role of Social Support in Coping with HIV/AIDS The topic of HIV/AIDS is particularly relevant in a South African context due to the rate of infection in this country, as well as the government’s stance on HIV/AIDS policy. South has Africa has the highest rate of HIV infection in the world. The Mbeki regime’s policy has only recently been changed to increase the availability of antiretrovirals to those infected. While these antiretrovirals may be used to treat the virus itself, they are ineffective in dealing with the stressors associated with the virus. Indeed, it can be argued that environmental factors, specifically social support, have the greatest positive influence in this regard. This essay will consider whether this is the case by examining the role of social support in dealing with the HIV/AIDS diagnosis, related health decline and infections and the prejudice and stigma attached to said diagnosis. In order to do this, one must first examine the definition of social support. Thoits (1995) as cited in Mizuno, Purcell, Dawson-Rose, Parsons & The Sudis Team (2003 p.690) defines social support as “instrumental, emotional or informational assistance from significant others” and goes on to find social support “one of the major coping resources for people experiencing stressful life events or chronic strains.” “Significant others” is generally understood to mean partners, friends and family, but could also refer to traditional caregivers in a hospital environment. Friedland...
Words: 317 - Pages: 2
...Sosiologi og sosialantropologi Samfunnsvitenskapelige tenkemåterMål for opplæringen er at eleven skal kunne gjøre rede for tenkemåter i sosiologi og sosialantropologi og bruke dem til å forklare sosiale sammenhenger definere begrepet sosial atferd og sammenlikne teorier som forklarer sosial atferd definere begrepet sosialt system, gi eksempler på struktur og funksjon i sosiale systemer og gjøre rede for forutsetninger for at sosiale systemer skal kunne bestå gjøre rede for hvordan sosiologer og sosialantropologer går fram for å innhente kunnskap om samfunnet gjennomføre samfunnsfaglige undersøkelser med utgangspunkt i egne spørsmål og presentere resultatene KulturforståelseMål for opplæringen er at eleven skal kunne gjøre rede for ulike betydninger av begrepet kultur og reflektere over meningsinnholdet i uttrykk som ”norsk kultur” bruke samfunnsvitenskapelige tenkemåter til å sammenlikne kulturer analysere årsaker til kulturforskjeller og identifisere faktorer som gjør at kulturer er stabile eller endrer seg forklare forskjellen på begrepene egosentrisk og etnosentrisk, bruke begrepene til å analysere årsaker til konflikter mellom individer og mellom grupper og diskutere løsninger på konfliktene gjøre rede for familie- og slektskapsordninger og drøfte ekteskapets funksjoner i ulike kulturer gi eksempler på psykologiske behov som religion kan tilfredsstille, gjøre rede for religioners kulturelle funksjoner og reflektere over den rollen...
Words: 8638 - Pages: 35
...This document is for reference & educational purposes only. Reproduction or/and copying are not authorized. Any anti-plagiarism software will flag this document or its sections as unoriginal. Coping and Resiliency Skills in African American Urban Youths Introduction Growing up with a limited understanding of how to regulate emotions and cope in the face of ubiquitous urban blight, severe socio-economic hardship, and systemic racism is difficult for many urban youths. Resiliency is a term that is frequently associated with urban youths, especially if we consider the fact that according to the U.S. Census data in today’s America approximately one third of this population group lives in urban areas (Census, 2000). Given a steady increase in the numbers of low-income children living in urban areas, efforts to understand this particular phenomenon are critical. In this context, it is important not only to examine the negative (e.g.: drug abuse, violence, etc.) but also the positive self-regulatory skills (e.g.: athletics, education, creativity, dance, poetry, etc.), which urban youths employ as coping mechanisms. Another concomitant question that needs to be explored is how urban youth exercise positive self-regulatory skills under different circumstances and in specific contexts. This study specifically examined the phenomenon of coping and resiliency skills in African American urban youths growing up in the developmental contexts of various environmental stressors...
Words: 3299 - Pages: 14