...Source 1: • Author: Weiss E; Department of Psychology, Wichita State University • Date: Completed: 06-10-2003 Latest Revision: 11-17-2004 • Title: Selecting shelter dogs for service dog training • Publication: Journal Article Write a 100- to 150- word response to each of the following questions: • Is the source reliable? How do you know? Yes this source is reliable. I know this source is reliable because this source includes the author, date, title, and publication. This source is peer reviewed and was found on the University’s library. The source itself is also nationally accredited. I found this source threw the University of Phoenix Library, the university library is the most reliable safe source we can get. The university makes sure that all the sources are reliable which is great because they list all sources available from that source so you know that the source is reliable. The university library gives you detailed descriptions on every source. • Is the information relevant to the topic? Yes the information is relevant to the topic because the topic is about training shelter dogs to become service dogs. In the abstract it states that service dogs are an essential aid to persons with disabilities, providing independence, mobility, and improved self-esteem. The test items were administered to 75 dogs from the Kansas Humane So-ciety. Once tested, the dogs received obedience and retrieval training. The experiment assessed...
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...Reliable Sources Worksheet Locate two sources in the University Library on a topic of your choice. Provide the required information for both sources. Source 1 Author: Matt Olberding Date: July 13, 2007 Title: Rising Water, Rising Gas Prices Publication: Lincoln Journal Star Write a 100- to 150-word response to each of the following questions: Is the source reliable? How do you know? Yes this source is reliable. We know this because this source includes the author, date, title, and publication. This source is peer reviewed and was found on the University’s library. The source itself is also nationally accredited. Is the information relevant to the topic? Yes, the information in this article is relevant to the topic. We know this because he explains Nebraska is having problems such as gas prices rising. Matt also explains why the increase has happened. When a refinery of its size goes out of commission, it has a large impact on the overall prices. Does the information reflect a bias on the author’s part? If so, what is the bias? No, the information does not a reflect a bias on the authors part because it is simple article that states facts. Source 2 Author: Dayton Daily News Date: July 11, 2013 Title: Gas Prices Rising Sharply Publication: Dayton Daily News Write a 100- to 150-word response to each of the following questions: Is the source reliable? How do you know? Yes this source is reliable. We know this because this source includes...
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...Web Source Essay With the changes in time and the creation of the internet, the web has become the new information center of the world or the new encyclopedia of this century. Actually there are very little homes now where you can find an encyclopedia. Wikipedia and Goggle are just two of the main sources of information available to all. The web is a quick and easy way to obtain reliable and accurate information, one can take a simple question and write in the search box and the answer will appear magically. This availability and accuracy has made it the most utilized tool available, but at the same time it has changed our individual perspective in research. Before we would have to take several books home, research was more and continua’s, obtaining reliable information’s made reading a must. I can still read and research many different articles, books, magazines and just simple comments or ratings which will make you feel comfortable with your source. This information will strengthen all assignments because we can obtain more with little time and going directly to a certain point without having to read everything. Time resources are critical in this fast paced world, obtaining information and answers quickly can determine your success in many ways. We have the capability of communicating with other parts of the world thru the web, information on Africa and India is at our hands with just a click. We can know what the great Martin Luther King speech sounded...
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...Documenting Sources Documenting means showing where you got source information that's not your own. Remember, a research paper blends your ideas with ideas and information from other sources. Documentation shows the reader what ideas are yours and what information and ideas you've taken from a source to support your point of view. Why Document? * By correctly documenting, you establish your credibility as a writer and researcher. You're letting your reader know that you've consulted experts whose ideas and information back up your own thoughts and ideas. Consequently, you make your viewpoint or argument more believable. * When you don't document correctly, your academic integrity can be called into question, because it may seem as though you're passing off others' ideas as your own. * If you don't document, you could inadvertently plagiarize, which is grounds for dismissal from college. Academic Integrity Academic integrity involves not only acknowledging your sources, but also creating your own ideas. Academic integrity, explained in this way, sounds relatively simple. But the particular applications are a bit more tricky. The most common academic integrity problems that most students encounter are: 1. relying too heavily on others' information in a research paper 2. relying too heavily on others' words in a paraphrase or summary 3. citing and documenting sources incorrectly 4. relying too heavily on help from other sources The most egregious...
