...Developing a Spiritual Assessment Toolbox A. Wilmer Developing a Spiritual Assessment Toolbox Summary When a client’s spirituality is an active component of his belief system and culture, assessing his quality of life from a mental health perspective would not be complete without an accurate assessment of his spiritual needs (Hodge, 2005). Experts are stating that a holistic approach to counseling incorporates both psychological and spiritual assessments (Hodge, 2005). The accrediting body of hospitals, Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations (JCAHO), recognizes the importance of spiritual assessments and recommends that health care providers conduct these assessments to understand their clients’ religious beliefs and spiritual habits (Hodge, 2005). David Hodge (2005) presents a review of five qualitative assessment tools for effective analysis of a client’s spiritual and cultural wherewithal. The design of these assessment tools gives a more definitive construction of a client’s worldview for the purposes of integrating spiritual beliefs and attitudes in the therapeutic process and discharge planning (Hodge, 2005). Hodge asserts that this form of assessment allows the healthcare professional to explore a client’s “spiritual strengths that might be used to ameliorate problems or cope with difficulties” (Hodge, 2005, para. 1). The five qualitative assessment tools offered by Hodge (2005) provide a detailed description and comparison of each tool...
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...Spiritual Assessment NUR 645E Grand Canyon University April 3, 2013 Abstract Evidence has linked a strong relationship between spirituality and medicine. There is a positive correlation between a patient’s spirituality or religious commitment and health outcomes. A spiritual assessment as a part of a health assessment is a practical step to incorporating patient’s spiritual needs into practice. The FICA Tool and HOPE Questions provide serve to assist clinicians in the spiritual assessment process. By examining the research done using these tools, it has been determined that the FICA Tool is easy to use and provides basic data on a patient’s spirituality. The FICA tool is both reliable and valid. The HOPE Questions are easy to use and provides details on a wide range of aspects related to multicultural beliefs. The HOPE Questions is not supported by research thereby it is not valid or reliable. Key Words: spiritual assessment, FICA Spiritual Assessment Tool, HOPE Questions Spiritual Assessment Taking patients spiritual needs into account is an integral component of providing holistic care. Research has linked positive health outcomes with patients whose spiritual needs have been addressed. However, spirituality is not always considered an important part of a patient’s well-being; leading to spiritual assessments not being completed. To aid in addressing a patients spiritual needs, there are spiritual assessment tools available. Some of the tools available...
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...Spiritual Needs Assessment of Patients by: (student’s name) (course) (date of submission) Spiritual Needs Assessment of the Patient In providing basic health care in hospitals, medical practitioners should not only focus on giving physical treatment to patients but also provide spiritual and psychological assessment and management for them. This practice as suggested by many studies (see Chapman, 2003; Eberst, n.d.,) can help the hospitals develop a new method of healing that is more holistic in approach. The Joint Commission (2005) recommends spiritual assessment program which can help the medical officers to know the needs of the patients aside from the usual physical treatment. It will help them gather information about the spiritual needs of the patient which can then be used to form a new framework that will address such needs and some related issues (Joint Commission,2005, p. 6). Assessing the spiritual state of a patient is not simply about asking them a series of specific questions about their faith or beliefs in life. Patients’ spiritual well-being touches matters that may be delicate to talk about with the patient. The process requires effort and adequate understanding of the reasons behind the assessment activity from the assessor. The task carries specific values that the assessor should acquire before conducting the activity. Such values include being polite in asking the patient and being careful in choosing the words that...
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...After viewing several spiritual assessment models, the FICA model best suited the present situation. This model uses a simple approach, however, it offers and in-depth spiritual assessment. This allows the nurse to easily identify area of concern, or quickly determine barriers. The patient assessed is a forty-two year old male. He was diagnosed with Hepatitis C three years ago and has gone through treatments that, at times, were severely debilitating. He has gone through two rounds of treatment for this disease. There is nothing else to offer him if this treatment does not work for him. F-Faith or beliefs: What are your spiritual or religious beliefs? I believe that Jesus Christ died for my sins, rose again on the third day, and He is in heaven with the Father. I believe one day, through my faith in Jesus, that I will spend eternity in heaven. Do you consider yourself spiritual or religious? I feel that I am spiritual but not religious. It is not about painting a pretty picture. It is about who you are in your core. What things do you believe in that give meaning to your life? I get my self- worth by trying to live according to His word in every role that I play. I-Importance and influence: Is it important in you life? It is my life. How does it affect how you view your problems? I look for the life lesson and find the good or positive aspect to it and grow from it. How have your religion/spirituality influenced...
