...Section 5 School Examples, Student Case Studies, and Research Examples • School Examples, page 5.3 – School-Wide Screening, page 5.4 – Progress Monitoring, page 5.5 – Tiered Service Delivery, page 5.9 – Data-Based Decision Making, page 5.13 – Parent Involvement, page 5.16 – Resources, page 5.22 August 2006 Overview In November 2002, the United States Department of Education requested that the National Research Center on Learning Disabilities (NRCLD) identify, describe, and evaluate the implementation of responsiveness to intervention (RTI) in elementary schools throughout the United States. The NRCLD staff worked with the six Regional Resource Centers (RRCs) to identify potential sites and solicit school participation. More than 60 schools across the country initially were considered, and information from 41 of those schools was submitted. The NRCLD research staff reviewed the extensive amount of information submitted and judged that 19 of those schools were engaging in one or more commendable RTI practices based on a review of the following six components of an RTI service-delivery model: • School-wide screening. Screening is a type of assessment characterized by quick, low cost, repeatable testing of critical academic skills or behaviors and can be administered by individuals with minimal amounts of training. A screening measures whether a student should be judged at risk. If a student meets the criteria for at-risk status, he or she is considered for more in-depth...
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...intending, time flies Late march, the mid-term period for most students in the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, is approaching and it induces a stressful and tensing atmosphere around the campus. As the observation in the library, over 90 per cents of the chairs are filled, and all the tables are paved with thick books and messy notes. “There are more and more students wandering around the library. This place is getting noisy,” complained by the staff at the circulation counter, Ms Cheng, “Students tend to study when examinations are under their very nose.” “It is becoming harder and harder for us to find seat. I have to get up earlier in the morning in order to guarantee a place.” stated by a second year engineering student, who is a frequent library visitor since the beginning of the semester, “I do not see mid-term as a stress for me. I just take it as an exercise for recording my study progress. If the students have done revision before and after each lectures. There is no need to rush before the mid-term. If they have not done so, it is useless to do the reading at this moment, because time flies.” The promotion period has just ended. It also means the Annual General Meetings will start to hold. “It is definitely a tough time for sub-committee like us. Each AGMs take us 12 hours. We also need to spend a lot of time in preparing the meetings, for instance, writing agendas, producing financial reports and the annual year plan,” said the proposed chairperson...
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...EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Business Process Reengineering (BPR) is defined as a radical redesign of processes in order to gain significant improvements in cost, quality, and service. Firms have been reengineering various business functions for years, ranging from customer relationship management to order fulfillment, and from assembly lines to logistics. Anecdotal evidence suggests that many organizations gained benefits from BPR projects. Arguably, some BPR projects fail to meet expectations. BPR projects, by their nature, entail major changes in business processes that may lead to organizational instability and failure. Therefore, it is reasonable to expect BPR projects to have a significant and measurable effect on firm performance. In this report...
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...BTEC Business Strategy Unit : 7 Task : 1 LO : 1 1.1 Strategic context and terminology Strategic planning is important for any organization. A clear understanding of the process of strategic planning is crucial for successful implementation of the same. This chapter focuses on mission, vision, objectives, goals and core competencies of TNT, issues involved in strategic planning and also different planning techniques. Mission statement: A mission statement is a role, or purpose, by which an organization intends to serve its stakeholders. It describes what the organization does (current capabilities), who it to serve (stakeholders), and what makes the organization unique (justification for existence). Mission statements always exist at the top level of an organization, but may also be set for different organizational levels or components. A mission statement is simply an organization's reason for existing. Vision Statement: Vision statement identifies where the organization intends to be in the future or where it should be to best meet the needs of stakeholders. Incorporates a shared understanding of the nature and purpose of the organization and uses this understanding to move the organization toward a greater purpose. Objectives: After developing mission statement, objectives are required to define. Objectives are much specific than mission statement For example- I want to finish my assignment by 10 o’clock this morning. This indicates to perform a number of tasks...
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...Customer Relationship System (CRM) This project includes and impacts several independent agencies now related to X via the larger program encompassing it: the ongoing initiative of X X to consolidate and streamline the public services of major agencies. These related agencies are identified in their own department as X X. Since 2011, the X Department has succeeded in becoming one of the largest of the X's consolidation projects. It has contracted with and 'absorbed' a significant amount of the call center volume, allowing those agencies to pursue their true goals (e.g., processing real eX licenses, or Xes). The amount of data required to service the newly-contracted agencies was imported with minimal difficulty over the last couple of years, with very few budgetary or administrative push-backs or setbacks. However, the amount of data to be maintained and imported is no longer feasible, and is a stress on the current CRM. Goals Currently, the departments intend to maintain their current success rate of meeting customer service levels promised to the public, and contracted with related departments and agencies. They also intend to have minimal drop in those levels during the transition to the new CRM. Finally, they intend to exceed the current service levels, and nearly double the managed call center volume, by a certain point after implementation (date not determined yet). Risks Risks of keeping the current CRM are based primarily on the ineffectiveness of the current...
