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Spleen Research Paper

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An important organ that is part of lymphatic system. It is an internal body organ in the abdomen just underneath the left rib cage. Spleen lies between fundus of stomach and diaphragm. In addition, “it is the largest collection of reticuloendothelial cells in the body and is composed of sponge like tissue of two types: red pulp, which is the dark reddish brown substance filling the interspaces of the sinuses of the spleen, and white pulp, which consists of sheaths of lymphatic tissue surrounding the arteries of the spleen” (Miller-Keane Encyclopedia and Dictionary of Medicine, Nursing, and Allied Health, 2003). The spleen is not part of the digestive system however is connected to the blood vessels of both the stomach and the pancreas.
Spleen …show more content…
It is made up of B cells, T cells, macrophages, dendritic cells, natural killer cells and red blood cells. In addition to capturing foreign materials (antigens) from the blood that passes through the spleen, migratory macrophages and dendritic cells bring antigens to the spleen via the bloodstream. An immune response is initiated when the macrophage or dendritic cells present the antigen to the appropriate B or T cells. In the spleen, B cells become activated and produce large amounts of antibody. Also, old red blood cells are destroyed in the spleen” (Linnemeyer, …show more content…
Many of these systems are unleashed by activation of other parts of the immune system. The bone marrow is the source of many immune and blood cells in the healthy adult animal. If the bone is split lengthwise, a marked difference in tissue is noticed. Part of the tissue is red, which is the source of red and white blood cells. The other portion is yellow adipose tissue that is inactive. During an infection, the yellow marrow can be reactivated to become red marrow to help in the production of larger numbers of immune cells. “Cells in the spleen organize around the blood vessels into two tissues: red pulp and white pulp. Red pulp contains mainly red blood cells, and white pulp is made up predominantly of lymphocytes. The white pulp focuses tightly around the arterioles of the spleen while the red pulp fills the rest of the interstitial space. The location of various lymphocytes in the white pulp further differentiates it. T cells are found near the arterioles and further away are areas of B cells. The spleen is a major area for B cells to congregate in the body, where they wait to be activated by antigens. During an illness, activated lymphocytes are released from the spleen to fight the infection” (Microbiology text,

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