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...of a Spiritual Needs Assessment Sheila Hale Grand Canyon University Spirituality in Healthcare HLT-310V-0104 August 3, 2014 Analysis of a Spiritual Needs Assessment Spirituality is an important aspect of providing holistic care to patients. The word spiritual is derived from the Latin root, spiritus, which means breath or life. According to Bryson (2013), spirituality is an inherent predisposition toward the search for meaning or value in life. Spirituality may mean different things to different people. The Joint Commission, the governing body that provides accreditation to hospitals, requires a spiritual assessment to be performed as part of the overall assessment of patients. The goal is determine if a more comprehensive assessment is needed, and whether the patient’s spiritual view has the potential to affect health outcomes (The Joint Commission, 2005). It is well established that spirituality can have a positive effect on patient outcomes, such as providing coping abilities when faced with illness. “Studies generally support the hypothesis that spirituality is correlated with favorable health outcomes” (Anandarajah & Hight, 2001, p. 85). This paper will analyze a spiritual assessment performed and provide a summary of the assessment interview. Any significant discoveries about the individual, barriers, and/or challenges to the assessment will be discussed. It will also describe the experience and provide feedback on the use of the spiritual tool and...
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...Spiritual Assessment Grand Canyon University February 2 , 2012 Spiritual awareness is important for a healthcare provider if they want to be effective in healing. This is because religious and spiritual dimensions of life influence the lives of many people. Spiritual assessment provides a mean to patient spiritual beliefs and value so that they can be integrated into therapeutic process (Hudge, 2003). Therefore, spiritual assessments are in important in nurse practice. Spiritual assessment can be measure in different way. Nancy, my neighbor ‘s interview who live with her husband since all her kid moved out. She had a heart surgery. Question1: What are your source of hope, strength, comfort and peace? Answer: My entire members in my family are my hope and my strengths Question 2: For some people, their religious or spiritual beliefs acts as sources of comfort and strength in dealing life’s ups and downs is this for you? Answer: Yes, I am truly believe what God direct me Question 3: Do you consider yourself part of an organized religion? Answer: Yes I am always consider myself is a part of religion Does it help you? It is help me a lot especially in my illness time when I was in hospital Question4: What aspect of your spirituality or spiritual practice do you find the most helpful to you personally? Answer: Pray. I usually prayer alone at night. I pray for all my family and others to have a closer relationship with God Question 5: Do you believe to God? Answer: yes, I...
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...Spiritual Needs Assessment According to Potter and Perry (2009), one’s awareness of inner self and having a sense of connection to a higher being is the meaning of spirituality. Spirituality is a force that provides a person with intrinsic energy that promotes and enhances their well-being. It also helps a person achieve the balance needed to cultivate a positive life and to cope with everyday life stressors (Potter & Perry, 2009). Florence Nightingale believed that spirituality within a healing hospital environment, and caring for an individual’s spiritual needs is just as important as caring for their physical needs (Potter & Perry, 2009). Spiritual assessment is defined as the process from which health care providers identify a patient’s spiritual needs related to their mental health care (Spiritual Competency Resource Center, n.d.). In 2005, as evidence-based research demonstrated a correlation between supporting a patient’s spirituality with their health and their ability to cope with an illness, The Joint Commission (TJC) announced the requirement for health care organizations to include “a spiritual assessment as part of the overall assessment of a patient to determine how the patient’s spiritual outlook can affect his or her care, treatment, and services.” (p. 1). Patients deserve the best holistic care from health care providers, and it is through a spiritual assessment upon admission that providers will be guided to providing such care. Introduction And Spiritual...
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...significant role in their healing and overall health, and most of the patients want their physicians to address their spiritual needs (Tanyi, McKenzie, & Chapek, 2009). To incorporate spiritual care into patients’ care few points should keep in mind. Discerning instances for overt spiritual assessment: this is the initial step in integrating spiritual care into the practices, it is to master how to detect and assess patients’ spiritual needs (Tanyi et al., 2009). Sometimes waiting for the patient to bring up the topic can smooth the way for them to address spirituality. Displaying a genuine and caring attitude: showing a nonjudgmental and caring attitude can lead to better success (Tanyi et al., 2009). Encouraging...
