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Speech About Veterans

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Veterans are the backbone of this country. Without them, there would be no United States of America. No Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of happiness. And no way to ensure that our country will continue to be the “Land of Opportunity” it has been known to be. Veterans have protected our rights as Americans and made the dreams of our Forefathers possible. War, although horrid, is inevitable within humanity and our future veterans will be there to protect our blessed American land and values.

Throughout history our veterans have put their lives on hold and at risk to protect our country. When a war starts, many are afraid. Our veterans were afraid as well, but they answered the call of duty and rose up to fight for our nation. Many had to endure hunger, loss, pain, and desperation but still they fought with a purpose, willing to give the ultimate sacrifice. Though some are now old and frail, suffering from PTSD, or just trying to fit back into society we acknowledge their service and display our gratitude as much as possible. Why should we? Because they are our history, our real life heroes and our models for …show more content…
Not only do our veterans protect our rights and freedoms, but they also provide services and aid to those in need. In many instances, the U.S is the first on the scene providing medical aid, food, and water at a level no other country can come close to during disasters both home and abroad. Today the military is more heavily engaged in humanitarian operations than ever before. In the past five years, military aircraft have air-dropped food into Ethiopia, helicoptered aid into remote villages in Sudan, rescued flood victims in Bangladesh, and delivered medical teams to hundreds of major and minor disasters. The caring and selfless spirit of our past veterans continues to live on in the hearts of those currently

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