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...Sources E and F would be significantly useful for a historian studying attempts to break the stalemate on the Western front, as they can provide different mediums, visual shots and a quote by someone with a notable authoritarian role in World War 1, and different perspectives. Source E, a photo depicting the road into Verdun and the French army, has a lack of knowledge when it comes to perspective, as the photographer was unknown, however it may have been from a French perspective, meaning that it would not be very useful for a historian studying the attempt to break the stalemate on the western front in this sense, as it is difficult to differentiate the view or perspective of the photo and understand the context behind it. Source E has a high sense of reliability, despite having a low level of perspective and context, due to the lack of author. This can be seen in the time that it was taken, 1916, as it was in the middle of the attempt to break the stalemate on the western front, making it relevant. It is also reliable as whoever the photographer was, they were of a close proximity to the event, as they were there to take the photo, which would be linked to a position of high authority, however it also creates a sense of bias, as it could have been created as propaganda and appealed to an intended audience of Germany, or the allied forces, lowering the level of reliability....
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...University of Phoenix Material Reliable Sources Worksheet Locate three sources in the University Library on a topic of your choice. Provide the required information for each sources. Source 1 Author: Richard Giles Date: Jan 1993 Title: A Foundation in Business Accounting Publication: Cheltenham Peer Reviewed? Yes by Stanley Thornes What words did you use to find this article? Foundations of Business Accounting What type of article is this (research, summary, reflection, essay, etc.)? summary Did this article include an abstract? yes Summarize the article (75 to 100 words) The summary of the article includes that there are many introductory accounting textbooks that a few things could be useful. The author of this book includes things that will appeal to students who are taking their first accounting course. This book is very well put together with its interpretation of accounting information and procedures, study questions and answers. Source 2 Author: Roy Dodge Date: 1994 Title: Foundations of Business Accounting Publication: Chapman & Hall, London Peer Reviewed? No What words did you use to find this article? Foundations of Business Accounting What type of article is this (research, summary, reflection, essay, etc.)? summary Did this article include an abstract? yes Summarize the article (75 to 100 words) This article explains what will be included in each chapter of the text. It will include objectives, activities, a summary, work sheets...
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...applications like Adobe Photoshop, or Microsoft Office? This is possible with open-source software. The term "open-source" is defined to describe software, which is available to the public in source code form that does not have licensing restrictions, which limit use, modification, or redistribution. The etymology stems of the word "open" comes from the Proto-Germanic term "upana" which means "raised up." The word "source" comes from the Old French term "sourse" which means "to rise, or spring up." Teams of programmers scattered around the world typically develop open-source software, but universities, government agencies, and corporations like IBM also develop it. Why is open-source software good for consumers, corporations, and even students? Teachers and students have full access to the internals of the program, which allow them to find out how a program works and helps the learning process of programming in general. Corporations and home users don't have to wait for just one single company such as Microsoft to release updates or patches to broken software, instead a community of software developers provide fixes for open-source software a lot quicker than just one company. With the freedom from the restrictions of use, modification, and redistribution, open-source software has been proven to be scaleable, more reliable, more secure, and perform better than closed-source software. Exactly how did open-source software get started? In the 1970's, the success of proprietary operating...
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...HOW TO ANALYSE SOURCES ANALYSING OF SOURCES Historical criticism.-> Original document? How, when, and why did it come into being? Where does it come from? Who is the author or the cartoonist or the cameraman? 2 critical questions: Could the witness possibly have known the truth? Did the witness wish to tell the truth? EVALUATING OF SOURCES Authenticity? (are there factual errors in the source?) Reliability? (how long after the event was the source produced?) Bias/Prejudice? Subjectivity VS objectivity? Historians have an issue, the source is problematic (biased, emotions, etc) and the historian is a human writer. To guard oneself from being manipulated by bias sources, one must cross-reference. This means one must analyse a few sources and then synthesise their own conclusion. QUESTIONS WHICH ASK YOU TO COMPARE IN THE TEST OR EXAM Generally sources can have two characteristics with each other. They are either similar or they are contradictory/different with each other. One should consider the following aspects when answering these types of exam questions: What are the similarities(1) and the differences(2) between the sources? How do these sources complement each other(3)? Which of these sources provides a more accurate viewpoint on the topic(4)? QUESTIONS WHICH ASK YOU TO USE ALL THE SOURCES This is an eight mark question which comes prior to the essay. One is required to write approximately 10-15 lines;...
