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Nike's Inhumane Sweatshop Practices

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‘The Swoosh’ is one of the most recognized symbols in the world. Fluid, Fast, Simple. ‘Just do it’. It represents Nike, the company that has the enviable position as the world’s largest designer, marketer and distributor of sports related apparel and footwear, equipment’s and accessories.
However, their apparent success comes at a larger price to those affected by their inhumane sweatshop practices. Nike has more than 1 million workers in 160 countries with over 841 factories. The U.S has 66 of these factories employing 8,151 men and women. In Vietnam, Nike has just 40 factories employing 171, 276 workers who are mostly young women and children while in Indonesia, Nike has 14 independent factories with 140,000 workers. Nike’s headquarters is

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