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Spanish Packet


Submitted By danicoto
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Spanish IV AP 2011-2012 Summer Assignment

The activities in this assignment are meant to help me become familiar with your Spanish skills at this point. They will help you become familiar with the textbook, its Supersite and the WebSAM. You need to know how to use them by the beginning of the Fall semester. You’ll also do activities in the Barron’s AP Spanish book. If you encounter problems or know of situations that will keep you from submitting your work by the stated deadlines, you need to contact me at your earliest convenience. I will contact parents for verification.

By July 16th.
Write a reflection piece in English on your Spanish language skills and learning style. You may list your answers to the questions below or write a composition. Submit as a Word document to HYPERLINK ""

1) In what areas do you do well in Spanish without putting out a great deal of effort? (You may address- listening comprehension, reading comprehension, vocabulary, grammar, spelling, accentuation, speaking, pronunciation, composing your thoughts clearly before writing or speaking, etc.)
2) In what area(s) do you do well in Spanish, after putting out a considerable amount of effort?

3) What types of activities help you learn more effectively? * Hearing others’ explanations and examples, * Reading numerous explanations of grammar or vocabulary items, * Writing diagrams, formulas or summaries of explanations of the grammar, * Seeing visual representations, explanations or dramatizations of grammatical or vocabulary concepts

4) In which areas would you like assistance and why? * In: speaking, reading, spelling, accentuation, grammar, and listening comprehension.

By July 23rd . Read and complete the attached handout “Game-like Rules for Putting Accent Marks on Words Correctly”. E-mail me your responses. Be sure to review the feedback I send you as well as the rules frequently before the fall semester. You will be quizzed on them during the first week of classes.

Write a 150 word composition on - “Mis responsabilidades, presiones y deseos durante el año escolar”. E-mail it as a Word document, with your Name, Date, Title. Include an introductory paragraph, body paragraphs and a concluding paragraph – with supporting details and addressing the questions below. Refer to the attached sheets for how to put accents through the computer.
¿Qué cosas te mantendrán muy ocupado(a) el próximo año escolar? ¿Estarás envuelto(a) en algunas organizaciones o deportes – en qué semestre(s)? ¿Tendrás varias clases difíciles – cuáles? ¿Vas a trabajar? (¿Dónde y cuántas horas?) ¿Qué deseos/esperanzas tienes? ¿Qué vas a hacer para controlar el nivel de estrés que puedas sentir? ¿Qué cosas te harán sentirte feliz o contento(a)?

By July 30th
Purchase the Imagina, 2nd ed. student textbook, and the pass codes for its Supersite and the WebSAM.

Set up/create your Imagina Supersite account. After purchasing your Supersite access code, you’ll receive confirmation that it is redeemable. Next, create a Supersite account so that you can use the Supersite. Go to HYPERLINK "" Then, click on the “Create an account” under the “New to VHL Central?” Enter your access code to get started and follow the directions you are given. You’ll need to provide information to create your account and click on “Create an account”. Then, you’ll see the main view of your Supersite.

Enroll in my course, Span. IV AP from July 1, 2012 to June 12, 2013. (These dates allow you to start submitting Supersite work during the early part of the summer.)

You will click on the “Enroll” link at the top of the Students tool sidebar. On the “Select School Location and Type” choose “United States”, “California” and “High Schools”. Click Save & Continue. On the “Select Your School” page, select “Note Dame High School” from the list and Save & Click. You should see my name, dates of instruction and Section 1. Then click Save. You’ll see a confirmation of enrolling successfully in the class. Now you can do and submit work for activities on the Supersite and WebSAM.

Before Aug. 5th
Open up the Supersite – providing your necessary Log in information, and take all of the student tour.

It has various components. These do not have to be done all in one sitting. Take notes as you do the tour because you will be writing a reflection about your experience about how it went for you. See below.

By Aug. 10th.
Send me a reflection or comments, in English, about your experience taking this Supersite tour.
Include information about - when you took the tour, how long it took you to do it, if you had any problems with it, what you found helpful and/or interesting, and what you liked about it. At the end, you can add some questions and concerns that you may have. You will receive points for the course from this part of the summer assignment. Please provide a clear and sufficiently detailed (not overly detailed) picture of your experience. Minimal effort earns you minimal points. Note that you can contact the website’s technical assistance link and phone number with questions while you are on the computer.

By Aug. 13th.
Do several activities and exercises on the Supersite by following the instructions below. Some take only a few minutes to do. They help you learn to manipulate various components of the Supersite.
1. Open the Supersite, click on Lección 1 under the section “PARA EMPEZAR” and click on the section “ Las relaciones personales” . Review & listen to these terms, and then go back to the page with the list of activities for Lección 1.

2. Under the section “Práctica”, which is in the “PARA EMPEZAR” section, DO the activities “Definiciones” and “Identificar” and click submit at the bottom of each exercise.

