...Atticus Intro * Relationship between 60s/30s (AO4) – often racism. Atticus is a challenge to that view * In addition economic crisis ongoing in Alabama (south): (Bread lines/strikes, shows scale of Great Depression – could be used later instead) leads to social problems - brings about prejudice in common people. Again Atticus against prejudice – racism. * Novel has didactic purpose, to teach – hence novel set earlier. Problems still apparent + relevant * Atticus also a teacher, portrayed as far more important than school. Education/Father * His children grow up…. (bildungsroman novel) * Education at his knee seen as more important e.g Scout ‘You never went to school and you do alright). Values v. important, moral lessons: pg33: ‘You never understand someone until you consider things from his point of view’. ’54 Brown vs board of education case * Seen as figure to look up to, despite being ‘old’ and ‘feeble’ they call him ‘sir’ and ‘Atticus’ indicating respect + equality – SIGN OF CHARACTER. Laissez-faire attitude to discipline: hollow threats he wouldn’t ‘wear them out’ … modern version of father (out of time in 30s) * Always with newspaper – sign of a teacher * Treats his bitch Cal with respect and she forms integral part of fam life MOTHER – discipline (pg27) again out of her time vs Merriweather is voice of ordinary racism – she treats her black bitch without respect: min wage + ‘sulky darky’ Unprejudiced * Defends Tom Robertson when...
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...Rivera 1 Rivera 1 Paola Rivera Wld Lit O Ms. Ziemlak Monday, November 28, 2011 Angela’s Ashes Questions: 1. I liked Angela’s Ashes a lot; I thought it was a very powerful literary text. The moment when Frank says, “ Worse than the ordinary miserable childhood is the miserable Irish childhood, and worse yet is a miserable Irish Catholic childhood” (6). At this moment I immediately could recognize that Angela’s Ashes was going to be an emotional memoir of the author’s life. I enjoyed the fact that this was a bildungsroman novel, meaning it was a coming-of-age novel. In being this type of novel we see how Frank evolves from a naïve boy into a man who is surely to prove nothing like his father. 2. Through the novel, I was able to identify the following themes: Drinking in Irish culture, Hunger and Food, Antagonism between Presbyterians vs. Catholics, Poverty, and Honor. Drinking in Irish culture, is seen as a way to escape the hardships of Irish life, Frank’s father uses this as an excuse to keep drinking, and he is also motivated by others to do so. Hunger and the value of food is one of the most important themes, given that a lot of the suffering the McCourt’s have to go through id the scarcity of food. Since their dad is an alcoholic who can’t keep a job, the kids usually suffered from sever hunger all the time, their dad would rather spend the little money he earned on a pint, and what was left was used on cigarettes for him and Angela. The Antagonism between...
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...Eine Wertkette bildet die strategisch relevanten und sich gegenseitig bedingenden Tätigkeiten eines Unternehmens ab. Ziel dieser Aktivitäten ist die Schaffung eines marktfähigen Produktes mit einem Mehrwert. Die Betrachtung eines Unternehmens als Wertkette dient der Identifizierung von Rationalisierungsquellen und Differenzierungsmöglichkeiten zur Erreichung eines Wettbewerbsvorteils im Markt. Ziel: Zweck der Betrachtung der Wertkette ist die Identifizierung der Wettbewerbsvorteile eines Unternehmens gegenüber seinen Konkurrenten durch Analyse des Beitrags jeder sogenannten Wertaktivität zum Mehrwert des Endproduktes. Die Wertkette ist ein praktisches Instrument zur Analyse von Wettbewerbsvorteilen eines Unternehmens sowie zur integrierten Unternehmensplanung. Dabei ist es wichtig zu berücksichtigen, dass Unternehmen der gleichen Branche zwar ähnliche Wertketten haben, sich jedoch häufig infolge unterschiedlicher historischer Sachverhalte, Strategien, geographischer Bedingungen und Implementierungserfolge unterscheiden. Auch in diesen Unterschieden liegen die Quellen von Wettbewerbsvorteilen. „Um das Zusammenwirken der einzelnen Ressourcen und Potenziale in einem Unternehmen zu erfassen, sind sie sodann als Teil des Wertschöpfungsprozesses zu analysieren.“ Als Fußnote mit Seitenzahl Jahresangabe etc à(Schreyögg, Koch – Grundlagen des Managements) In diesem Zusammenhang hat sich vor allem Porters Wertketten-Analyse durchgesetzt. Diese unterscheidet zwischen „primären“ und...
