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Spanish Influenza Research Paper

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The Spanish flu pandemic, otherwise called the Influenza of 1918, was recognized at first as a flu pandemic in Spain. Afterward, it spread around the world and killed approximatively 50 million people between March 1918 and the spring of 1919. The flu of 1918 killed more people than World War One . The war served as an ally of the disease. The Flu could easily spread across the entire world by the trade routes, shipping lines and by accompanying soldiers from their native country to the battlefield and infecting everything in its travel. The Spanish Flu is known as the most devastating worldwide epidemic of the history . It lasted one year and infected the third of the world’s population (around 500 million person). One fifth of the world was …show more content…
This worldwide disease caused approximatively 50 million deaths in less than one year. The death of so many people in so little time had many negative short-term and long-term impacts over the societies. In the short term, the Influenza created a worldwide panic. People were afraid of outsiders because they feared the disease. The relation within the population was not good. Everybody was suffering from loss and whole societies were in a grim mood. Many kids were suddenly orphans. This panic and demoralization leaded to the closure of schools, churches, farms and factories. In 1918, there was already a shortage of physicians, grave diggers, morticians, and health care workers because of WW1. The epidemics increased this shortage because of the sudden deaths of many other workers. No social classes or profession was spared. The mix of these shortages with the sudden closure of many organizations made the economy fall at a phenomenal rate. There are many signs of the downfall of the global economy. There was a decrease in the number of manufacturers and a decrease in the supply produced by these workers. There was also an increase of the marginal product of labor and capital per worker. These phenomenon’s leaded to an increase of real wages and a substitution away from the more expensive labor to capital. All of this is due to the influenza mortalities. The basic materials, especially coal, sugar and flour were more difficult to import because the shipping process also had difficulty to keep up with the shortage. The Spanish Flu of 1918 also had long term socio-economic consequences. The first major impact is the change of the world population characteristic. The average life span in many countries in the world depressed. In US, it depressed by 10 years. This depreciation is due to the fact that nearly half of the people who died during the

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