...West. Europe (value MS = 9,1% in ’09) Mission: “High quality, crafted precision, Net Sales ’10 ~ 6,7 B€ (Growth vs LY +3,8% ) product freshness, careful selection of Gross margin ’09 ~ 1B€ the finest raw materials, respect and 22 000 FTEs consideration for our customers” Private and family-held company Geographic presence Presence in ~40 countries; 18 factories in Europe, Australia, Latin America and the US Products are sold in 70 countries Most sales generated by mature countries and especially Western Europe Market leader in most of western Europe outside the UK WE region accounting for ~3/4 of revenue - Italy, France, Germany Sales = 1,1B€ Growth +3% But weak presence in emerging countries 2-digit growth in emerging countries (Brazil) Srategic axis • Focus on organic growth • Strongly though parsimoniously innovate • Expand in emerging markets expansion (East. Europe, Latam and Asia) • Develop products on the breakfast market Source : Euromonitor 2011, Company website, Trade publications Nutella : the key pillar in the portfolio Chocolate confectionery Spreads Nutella the « icon » product since 1964 in France • Bars • Chocolate with toys • Boxed assortments Chilled Dairy Snacks Sugar confectionery Kinder - the umbrella brand Other brands Seasonal brands : Spread MS ’09 = 24,7% Chocolate Spread MS ’09 = 89,7% • 100 million jars every year • >250M€ sales ie ~25% of Ferrero France sales • Growth generator • Strong sales performance per SKU Source : Euromonitor...
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...Srategic Management Paper Format Table of Contents Acknowledgement i. Introduction a. Company background - 1 page b. Paper Design and Methodology - methods, - the things you’re about to do. - Narrative. ii. External Analysis (basis in Chapter V. Study Formulation) A. Economic Forces - Purchasing power B. Social, Cultural and Demographic Forces - Income, culture, lifestyle c. Technological Forces - Improvements of overall system/technologies d. Political, Legal & Gov’t Forces - Gov’t support to the automobile industry - Bill Laws (sabi ni sir.) e. Envt’l Forces - Typhoon, climate change iii. Industry Analysis A. Definition of the Industry B. Marketing Mix 1. Product and Market Share 2. Price 3. Promotion 4. Distribution Channels 5. Customer 6. Target Market 7. Competition a. Porter’s 5 Forces (Porter’s Five Forces model has been identified as a powerful tool for systematically diagnosing the principal competitive pressures in a market and assessing how strong and important each one is.) C. Operation/Production iv. Industry Financial v. Company Analysis a. History b. Ownership c. Management d. Culture e. Organizational Structure f. Human Resources g. Mission Statement h. Vision Statement i. Corporate Objectives j. Strategies k. Marketing Mix 1. Price 2. Promotion 3. Distribution Channel 4. Customer o Target Market o Competition l. Production/Operation m. Financial Performance n. NPI Trends o. NPI Problems ...
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...Download Free Project Reports Free Reports, Assignments, Presentations, MBA Reports, BBA Reports, Business Reports, Analysis of Annual Reports Project Report on Nokia Preface In this era, where the technology is growing in a very faster speed and every positive change is bringing new and enhanced features with them, the cellular phones are at the very hot issue in this growing technology. The technologies in these cellular/mobile phones are enhancing and developing day by day, including new features of entertainment, and multiple options like imaging facilities, movie/animation features, sound technologies etc. When the technology is the matter, every consumer/user prefers the latest, best and interacting featured technologies and also prefers these facilities in less cost. So, in this view, there is a very big and fast competition between many companies/manufacturers of cellular phones at the world level. Introduction to the Organization Company Information:- NOKIA is the world leader in mobile communications backed by its experience, innovation, user-friendliness and secure solutions. It is a very well knowned company having its vast offices world wide. Their specialized product is cellular phones. They have many house hold items as well. Board of Directors:- The current members of Nokia's Board of Directors were elected at the Annual General Meeting on March 27, 2003. Click here for a short résumé and information on the members' shareholdings. Corporate...