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...Joshua Ezewuxie Candide set 2 * In the beginning of chapter the 12, the old women continues her story about the eunuch who attempted to rape her but enjoyed his company for the time being. In her thoughts of suicide she never mentioned a religious reason for not committing suicide but for the simple fact she loved life. “I have been a hundred times upon the point of killing myself, but still I was fond of life.” The satire I see in here, is how Voltaire uses the story of her life to explain her misery compared to the few people she knew who ended their misery on their own. Her philosophy explained her curiosity as to what makes the people want to live even though life is often a curse. In the end of the chapter she advises Cunegonde and Candide to ask each of the passengers on the ship to tell their story, every single one of them has been through misery and pain but still alive. “Therefore take my advice: divert yourself, and prevail upon each passenger to tell his story.” 4. In these two chapters, Candide is holding on to the love he has for Cunegund. This is what is helping him have hope throughout the journey, maintain a positive attitude. “Candide, however, had one advantage over Martin: he lived in the pleasing hopes of seeing Miss Cunegund once more.” As martin continues with his negativity about the world and God, Candid still believes there is some good in this world and there is hope. The negativity Martin has for the world and God is quite understandable...
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...Der folgende Abschnitt soll dazu dienen, eine Auswahl an Methoden zur Unternehmensbewertung kurz vorzustellen und voneinander abzugrenzen. Dabei kann auf oberster Abstraktionsebene zunächst zwischen drei Bewertungstypen unterschieden werden: Dem Gesamtbewertungs-, Einzelbewertungs- und Mischverfahren. Abbildung 1 liefert einen Überblick über die darunter subsumierten Verfahren, auf die an dieser Stelle nun jeweils kurz eingegangen wird. Abbildung 1: Unternehmensberwertungsverfahren im Überblick Quelle: In Anlehnung an Achleitner und Thommen 2009,715ff.; Mandl und Rabel 1999, 30 Die Ertragswertmethode basiert auf der Annahme, dass der Unternehmenswert nicht aus der vorhandenen Substanz ergibt, sondern vielmehr aus den zukünftig erwarteten Erträgen. Als Basis wird hierbei die Ertrags-Aufwandsrechnung herangezogen, um so schlussendlich die Ertragsüberschüsse zu kalkulieren. Die Berechnung des Unternehmenswerts erfolgt entsprechend der folgenden Formel (Achleitner/Thommen 2009, 722): UW= ∑_(t=0)^T▒E"t" /〖(1+i)〗^t Ebenso wie die Ertragswertmethode, greift auch die die Discounted Cashflow Methode auf das Barwertkalkül zurück, jedoch wird der Kapitaliserungszinssatz auf Basis der zugrundeliegenden gewichteten Kapitalkosten ermittelt (Weighted Average Costs of Capital, WACC). In einem mehrstufigen Verfahren wird der Grenzpreis für ein...
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...Chapter 3: Bulgars massacring the German countryside Chapter 5: Sailor throwing Jacques the Anabaptist overboard Chapter 9: Candide kills the Grand Inquisitor and Don Issachar Chapter 15: Candide (the innocent and pure character) stabs Cunegondes brother only because he said he wouldn't let Candide marry her Chapter 23: Execution of Admiral John Byng because he didn't fight the French well enough Body IV: Poor Treatment and Perception of Women Topic Sentence: Chapter 3: Women were raped and disemboweled by the armies Chapter 8: Cunegonde being raped by a Bulgar soldier, then being sold to the Jew Don Issacar by the Bulgar capitan after he was tired of her; she was being "shared" by Don and the Grand Inquisitor Chapter 11: old woman taken as slaves by Moroccan pirates, raped by them; later after she escaped from her captors she fell asleep and woke up to a random man raping her under a tree Chapter 12: old woman got one buttock cut off in order to spare the lives of the janissaries but they got killed anyway Conclusion Summary: Clincher: The Enlightenment was a time period from the eighteenth to the nineteenth century when people used reason and logic to philosophize about how they believed the world should be. One example of these philosophers, or "philosophes," was François-Marie Arouet, who is more commonly known as Voltaire. Voltaire was an ingenious Enlightenment writer that used satire to expose the serious problems of society, and one of his most famous pieces was the...
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...Robin Okpara Okpara 1 Yes, he came back from war safely. But, there’s seriously wrong with his head, so he’s pretty much crazy and emotional. John Knowles, A Separate Peace. Throughout the book Leper’s calm and collect and different, but never crazy, but all that changed when he went to the warand didn’t come back the same. Leper showed his want to go to the army very knowingly to everyone during the story. While all the boys were talking to one another Leper stated, “I’m going to enlist in these ski troops”… “Threat’s to enlist that winter were always declaimed like Brinker’s, with a grinding of back teeth and a flashing of eyes; I had already heard plenty of them. But only Leper’s was serious.” (125). In this quote from the tone and mood we can sense that Leper was serious like Gene thoughtfully stated. There’s no doubt what so ever in the way he determindly announced it. This crazy, deluted war made him feel helpless and defenseless just like how the soilders viciously fighting did, so he decided he had to do something and help. While all the other boys lied to themselves about war Leper didn’t, and he never thought twice about it; he just did it. Leper’s very courageous to leave, and when he’s about to leave he said to Gene...
