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Spss Output Analysis


Submitted By pattersoncrew
Words 1198
Pages 5
Interpretation of SPSS output for Car Care Inc. Jacquelynn Patterson Liberty University Online Professor Lingley Busi 331-B01 October 7, 2013

1.0 Introduction Statistics in social sciences are an important aspect in making the understanding of social behaviors plausible in organizations, governments, marketers and other cohorts with same interest. Initially, statistical manipulations were conducted manually and obliged researchers to have formulas at their fingertips. This strenuous exercise was susceptible to shortcomings in case large volumes of data were to be analyzed. In addition, manual calculations depend on human nature that is vulnerable to ill health, emotional exhaustion and fatigue. As a result, there are many chances of making errors when dealing with manual calculations. This would finally affect the end results obtained. The above mentioned problems are likely to be amplified especially when dealing with a huge number of research subjects. If this is the case, it implies that marketing research data analysis would be the most vulnerable if manual statistical manipulations were embraced. This is because marketing research depends heavily on many respondents in order for the results to valid and reliable for making inferences to the whole population. Inevitably, marketers are bludgeoned into using statistical software that can handle large volumes of cases in a single command. This does not only reduce the workload that would have been encountered if calculations were done manually, but also reduces the chances of error in the results. 2.0 Interpretation of the cross-tabulation for Car Care Inc. A cross tab is a form of a table showing the distribution of cases across the categories of each of the variables (Argyrous, 2011). In the case of Car Care Inc., the cross tab has two

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