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...Introduction: The book is written on eight business maharajas from India. Their combined turnover runs into billions of rupees, and between them they employ some 650,000 people, while indirectly affecting the lives of millions more. In day to day activity we use various products, Sip a cup of tea, drive to work, listen to music, and build a house? the chances are that they manufacture and market these. The achievements of these men would rank among the great business stories of our time. This book reveals following questions:- How these men reveal their enormous empires? What are their management secrets? How did they thrive and prosper even as others failed? What are their visions for future? The eight Business Maharajas are: Dhirubhai Ambani Rahul Kumar Bajaj Aditya Vikram Birla Rama Prasad Goenka Brij Mohan Khaitan Bharat and Vijay Shah Ratan Tata Dhirubhai Ambani The first Indian industrialist to appreciate ordinary investors and their needs. His philosophy that management has a responsibility toward its shareholders to ensure the capital appreciation of their shares has changed the entire mindset of corporate India and its way of doing business. Between 1977 and 1995, Ambani mobilized Rs 64.23 billion from the public (the company went public with 58,000 investors, today there are more than 3.7 million), making Reliance India’s most popular enterprise in the process. Rahul Kumar Bajaj Born 10 June 1938 is an Indian businessman, politician and philanthropist...
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...BUSI 1317: Srategic management | Lincoln Electric | The Welding Industry’s Titan | | | | 1st December, 2014 ABSTRACT The purpose of this paper is to analyze Lincoln Electric’s overall strategy and business model and evaluate how generalizable is the company’s business model in other industries, specifically focusing on feasible strategies for one of the fastest developing country, India. | Contents Lincoln Electric’s Background 2 Recent Reporting 2 Main Features of the Lincoln Electric Business Model 2 Company Philosophy 2 Overall Strategy 3 Compensation, Leadership and Communication 3 How generalizable is Lincoln Business Model to other industries? 4 How generalizable is the Lincoln’s approach to India? 5 Employment System 5 Incentive System 6 Conclusion 6 Appendices 7 Exhibit 1: Hofstede's Dimensions Comparison - India & USA 7 Exhibit 2: India and U.S GDP Comparison 7 Bibliography 8 Lincoln Electric’s Background Lincoln Electric Company is the largest manufacturer of welding equipment in the world and has been in existence for over 100 years since 1895. The founder, John C. Lincoln started the business selling his own designed electric motors with the $200 he made from redesigning Herbert Henry Dow’s engine (Paul F. Buller, 2006). The company grew steadily, and in 1906 sales rise to $50,000 a year. John expanded his work force and in 1907, his brother, James F. Lincoln joined the company as a senior manager and introduced...
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...1.0 INTRODUCTION Ekomate System was founded in 1996 by Tom Thomas after completing his Msc in Computer Engineering from the University of Texas USA. The company starts of as a local business for two years before they start to internationalize. The first country they did business is USA due to connections Tom has during his time in the US. Ekomate has established a 100% Export Oriented Division for IT development, in conjunction with Software Technology Parks of India in 2000. Currently Ekomate continues its efforts to expand the business both in the international and domestic markets in spite of the global slowdown in IT business. In 2005, Ekomate is awarded ISO1901:2000 Quality Certification from BVQI. Total company focus is now in the UK, Europe and USA Markets. 2.0 ISSUES The issues of Ekomate System network relationships starts off with communication. The company is based in Bangalore, and Thomas planned to expand the business internationally particularly to the North American and European market, therefore creating various issues. Lack of Network Relationship The lack of network relations with other business and potential clients are the core of Ekomate’s issues. Without network relationships, it is proven difficult to expand business especially to a global market. Communication Barriers The lack of network relationship is a direct consequence of communication barrier in which Ekomate are unable to communicate to clients directly without any sort of established...
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...------------------------------------------------- Professional Development for Strategic Managers ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- Edexcel BTEC Level 7 ------------------------------------------------- SEMESTER 1 ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- Submission Date – June 10 2013 ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- Saurabh Menon ------------------------------------------------- ST 46058 ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- CONTENTS ------------------------------------------------- Page Contents ------------------------------------------------- 3 Introduction ------------------------------------------------- 3 Learning Outcome 1.1 ------------------------------------------------- 4 Learning Outcome 1.2 ------------------------------------------------- 5 Learning Outcome 2.1 ------------------------------------------------- 7 Learning Outcome 2.2 ------------------------------------------------- ...