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...To Kill A Mockingbird: Overview Vanessa Vigneau English 400 March 20, 2015 Cultural and Literary Significance To Kill A Mockingbird was written during the most critical time periods of racial discrimination, the 1930s. During this time racial prejudice was already an issue, especially in the southern states, but during the Great Depression it escalated even more and the imagery in To Kill A Mockingbird allows the reader to fully understand the impact prejudice had on children and adults. To further explore the cultural significance it is important to also realize that the story time period closely related to the time period in which it was published, 1960. During this time, many were trying to fight Jim Crow laws of segregation and were in the midst of the Civil Rights Movement. (2007) This story would seem obvious to some as a coming of age story involving the main character and narrator, Scout, but it was much more involved than a little girl growing up and learning to see things from another’s point of view. This story involves the cultural significance of how people lived in the south in the 1930s and how children and adults were affected by the on-going, ugly, violent prejudice. In the story Scout and Jem are taught by their father lessons about courage and tolerance as it is becoming clear to Atticus, he can no longer shield his children from what is happening in their town. He teaches them to stand in someone else’s shoes and consider the world from that perspective...
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...Danksagung Ich möchte allen danken, die sich in den vergangenen Jahren die Mühe gemacht haben, sich mit meiner Dissertation, mit diesem Text, zu beschäftigen und ihn zu kommentieren. An erster Stelle sind das meine Betreuer am Europäischen Hochschulinstitut in Florenz, Klaus Eder und Friedhelm Neidhardt. Außerdem: Catherine Brice, Colin Crouch, Nora Eisermann, Bernd Giesen, Michaela Krützen, Johannes Lübking, Anne Marijnen, Gesa Marten, Jo Reichertz, Frederic Vandenberghe und Anne Will. Besonders danke ich meinem Bruder David Eisermann, der mir die nötige Zuversicht und liebevolle Unterstützung gegeben hat, die Arbeit abzuschließen. Berlin, im Oktober 2000 Jessica Eisermann Inhalt Danksagung .........................................................................................................5 Abkürzungen......................................................................................................10 Einleitung.......................................................................................................... 13 1 1.1 1.1.1 1.1.2 1.1.3 1.1.4 1.2 1.2.1 1.2.2 1.2.3 1.2.4 1.2.5 1.3 1.3.1 1.3.2 2 2.1 2.2 2.3 Das Problem der Mediengewalt........................................................... 21 Die Definition des Problems in der Öffentlichkeit .................................21 Die ordnungsgenerierende Funktion 'unterhaltender' Nachrichten ...22 Das Problem im Zusammenhang mit dem Symbol der Gewalt ........28 Das Problem im Zusammenhang mit dem Medium...
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...Das Bild stellt drei Personen in einer Lichtung der wilden Natur dar. Ein alter Eichbaum und Efeuranken bilden einen umschließenden Rahmen um die zwei links und rechts stehenden Männer und die junge Adelige. Durch das Licht und der Anordnung der umliegenden Bäume und Sträucher wird der Blick des Betrachters zuerst auf die Frau gelenkt. Aufreizend und vergnügt sitzt sie auf der gepolsterten Schaukel und genießt ihre zentrale Position. Die Pausbacken und großen Augen in ihrem Gesicht zeigen eine offensichtliche Anwendung des Kindchen-Schemas. Auffallend ist die glatte, helle, rosige Haut. Ebenfalls außergewöhnlich sind die sehr kleinen Extremitäten. Ihre gespreizten, angespannten Finger und Beine verfehlen ihre theatralische Wirkung nicht. Das Kleid ist, für die damalige Mode nicht untypisch, sehr füllig, spielerisch und dekorativ, also kostbar. Die rosa Farbe steht im Kontrast zu dem Grün der umrandenden Natur. Sie symbolisiert die Jugend und Schönheit. Der jüngere Mann befindet sich links unterhalb von ihr. Angelehnt an den Sockel einer Engelsstatue liegt er ihr unterwürfig zu Füßen. Sein Rüschenhemd, der Hut und der kostbare Anzug lassen auf seine soziale Stellung schließen. Hierbei handelt es sich übrigens um den Auftraggeber, einen Baron. Fasziniert streckt er der Frau seinen linken Arm entgegen, in dem er auch den schwarzen Hut hält. Sein sehnsüchtiger Blick und die gespreizten Finger lassen auf sein Begehren schließen. Das Annähern und Entfernen, bedingt durch das Schwingen...