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...BABC001 Report Question. The definition of IR and the purpose of IR, which is to enhance accountability and stewardship and to make sustainable value creation for stakeholders(Busco, 2014, p.32) are the answer to BABC001 Report 1a and 1b. However, this principle of IR is not clear and specific. Therefore, the answer to BABC001 Report Question 2a and 2b are hard to find and little description. Moreover, the BABC001 Report Question 3 which is the evaluation of companies by using principle is not exist. Therefore, this article is not focus on the BABC001 Reporting Question and has limited relevance in this article about the BABC001 Reporting Question. The source is wrote fully support evidence and therefore objective. Busco (2014) argues the way IR framework to help to assist organization with IR process are using the source from IIRC. In addition, the analysis of the companies business model about the production in Figure1 (Busco, cited in IIRC Framework,p.33). Moreover, this article use academic language and wrote in 2014. Therefore, this article is objective and can be used as an academic resource. Busco,C. 2014,’INTEGRATED REPORTING TO PRACTICE From Concept To Practice’, Accountancy ireland...
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...prehistoric hunter-gather ancestors didn’t eat it, that we shouldn’t either. The sources I have chosen to use include informational articles found at thepaleodiet.com (http://thepaleodiet.com/about-the-paleo-diet/), a Uwire text/article - (http://go.galegroup.com/ps/i.do?id=GALE%7CA364130430&v=2.1&u=swinburne1&it=r&p=AONE&sw=w&asid=c4d0f209e911ce4748ef9cf3946b329d), a YouTube video and its comments (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mfLDioJzmIE), and a forum on Bodybuilding.com as another social source (http://www.bodybuilding.com/fun/what-is-the-paleo-diet.html?page=1). Thepaleodiet.com helped me learn more about learn about the health benefits of Paleo. I chose this source after a google search returned it as a result, and I was drawn to it as it appeared to be quite informational from its short description. This informational source is an example of constructivism through presenting information for the reader. At first glance this site came across as a potentially unreliable source – there was a presence of advertising. But further exploration started proving that this site was in fact reliable. According to Metzger (2007), credible online sources are ones in which we can identify the author and their credentials. In this case, the author is Ph.D. and professor of Health and Exercise Science. Information that is current, displays views that are facts and not opinions, and have other sources of information that can verify their accuracy may also be considered to...
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...University of Phoenix Material Reliable Sources Worksheet Locate two sources in the University Library on a topic of your choice. Provide the required information for both sources. Source 1 • Author: Zimmerman, Barry J., Bonner, Sebastian, Kovach, Robert • Date: 19970301 • Title: Developing self-regulated learners: Beyond achievement to self-efficacy. • Publication: Book; Authored Book Write a 100- to 150-word response to each of the following questions: • Is the source reliable? How do you know? Yes, the source is reliable due to the fact that the Authors of the book are Graduates from City University of New York. The authors graduated with degrees in psychology. The book is in the PsycINFO database, which means that it is a reliable source. The Full Text Database is PsycBOOKS, Which is The American Psychological Association. There are only scholarly and professional titles published by APA; Which also includes recent titles in psychological and behavioral science. PsycBOOKS.com is upgraded monthly which to me would mean that all the information is currently up to date. The PsycBOOKS® database is produced and copyrighted by the American Psychological Association (APA). • Is the information relevant to the topic? Yes, the information is relevant; This source shows that teachers have many ways to look at grading papers. The information also shows how a teacher may use the grammar and sentences starches to gage how much time the student...
