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Spiritual Health Research Paper

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Spiritual Health The work load has led to many teachers feeling dissatisfied with their life. The stress carried by new teachers has caused them to priorities work. New information has proven that teachers spend most time in work than anywhere else. Many teachers have felt incomplete because of this circumstance. Clearly, new information on the topic will prove that teacher’s spiritual health is starting to lose balance.
Most teachers have lost their sense of purpose. Teachers life now revolves mostly in their work Studies have shown that teachers work more hours outside of the classroom (Malanowski & Wood, 1984, p.23). The passion for teaching is now lost in many teachers because of the monotonous routine they have at work (Pascual et al., …show more content…
Work load has caused many teachers to have negative perspective in their work life (Chee et al., 2006, para.10). Stress has affected their spiritual well being causing changes in how they see things (Fisher et al., 2000, p.139). This could be the reason why most teachers start to hate their jobs. Clearly teachers need to change their perspective in a positive way to reignite the passion they have for teaching.
Inner strength is lost in many teachers. The non-stop work load has led to negative effect in teacher’s spiritual well being (Fisher et al., 2002, p.4). This has had a significant impact on their spiritual well being leading to low mental capabilities to confront difficulties (Fisher et al., 2000, p.140). It was also found that teachers have significantly higher psychological distress (Chee et al., 2006, para.3). Teachers needs to refocus to gain control of their spiritual health.
The problem faced by teachers in spiritual health is the lost of focus in themselves because of work. I’ll relax and always reflect on everything I do to stay focus on my spiritual health. I would find coping strategies to reduce my stress. I’ll do my work early in the morning to finish them before class time. This will help me find time for myself and lessen the work load …show more content…
The stress caused by working all day has lead many teachers to feel unsatisfied in their work field. New information has shown that teachers aren’t getting paid enough which leads to job dissatisfaction. This has caused many teachers to lose their passion for teaching. A closer look at this research will provide new insight to this issue.
Some teachers have lost their passion for teaching. The passion for teaching is now lost in many teachers because of the monotonous routine they have at work (Pascual et al., 2003, p.611). Majority of the teachers spends their day finishing workload (Malanowski & Wood, 1984, p.23). This has lead to negative impact in teachers work life balance (Sahin & Sak., 2016, p.474). Clearly teachers need to lessen their work time in order to re ignite their love for teaching.
Teachers do not have flexibility in their schedule. Teachers tend to make more time for work in order to finish their daily work load (Seibt et al., 2012, p.677). This has lead to insufficient time for many teachers (Sahin & Sak, 2016, p.475). Which has caused them to lose flexibility over their time management (p.477). Teachers need to manage their work load to improve their time

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