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South Beach Research Paper

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The ruby red of the sky starts to pass. As the night approaches families, tourists, and party-goers appear at South Beach to experience Miami at its fullest. The people come dressed in comfortable and fresh fitting attire as it is a hot summer night. They come to explore the many areas of South Beach. Some want to take a stroll along the coast of the beach, others want to walk down Lincoln Road to go shopping, and others simply want to eat. The crowds of happy individuals are sightseeing and enjoying the company of others. Laughter is heard throughout the whole South Beach. Miami allows people to feel a calmness overcome them as they walk down the coast of South Beach. As they walk on the golden grains of the sand they see the dark blue ocean waters have a party of their own. The waves are splashing frantically as they crash against one another. They seem to be dancing under the bright moonlight. The occasional breeze that passes by brings a waft of the salty water. Foot prints are left behind as people continue to stroll down the beach. They walk further away from the party area to a more secluded area. The lively music and laughter fade away. More peace is found and you can enjoy quiet conversation. …show more content…
Different types of music can be heard as you walk. Many clubs are around and the upbeat music catches the attention of many. Those too young to enter the club stand outside and dance on the sidewalk while gossiping with friends. The never ending chatter of young adults can be heard all over Lincoln Road. The happiness they have while speaking spreads out to others walking. Lincoln Road is the area of South Beach that allows people in Miami to shop. A great night in Miami always involves a moment to shop. Nothing makes a person happier than to shop at South

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