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...Project Potential Sources The company’s website is a good starting point, but a well-researched product needs to go beyond the corporate website. The following are several suggested sources. Annual Reports The following are several sources from which an annual report can be obtained. http://www.annualreports.com www.annualreportservice.com/ www.zpub.com/sf/arl/ www.prars.com/ Web Sites http://www.census.gov Provides access to general population figures. Overview of Economic Statistical Programs: http://www.census.gov/econ/overview/ Provides general statistics on American businesses (including retail). www.about.com Use the search feature to find articles on your product and company. Databases (Use these to find articles): Lakeland Library through OhioLINK offers you access to articles that have been published in journals, magazines, and newspapers. Many of these articles are not available on the general Web. To access these databases, you must be registered in the Library. Once you have registered, you can use the Web to go to the Lakeland Library home page (http://library.lakelandcc.edu) and click on Home Access – To Databases. Follow the prompts and then choose Listed by Name. Most of the articles are available in full-text (but not all of them). Business & Industry – Broad trends in industry; provides news items about acquisitions and mergers; product advertising and more. Business Source Premier – Good source for business/industry...
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...Wikipedia has been the subject of considerable debate for some time now. Several people think the site is not quotable, while others argue that it is. Many teachers do not accept Wikipedia pages as a source of information because any one can add or remove information from such pages. Also, this online encyclopedia does not always cite sources for its articles. Plus it is difficult to find the credentials of the authors. A huge part of credibility is attributed to a sources currency, indicating how recent a certain source has been updated. Wikipedia’s credibility lies within its immediate opportunity to alter, and update a specific topic. One may argue the fact that almost anyone can be an editor of this reference site, which allows opportunity to diminish the validity of certain information. However, once an editor posts information on a topic, the information is examined and removed or edited. With thousands of pages being edited daily, how is it possible for all of them to get reviewed? It’s not; much incorrect material will stay on the pages. Many other pages could contain out dated facts or information that has been posted by someone who is not an expert in the field, or by someone who wishes to provide misinformation. Wikipedia does not always have cited sources, let alone sources to rely upon. There are several articles with...
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...Britannica recruited Einstein, Freud, Curie, Mencken and even Houdini as contributors. The names helped the encyclopedia bolster its credibility.”(Stross 331) The new millennium of college students has since abandoned the gothic ruins of brick and mortar for modern technology. Hence, as an evolving community of college students, we must consider the use of websites such as Wikipedia for credible sources or not use them at all. The Internet contains a history of creditable sources. It also contains a legacy of anonymous sources. We have relied on the reviews and opinions of others to prove the validity of said information on the Internet and stop challenging it when we read the answer that strikes a chord in our cognitive judgments. If this process continues to be the norm, printed sources such as encyclopedias will leave people saying “This was written by one person? Then looked at by only two or three other people? How can I trust that process?” (Stross 332) Websites such as Wikipedia have become a challenging debate amongst students and professors to be of use as a creditable source from the Internet. This kind of trend has evolved because of history. History can always be re-examined and edited. Wikipedia has proven, through its supervising editors, that history is a set of events in a place and time that can be edited...
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...Appendix E Strategies for Gathering and Evaluating Sources Source | What makes the source credible or what does not make it credible? Consider the following when addressing the source: What is the author’s affiliation to any organization related to the subject of the article? Does he or she have an ulterior motive? * What is the author’s experience with the subject, including academic or professional credentials related to the subject of the source article? Does she or he have what it takes to understand the complexities of the subject? * Does this article report on information that the author experienced personally, or is it a summary or retelling of information from other sources? How close is the author to the actual information? * Is the information current? When was the information published or last updated? Might there be resources with more current information? * In general, does the information in the source article match the information found in other sources? Or is the information different or unique? Can this information be confirmed by more sources than just this one? * Does the source make any claims without having evidence to support them? | Explain in at least two to four sentences what information you can gather from this source? | Source nameMetaphors, Monuments and Texts: The Life Course in Roman Culture by Ray Laurence from World Archaeology, Feb 2000, Vol.31, Issue 3 | I consider this source of information credible because it is an academic journal...
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