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...SRATEGIC MEMO INTERIM REPORT ON KARNATAKA POWER TRANSMISSION CORPORATION LIMITED (KPTCL) By, Suma Ragupathi (10050) Sunil M (10051) Swathy Swaminathan (10053) Thirtha (10055) Gunjan Modi (10078) Sarita G. Krishnan (10103) GROUP B2 : NAPOLEON | TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. HISTORY 3 1.1 Power Generation and Transmission in Karnataka State 3 1.2 Re-structuring of KEB into KPTCL 4 2. VISION AND MISSION 5 2.1 Vision 5 2.2 Mission 5 3. ENVIRONMENT ANALYSIS 6 3.1 Political situation in Karnataka 6 3.2 Economic situation in Karnataka 6 3.3 Social situation in Karnataka 7 3.4 Technological innovations in power sector 7 4. INDUSTRY ANALYSIS 9 4.1 Current Scenario 9 4.2 Challenges and Risks 9 5. SWOT ANALYSIS of KPTCL 11 5.1 Strengths 11 5.2 Weaknesses: 11 5.3 Opportunities 12 5.4 Threats 12 6. KPTCL’s CURRENT SITUATION 13 6.1 Demand-Supply Status 13 6.2 Present Karnataka State Power Scenario 14 6.3 Financial Position of ESCOMS 15 6.4 Energy Sufficiency – Capacity Addition 15 7. DELIVERABLES FOR THE FULL REPORT 16 KARNATAKA POWER TRANSMISSION CORPORATION LIMITED (KPTCL) 1. HISTORY 1.1 Power Generation and Transmission in Karnataka State The erstwhile Mysore State had the enviable and glorious position of...
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...Telecommunication Industry In Singapore IS1105 SRATEGIC IT APPLICATIONS Tutorial Group 2 Group 6 Prepared by: Nguyen Thi Bich Van Pham Thanh Ha Poovanna Ponnimada Ashok Tran Thai Tri Tan A0074274 A0074389 A0074597 A0088437 TABLE OF CONTENTS I. II. III. OBJECTIVE INDUSTRY DESCRIPTION PORTER’S FIVE COMPETITIVE FORCES 1. Threat of new entrants 2. Bargaining power of buyers 3. Bargaining power of suppliers 4. Rivalry among Existing Competitors 5. Threat of substitute products or services 1 1 2 2 2 3 4 5 IV. V. COMPARISON OF THE COMPETITIVE FORCES INFORMATION SYSTEMS IN TELECOMMUNICATION 1. Enterprise Resource Planning a. Telecom Billing System b. Grid Computing Service 2. Customer Relation Management 5 5 5 5 6 7 VI. CONCLUSION 7 I. Objective This report seeks to analyze in detail the current state of competition within the Singapore’s Telecommunications industry. The industry is analyzed based on Porter’s 5 forces model. The paper also aims to identify the key players within the forces. How IT/IS has been able to change the strength of each force is also demonstrated. II. Industry description Generally, telecommunication industry consists of fixed line telecommunication and wireless telecommunication services. Fixed line communication is defined as voice telephony and data transferring offers and broadband. Wireless telecommunication services include mobile phones, pagers and other wireless telecommunication services. The three leading telecommunication...
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...Evaluating company resources and competitive capabilities In the previous chapter we descrbed how to use the tools of industry and competitive analysis to assess a company’s external situation. In this chapter we discuss the techniques of evaluating a company’s resource capabilities, relative cost position, and competitive strength versus rivals. Company situation analy’external market circumstances and to its internal resources and competitive capabilities. The sopotlight of company situation analysis in trained on five questions: 1. How well is the company’s present strategy working? 2. What are the company’s resource strengths and weaknesses and its external opportunities and threats? 3. Are the company’s prices and costs compaetitive? 4. How strong is the company’s competitive position relative to its rivals? 5. What strategi issues does the company face? To explore these questions, four new analytical techniques will be introduced: SWOT analysis, value chain analysis, strategic cost analysis , and competitive strength assessment. These techniques are basic stragic management tools be-cause they expose the ccompany’s resource strengths and deficiencies, its best market opportunities, the outside threats to its future profitability, and its compertitive standing relative to rivals. Insightful company situation analysis is a precondition for identifying the strategic issues that management needs to address and for tailoring strategy to company resources...
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...Table of content 1 Exective summary 2 Part A Difinition of EWRM Framework of EWRM COSO ERM frame work The comment on the statement Threats and responses of EWRM The corporate culture of EWRM Expensive or not for EWRM 3 Part B Background of Centro Identify risks in Centro Planning in the risk evaluation process Risk register of Centro Mitigation strategy and recommendations 4 Reference 5 Appendix Exective summary In the modern economy, companies are facing various types of risks and they begin to focus on the risk management. In the assignment, I introduce the enterprise-wide risk management in modern companies in part A and analysis the risks in Centro to create risk register. Through the result of risk register, I will give some recommendations and plan some mitigation strategy for risk management of Centro. Part A Difinition of EWRM Enterprise-wide risk managemnet is a buzzword used in the culture of the modern companies. Enterprise-wide, sometimes referred to organisation-wide or integrated though enterprise-wide risk management was also called organisation-wide or integrated risk managemnet. Risk management decribles how the discipline of risk management is partised in contemporary terms. In the definition by James Deloach, “EWRM is a new strategic process which enables you to identify, measure and manage the entire range of business opportunities and risks facing your organization...
