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Spoken Word Key

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The faith and believe keys are the basic powerful golden master keys that you must have, because without them nothing takes place. The next most powerful golden master key is the spoken word. Without this key there is no way you can open the door to any of your problems. It is very powerful. All miracles happened in the bible were as a result of the spoken word key. You cannot solve your problems if you do not talk to them. You cannot receive anything if you do not tell or command them to come to you. Jesus said that if you had faith and believe, you could speak to the mulberry tree and it will obey you. If you do not speak to someone, how will that person hear and obey you? Now …show more content…
They have the capacity and the potential to manifest themselves. The words which are spoken in the unseen will manifest themselves in the physical world. It might take some time to turn into reality but surely it will manifest itself, if and only if you do not reverse what you said. Let us go back to John 6:63. Jesus said that the words I speak to you are spirit and they are life. Words are therefore meant to be spoken. They are spirits and they will obey you. Words are life. They possess energy to perform and come into existence if you call or command them to. God says His word is an incorruptible seed (1 Peter 1:23). A seed possesses in itself the ability to come to life. It can lie down for a hundred of years and nothing will happen to it though it has energy to do so. It will only come alive when you put it in the soil. It will be covered by the soil and die in the ground. It will germinate and produce a harvest that is even greater than itself. This same principle applies to the words. They have the ability to come to life but they will do so when you speak to them. They will be covered by problems, situations and circumstances. But while they are inside the problem, they are active and alive. They are working their way out of the problem. They have began dealing and solving the problem for you. Because they are inside the problem you cannot see them. You might think nothing is happening but they are really …show more content…
You can do this by giving the word more faith and believing in yourself that the word you spoke will accomplish its task. The third thing you can do is to give the problem more words. The more the words the better and faster they can accomplish the task. A tiny HIV virus that you cannot see with your eyes can destroy a whole human body. Why? It is because this virus multiplies itself many times and very fast. It believes it can work when they are many. Be like an HIV virus. Do not allow the situation and circumstances to give you more problems. Rather, ‘trouble’ the situation and circumstances by constantly and continuously giving them more words. This is the reason why Jesus said that you should pray without ceasing. He knew why He said that. You might be a Christian and you are telling yourself that you have prayed over this same problem for one or two years now but there are no results yet. It is because you are counteracting your prayer with negative words. You tell every Tom, Dick and Harry you meet about your problem. As you talk about your problem all the time, they become bigger and difficult to solve. You wonder why the more you pray the more problems that come your way. The two sides of the equation are balanced and as such, there are no results. Instead of talking about your problems to multiply them rather talk to the

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