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South African Apartheid Research Paper

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The world has been a battlefield since ancient years. Due to this, many countries have suffered from a large number of deaths. One of these disputes happened in Africa that was the continent chosen by Europeans to be explored. The Europeans colonized countries in that continent and stayed there for a length of time. These countries formed movements and fought to achieve their independence. However, after gaining their independence, many nations were not totally free from their colonizers, which was the case of South Africa. South Africa had a difficult time during 1940 it was the beginning of a combat that completely changed and divided the country. The white minority in there invented the apartheid, to be in control of the economic and social-political system. Apartheid was a segregation that separates white people from non-white it was the official policy in that country. The impact that this segregation exerted in S.A, and eventually the world, continues to affect negatively influence the socioeconomic and educational rights of the people of the nation. Therefore, apartheid needs to be taught in schools throughout the world to prevent this type of tragedy from repeating in South Africa as well as other …show more content…
According to Democracy Now, throughout his presidency, Reagan supported the apartheid government in South Africa and even labeled Nelson Mandela’s African National Congress a notorious terrorist organization. Reagan even vetoed a bill to impose sanctions on South Africa, only to be overruled by Congress. South African activist Father Michael Lapsley claims that:
“It was both Reagan and Thatcher who were giving succor to the Apartheid regime and in a sense prolonging our struggle. More people had to die in South Africa because of the support that came from western governments, particularly from Washington and London at that period (“Democracy

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