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... The Need For Advice 1.4 (9 issues small business entrepreneurs seek advice about - business structure, IP, liability, regulation, contracts, etc) 1.4 (Malach, Robinson & Radcliff 2006) 1.4 (business efficiency & productivity, management information systems, risk management & internal controls) 1.5 (strategic level - selecting appropriate growth strategies, identifying new products and markets, etc) 1.5 (the need for advice variety of reasons - consider the demand for advice arises) 1.5 (Xiao & Fu 2009) 1.5 Table 1.1 - Characteristics Of Different Sized Organisations 1.6 (SE MSE LE - organisation, strategy, customer/community, financial, governance, work force, IT processes) 1.6 Requests For Advice: Operational - Srategic - Global 1.7 (improving operational performance, greater strategic role, globally relevant issues) 1.7 Example 1.1: A Busniess Dilemma 1.7 Counterpoint (opposing arguement, soft skills, first: make the right decision about the services they perform - second:) 1.7 Providing And Implementing Advice (technical skills, soft skills) 1.8 Figure 1.1 - Providing Business Advisory Services 1.8 (issue, requirement, request, investigation, advice, decision, implementation) 1.8 (recommend actions should be well supported, identify key stakeholders) 1.9 Figure 1.2 - The Chain Of Events For Business Advisory Services) 1.9 Example 1.2: Succession Plan - Please Help 1.9 Accounting Roles 1.10 (5 roles as identified by the International...
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...Research report on “COMPARATIVE STUDY OF NOKIA MARKETING” Submitted In Partial Fulfillment of Requirements for the Award of the Degree Of BBA Of Punjab Technical University Under The Guidance Of MR. JAGJIT SINGH Submitted by Bhupinder Narang Roll no.104142461752 B.I.S GROUP OF COLLEGE GAGRA (MOGA) Certificate of supervision This is to certify that Mr. Bhupinder Narang S/o S. Ram Nath Narang Roll No 104142461752 has completed the research project “COMPARATIVE STUDY OF NOKIA MARKETING” under my supervision in partial fulllfilment of BBA degree approved by ACITE of PTU. Signature of supervision Place: SHRUTI BATRA Date: Seal of Dean Declaration I hereby declare that the research project “COMPARATIVE STUDY OF NOKIA MARKETING” titled is my own original work and this report has not been submitted to any university and institute for award of any professional degree/diploma. Date : Place: Signature of candidate Bhupinder Narang Roll No: 104142461752 Table of Contents 1. | Declaration | | 2. | Preface | | 3. | Acknowledgement | | 4. | Introduction to the Organization A brief history of Nokia | Nokia Introduction | SCOPE | PAKISTAN DRIVEN STRATEGY | S.W.O.T | Accessories and Features | | | 5. | Maketing Objectives | | 6. | Organization’s Network: | | 7. | List Of Nokia Products | | 8. | | | 9. | Consumer Buying Behaviour | | ...
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...STRATEGIA ECONOMICA Strategia este aplicarea constructiei euristice pentru a analiza lumea si pentru a genera evaluari normative ale viitoarelor potentiale ale implementarii.Numele iminente in strategie sunt adesea asociate cu euristica,e.g.Porter si industria pozitionarii,Hamel si Prahalad si miezul competitiv.Cercetarile strategice reflecta idei competitive despre cum arata lumea,sau de ce are ea nevoie.Cu toate acestea, ca si echivalentii lor in inginerie sau arhitectura, cautarile strategice se deosebesc de practici prin atentia acordata articularii teoriei si probei.Este aceasta “atingere”a designului practicarii serioase,printr-o investigare a constructiei teoretice adegvate ce este marca aplicarii stiintei in scolile profesionale.(Simon,1969). Exista o dezbatere curenta in strategia cautarii intre importanta pentru o firma de a se “ pozitiona” pe piata sau de a optine resurse unice.Ned Bowman(1995)a facut acesta deosebire dintre strategiile care privesc in oglinda si cele ce privesc dincolo de sticla transparenta.In vremurile contemporane cautarile srategice,resursele si teoriile de cunoastere ale firmei sunt priviri interioare,pe cand pozitia pietei si analizarile industriale sunt priviri exterioare. Nu este surprinzator ca in timpul reconstructiei si reingineriei ,cautarile strategice ar trebui sa-si schimbe accentul de pe analizarile industriale pe sursele interne ale avantajelor competitive.Accentul curent in privirea in oglinda pune...
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