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...Spiritual Needs Assessment Grand Canyon University: HLT-310V Chelsea Cameron June 15, 2014 Spirituality Assessment Tool 1. What is your faith or belief? a. Christianity 2. Do you consider yourself to be spiritual or religious? If so, why? a. Yes, because I have faith in a higher being and I believe that higher being is in control. And I believe that we are all her as a result of god’s creation. 3. Are you apart of any religious communities? a. I’m a member of my church, Sandia Presbyterian. 4. Is your religion/spirituality important in your life? a. Yes because god is in control. 5. What type of influences does your spirituality have on the way you care for yourself? a. The bible says that your body is god’s temple, and we’re created in the image of god. I try my best to follow a healthy diet, good hygiene and pray daily. 6. How would you prefer for me, as your nurse, to handle issues during your care? a. Understand my wants that I have made obvious in my written paper work (i.e. Do not put me on the machine if I have been declared brain dead). Follow the golden rule, “treat me the way you want to be treated”. Keep my family updated on how I’m doing and don’t hold back if you know that my prognosis is not good. Be honest, treat me with respect and allow me quiet time to pray. Spiritual Needs Assessment This paper will discuss a spiritual assessment tool created by a nurse working on a stroke unit. A summary of the assessment made will be discussed along with...
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...head: SPIRITUAL ASSESSMENT EVALUATION Spiritual Assessment Evaluation Steven Atilano Grand Canyon University August 18, 2012 Spiritual Assessment Evaluation Spirituality has been part of nursing from its’ infancy. Initially, nursing care of the sick, was provided by monks as part of a religious order. Florence Nightingale who is credited with revolutionizing modern nursing was said to have chose the profession, because God called her to serve (Nursing-Theory.org, n.d.). Nightingale was the first to revolutionize this thought process, as she realized that healing was holistic, and even involved the patient’s environment. As a result, our profession now recognizes the need to treat the patient holistically, to include the patient’s spirituality. Two examples of assessment tools that assess spirituality are the HOPE assessment tool and the FICA spiritual assessment tool. The HOPE assessment tool uses the acronym to remember all elements of the assessment. H stands for hope, O stands for the patient’s organized religion. P stands for personal spirituality, and E stands for end of life decisions (LaRocca-Pitts, 2009). The FICA spiritual tool acronym stands for Faith or belief, Importance of the patient’s spirituality, their individual spiritual community, and Addressing spirituality (Borneman, Ferrell, & Puchalski, 2010). The author believes that patient spirituality should be assessed immediately in order to ensure holistic care, so a new spiritual assessment...
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...Mooney Spiritual need assessment I believe that in order to assess someone’s spirituality, we as healthcare professionals need to be aware and comfortable with our own spirituality. This gives us the opportunity to care for our patients needs and develop a positive relationship with them. A spiritual assessment is an important first step and a valuable part of the healthcare process, as it incorporates consideration of a patient’s spirituality into medical practice (Skalla, 2005). I believe a questionnaire is the most efficient way to gather this information, which could be filled out by the patient or noted by the healthcare professional during observation. I developed a comprehensive questionnaire which consists of six questions that are developed to asses’ patient’s spiritual needs. I administered it to my friend (J. Nieto, personal communication, February 27, 2014). Acting as if they were my patient and I was their physical therapist. . Question 1- What are your spiritual beliefs? Answer – I am Christian Question 2 - How important are your religious or spiritual beliefs? Answer – I don’t practice my religion as much as I use to or attend church regularly, but I believe in God. Question 3 - Do you have someone you talk to for spiritual guidance or support? Answer - When I need to talk to someone about a problem or for guidance, I like to talk to my grandmother, she always gives me good advice and I trust her. Question 4 - When in need to spiritual or mental...
