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Sport Psych Reflection


Submitted By del365
Words 367
Pages 2
Sport Psych
When working out comes to mind my first thought is a workout that is fast pace, not boring, keeps me interested, and involves other people. With that being said the workout we did on Friday did all of the following stated in the first sentence. It is important to me that a workout is fast pace, involves others, and is not boring because a workout that keeps your adrenaline pumping, involves others and stays intense helps with conditioning, building strength, and burning calories.
The type of workout I thing best describes what we did as a class on Friday is circuit training. Circuit training increases your strength and aerobic fitness and burns lots of calories. Although you don’t get the same level of conditioning as if you would performing your strength training and aerobics separately. I love the fact of the quick workout and on to the next with little rest between workouts because its keeps you focus, keeps your heart rate up which a workout supposed to do, especially for a person like me who loves to play basketball all day long. I need a workout that includes another person because I feel it keeps me focus and you have another person who pushes you to go harder during the workouts as if I was working out alone I would probably go through the motion, resulting in me not getting a greater outcome out of working out. I also love the fact of having an instructor who keeps you motivated and make sure you’re doing what needs to be done when working out because a lot of instructors do not join in to complete a workout with a group that they are instructing or coaching they just instruct, and I like that everyone got involved in this workout and completed it as a whole. Most of the time when I’m watching others workout the go through the motion or don’t put all of their effort into the workout but I did not see any of this during our workout session Friday so I think if this was a body conditioning or strngth training class it would be a good one to be.

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