3. In the “CULTURA” section of the list of activities, go to the “Preparación” subsection and do the Vocabulario de la lectura and Vocabulario activities. Click submit at the bottom of each exercise.

4. Then, under the “Lectura” section, listen to Corriente Latina. Then, go to the “Análisis” section and do the activities titled Comprensión and ¿Cierto o falso? Click submit at the bottom of each exercise.

5. Click on the WebSAM heading of the menu bar and click on Lección 1. Then, click on the section titled “WORK- BOOK” with the blue background. Click on the arrow to its right and you will see the title “LAB MANUAL”. Go to the section ESTRUCTURAS and find the section “1.1 The present tense”. Click on and do 1 – Nueva compañera. Click submit at the end of the activity.

6. Continue on the “Practice” section and find the “Estructura” section and Click on 1.2 Ser and estar. In the Tutorials section. Click on Ser vs. Estar. Do and submit the four activities in the section titled “Práctica”.
By August 16th
Purchase The Barron’s AP Spanish, 7th ed. 2011 (ISBN: 978-1-4380-7030-8) and do the activities described below. You can purchase it through MBS Direct or at a local book seller.
You will use this textbook primarily at home to do assignments (practice sections for the test) and review the answer key. It has various reference sections to review vocabulary, grammar, and the rules of accentuation. It has many suggestions for improving your speaking and writing skills as well as your reading and listening comprehension.
1. Read pp. 3-7, introduction to the AP exam and its format
2. Read pp. 16-17, How to use this book.
3. Read pp. 122-128. Preparation for Reading comprehension and vocabulary study
4. Do the activity on p. 125
5. Submit a summary in English (via e-mail) of your reaction to the sections you read and the activity you did in Barron’s.
Game-Like Rules for Putting Accent Marks on Words Correctly

After each of the following rules, write as many examples as come to mind. E-mail this back with me with your answers by July 23rd. Be ready for a quiz during the first week of class.

WORDS THAT ALWAYS TAKE WRITTEN ACCENT MARKS BELONG TO THE FOLLOWING CATEGORIES. Note that the accent marks are over the vowel with the oral emphasis. Spanish words have the stress or oral emphasis in only one vowel per word.

1. Question words ¿Qué? OTHERS ARE: _________________________________________________


2. Exclamation words ¡Qué interesante! = How interesting!, ¡Cómo habla! (How he/she talks!)

OTHERS ARE: ________________________________________________________________________

3. Words that use accent marks to distinguish them from other words which are written the same, pronounced the same, but have different meanings. Please write the meaning for the following words. él ______ mí ______ tú ______ sé _______ sí________ sólo _________ el ______ mi ______ tu ______ se _______ si _______ solo _________

OTHERS ARE: ________________________________________________________________

4. Words with combinations of “i” or “u” and other vowels (“a”, “e”, “o” or “u”) and with the oral emphasis on the “i” and the “u”, and not on another vowel in the word. These combinations of vowels are pronounced in 2 separate syllables. The underlined vowel has the oral emphasis of the word.

** With accent mark: tía tío ríe reí actúa Raúl OTHERS ARE: __________________

vs. ** Without accent mark: piano baila siete veinte radio esteroides cualidad pausa bueno deuda cuidado individuo

OTHERS ARE: ________________________________________________________________

WORDS that do not belong to the four categories above TAKE WRITTEN ACCENT MARKS ONLY if they have either (+ -) or (- +) answers to the two questions below. (Note that after doing exercises like this one, you will be able to come to conclusions about groups of other words that always take accent marks.) The underlined vowel has the oral emphasis of the word.

1. Does the word end in a vowel (a, e, i, o, or u), “n” or “s”? Write (+) if Yes, and (-) if No.

2. Is the oral emphasis or stress in the second to the last syllable? Write (+) if Yes, and (-) if No.

Words with (+ + ) answers = televisiones hablo joven jugo lunes

Words with ( - - ) answers = universidad hablar actriz fatal fenomenal

Words with (+ - ) answers = fantástico habló jóvenes jugó televisión

Words with ( - + ) answers = lápiz huésped suéter útil portátil

On the following words write an accent mark if needed and indicate why below the words. -- Indicate if the word follows rules # 1 through # 4, or if it has (+ -) or (- +) as the answers to questions 1 and 2 above.

arbol natal util sensacional Lopez actriz feliz heroe aereo oceano feo

traer teatro verdad universidades reunen pais despues estudie estudie

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Nt1310 Unit 7 Case Study which we can keep a check on the number of duplicate packets generated due to the Flooding Routing technique? - Hop Count: A number of potential hops is included in the header of the packet. If the sender knows how many hops it will take to get to the destination the hop count is set to that number. If it doesn’t, it sets the hop count to the highest possible number of hops in the network. Then, each time the transmission hops the hop count is reduced by one. When it reaches zero, that individual transmission is discarded as at this point one of the many flooded transmissions should have been delivered and any extras can be discarded. - Selective Flooding: In selective flooding, as opposed to sending the transmission...

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