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...Nursing 243 Assignment: Cultural and Spiritual Assessment Cultural and Spiritual Assessment Transcultural nursing and culturally congruent care are important ideas of today’s nursing, especially in North America. In order to give a culturally congruent care, the nurse should do a cultural assessment; a good cultural assessment will reveal the invisible part of a culture. According to Potter and Perry (2009), “It is important to understand that the invisible value-belief system of a particular culture is often the major driving force behind visible practices” (p. 107). Cultural and spiritual assessment paper gives me a chance to look at my own culture. “Becoming culturally competent first requires you to examine your feelings and experiences regarding diversity, starting with an understanding of your own heritage. Then, you will need to learn more about specific cultural differences so you can develop an appreciation for the values and beliefs of both patients and staff co-workers” (Ignatavicius & Workman, 2010, p. 28). As far as mental health patients, it is an absolute necessary to understand the client’s culture since it has a very big influence on their wellness state. If a healthcare provider does not consider the client’s culture, it will cause lots of trouble and pain for the client. “Clients suffer cultural pain when health care providers disregard their valued way of life” (Potter & Perry, 2009, p. 113). Spirituality has an important role...
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...| Psycho-Social-Spiritual Assessment | NURS320 – Holistic Nursing | 2/26/2013 | Psycho-Social-Spiritual Assessment Psychosocial development occurs throughout one’s lifetime and may change if there are certain factors such as stress, trauma, illness, or drastic life changes. Being able to recognize maladaptive and adaptive behaviors in someone, especially a client or patient, is important when I am the one responsible for the care they will receive. Educating myself on the different topics and questions that will be used during the interview portion of assessing a patient are critical for the nursing profession. The client, SR, maintains a busy schedule daily, and reflects on traumatic past events which are affecting her wellness and state of mind. SR has had complaints of severe headaches and moderate chest pains several times a week. SR stated during the interview that she does not like to take over the counter medications for pain relief, but rather tries to sleep to relieve the pain she feels. She has previously taken herbal stress supplements to relieve chest pain. SR noted many other symptoms contributing to her state of being: fatigue, difficulty sleeping, dizziness, shortness of breath, frequent urination, abnormal menstruation, and concentration problems. Looking deeper into her family history, there are no reports of neither of her parents or any of her grandparents being treated for severe headaches or migraines, but her one sibling made reports. There...
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... The song “this little light of mine” is a source rom Matthew 5:16, "Let your light shine before men, they may see your fine works and give glory to your Father who is in the heaven. This is a gospel children’s song written by Harry Dixon Loes (1895-1965) in about 1920. “This little light of mine” inspired millions. People still sing the famous well-known song today and they don’t really have a clue what is means. “This Little Light of Mine” is a traditional Negro spiritual about the importance of unity in the face of adversity. The first spirituals were inspired by African music even if the tunes were not far from those of Christian hymns. Some of them, called “shouts,” were accompanied by dancing, hand clapping and foot tapping. Drawing on the Bible for inspiration and imagery, most spirituals instruct listeners in how to live with the Spirit of God. These songs often had multiple meanings. The literal interpretation reflected the personal relationship between the slave singer and God. However, the spirituals also translated to code for slaves looking to escape to the North to freedom. For example, as part of the spiritual’s lyrics, “home” can mean Heaven, but it covertly means a free country and haven for slaves. The refrain of “This Little Light of Mine” refers to the light inside each individual and how, whether standing up alone or joining together, each little bit of light can break the darkness. The song has since been applied to many struggles. It was especially popular...
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...Presented to Dr. Jon Bishop Liberty Theological Seminary _____________ In partial fulfillment Of the requirements of PLED 520 __________ By John Smith, Jr. January 27, 2012 TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction 2 Author 2 Book Summary 2 Book Critique and Evaluation 6 Personal Application 9 Resources 10 Introduction One of the most intriguing things about the Christian faith is the lack of participation that each believer exhibits in the spiritual discipline of prayer, all though they are constantly reminded that it is the pathway toward a more intimate relationship with Christ. There are a multiplicity of spiritual disciplines that the believer is expected to practice, however, the one that is most pervasive across the varied spectrum of Christianity is the spiritual discipline of prayer. Most believers are encouraged to spend vast amounts of time participating in prayer, although the average spiritual leader spends less than 15 minutes each day praying. As this writer was growing up he would consistently hear people in his home church state, “much prayer much power, little prayer little power, no prayer no power.” Author Dr. Dave Earley is currently is Chairman of the Department of Pastoral Ministries and Church Expansion at Liberty Baptist Theological Seminary. He also serves as Director of the Center for Ministry Training at Liberty Baptist Theological Seminary, and the Director of the Center for Church...
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