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...Um Lean Management erfolgreich im Unternehmen implementieren zu können, müssen eine Vielzahl von Regeln und Prinzipien verfolgt werden. Dies stellt eine große Heraus-forderung für jede Organisation dar. Jeder Mitarbeiter wird dabei als Wert schaffende Ressource betrachtet und steigert durch seine Mitarbeit den Unternehmenserfolg. Die Übergabe von Verantwortung kann dabei Motivation und Last zugleich sein. Der eine wird durch die ihm zugestandene Selbstständigkeit beflügelt, ein anderer überfordert. Hier ein angemessenes Maß zu finden stellt eine der wesentlichen Aufgaben des Top-Managements dar, die es mithilfe eines umfassenden Kommunikationsapparates und kontinuierlichen Informationsflusses zu meistern gilt. Die Konsequenz bei der Befolgung der Prinzipien des Lean Management stellt die Grundvoraussetzung für den Erfolg des Ansatzes dar. Doch gerade diese Konsequenz kann ihm auch zum Verhängnis werden. Wichtig ist, die individuellen Anforderungen der einzelnen Unternehmung besonders zu berücksichtigen. Seit dem Bekanntwerden des Toyota Produktionskonzeptes hat sich der ursprünglich einzig auf die Produktion beschränkte Blick erheblich erweitert. Längst werden auch Dienstleistungs- oder Bera-tungsunternehmen mithilfe dieses Systems geführt. Die Wertschöpfung in allen Unter-nehmensbereichen entlang der Supply Chain kann in nahezu jeder Branchen und auf der ganzen Welt mithilfe von Lean Management optimiert werden. Die Übertragbarkeit des Management Ansatzes auf verschiedene Prozessstrukturen...
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...In the beginning of To Kill a Mockingbird Jem sees his father Atticus as different and lazy/boring compared to the other fathers in Maycomb. Jem’s psychological evolution on Atticus happens when gives his closing speech to the jury. After this Atticus changes to realizing he had been wrong on who Atticus was as a father. Jem’s father was actually courageous and deserved recognition. To Kill a Mockingbird is Jem’s bildungsroman because his outlook on Atticus goes from weak and embarrassing to strong and admirable. At first Jem’s philosophy on Atticus is that Atticus is unalike to the other fathers and Atticus didn’t do work to get praise from the people of Maycomb. “..or do anything that could possibly arouse the admiration of anyone” (Lee...
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...In the novel Frankenstein by Mary Shelley, a bildungsroman occurs through the experiences gained by the monster. Victor Frankenstein disrupts the natural order of nature and creates with his own hands a creature which he is not ready to accept. Frankenstein rejects his own creation and runs away like a coward, because of this the monster is cast out into the merciless reality of a society which will not understand him for what he is. Throughout the story the reader observes the monster’s progression from a child-like wonder and mentality, to a deeper understanding to his situation and a developing resentment towards his own creator. The monster’s “birth” if one could call it that was not in the very least normal. One could argue that all the...
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...Holden Caulfield, the main character in J.D Salinger's Bildungsroman story “the Catcher in the Rye”, fears and hates the idea of becoming an adult. Holden shows this during chapter 25 when he repeatedly asks his dead brother Allie to save his innocence. “Allie, don't let me disappear. Please Allie.”(257). Due to the fact the Holden considers “disappearing” losing your childhood innocence, and the fact that he’s talking to his dead younger brother, I believe that it is clear that Holden is deeply afraid of becoming an adult. Another instance where Holden shows his worry that he might become an adult was (again) during chapter 25. Holden was walking around in his little sister Phoebe's school, when he notices “Fuck you” written on the wall....
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...Throughout most of the novel, Holden Caulfield's cynicism and eccentric thoughts reflect his alienation and his depressed attitude toward the world. His central goal was to resist the process of maturing into an adult, he feared change, and was overwhelmed by the complexity of nearing adulthood. However, J.D. Salinger wrote The Catcher in the Rye as a Bildungsroman in which Holden reaches maturity through interaction with his sister, Phoebe, in order to show that the maturation process is a time for taking risks and not being afraid to fall down and get back up. Through discussion, Phoebe tries to enter deep into Holden's thoughts to reveal his true desire in life. She gets him to describe his fantasy of an ideal childhood and of his role...
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