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...that the Strategic and Tactical Plans are aligned with the operational plan. The operational plan is then the implementation plan of the Strategic and Tactical plan that has been developed and approved by mid and upper management. The name of the company is Sweeney’s Medical Device Inc. and employees approximately 200 employees and has annual; sales of $90 million.. The company has one manufacturing facility that is located in the United States. The company produces and manufactures medical instruments that are affordable for the medical industry. The following is a brief review of the planning process, vision, mission statement and values of the company are as follows: For a brief review the operational plan can be defined as a plan prepared by a component of an organization that clearly defines actions it will take to support the strategic objectives and plans of upper management. However, to fully understand operational plans, we should first look at the overall planning process within a business. This diagram shows three levels of planning. Type of Plan | Created By | Scope | Includes | Level of Detail | Strategic plan | Top management | Entire organization | Mission of the company, future goals and ambitions | Very broad and general | Tactical plan | Mid-level management | Single area of the business as a whole (e.g. a division of the company) | Specific actions to support or work towards the strategic plan | Specific actions and ideas, but not very detailed...
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...put a price or a cost on good ethics. You practice it simply because it is the right thing to do programme. They regard it as an investment in building organizational strength for today and durability for tomorrow. In all senses, it builds value. In their view, the practice of CSR enhances the business performance both in the short and the long term. It also increasingly engages our employees, our investors and our customers. AVIVA BOARD The Aviva board reviews the policy, programme, progress and plans annually. The Aviva board has given local CEOs to review CSR progress annually. The group chief executive is the executive sponsor of the CSR reports to him via the company group secretary. The chairman takes regular reports on CSR during the year. The group chief executive has further required the director of CSR to challenge, when necessary, any group matter from a CSR perspective. Each CSR policy has a primary “owner” responsible for promoting, co-ordinating and monitoring progress across the group. Direction of the programme is steered by a number of different influences. CSR review group The CSR review group, which meets annually, is the group’s primary review mechanism. It brings together representatives from the businesses, head office, external advisers and our external...
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...The Progress of Women in the Barbadian Educational System: Then till Now The development of the educational system in Barbados has followed closely the development of the English system, at least until recent years, and the situation of women within that system, both as pupils and as teachers, has been no exception. When Barbadian schools first began to thrive in the nineteenth century, most of the provision was restricted to primary education. There were more or less equal numbers of boys and girls attending these schools, which can be attributed particularly to a new-found parental appreciation of the importance of education to children of both sexes. However, the pupils were segregated into separate classes, and the beginnings of a pattern which later expanded more strongly can be seen. It resulted in an ideology that less was expected of girls academically (there is evidence that girls only learnt reading whilst boys did more subjects) and different practical subjects were taught to the two sexes (e.g. needlework for girls and carpentry for boys). Secondary education at this time was provided only for a limited number of children from the middle classes, mostly boys. It was not until after the Mitchinson Report of 1875 were the first two girls' secondary schools founded, namely a first grade school, Queen's College in 1881, and a second grade school, Alexandra, in 1896. The reasons for the Report's recommendation for the creation of secondary schools for girls were typical...
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...AFRICAN DEVELOPMENT FUND ARAB REPUBLIC OF EGYPT UPGRADING OF INDUSTRIAL SECONDARY SCHOOL PROJECT PROJECT COMPLETION REPORT COUNTRY DEPARTMENT NORTH REGION FEBRUARY 2001 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page TABLE OF CONTENTS, ABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMS, EXECUTIVE SUMMARY, CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS (i-vi) 1. 2. INTRODUCTION PROJECT OBJECTIVE AND FORMULATION 2.1 2.2 2.3 Sector Goal Project Objectives Project Description 1 1 1 1 1 3 3 3 5 5 6 7 7 8 9 9 9 9 9 10 10 10 10 11 3. PROJECT EXECUTION 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 Modifications Implementation Schedule Reporting Procurement Financial Sources and Disbursement 4. PROJECT PERFORMANCE 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 Overall Assessment Institutional Performance Operational performance Performance of Consultants and Suppliers 5. SOCIAL AND ENVIRRONMENTAL IMPACT OF THE PROJECT 5.1 5.2 5.3 Social Impact The Impact on Women Environmental Impact 6. 7. PROJECT SUSTAINABILITY PERFORMANCE OF THE BANK AND THE BORROWER 7.1 7.2 Performance of the Bank Performance of the Borrower 8 CONCLUSIONS, LESSONS LEARNT AND RECOMMENDATIONS 14 8.1 8.2 8.3 Conclusions Lessons Learnt Recommendations 14 14 15 ____________________________________________________________________________ MR. T.P. SEYA (Chief Education Expert) and MR. SURESH MUNBODT, UNESCO Consultant, following their mission to Egypt in April 2000 prepared this project completion report. Enquiries should be addressed to Mr. Bisi OGUNJOBI, Director, OCDN (Ext. 4040) and Ms. Z.B. EL BAKRI, Manager, OCDN...
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...ADVOCACY PROJECT PROPOSAL Project Title: YouthFM AIDS Awareness Project Project Period: Three-years Target areas: Phase I: Dar Es Salaam, Coast, Tanga, Zanzibar & Morogoro. Phase II: Mwanza, Arusha, Dodoma & Mbeya Total funds requested: Year-One: US Dollars -------------------- Year-Two: US Dollars ------------------- Year-Three: US Dollars ----------------- Proposal submitted to: ---------------------------------. Proposal submitted by: Tanzania Youth Aware Trust Fund Applicant’s address: Kijiyonyama Youth Center P.O. Box 77874, Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania Applicant’s telephone: 022-71356/ 0744-260-996 Applicant’s e-mail: youthorg@yahoo.com, www.wilmo/youthaware Applicant’s legal status: Non Governmental Organization Project Leaders’ name: Peter Joseph Masika, Director Date of Submission: September 2012 TABLE OF CONTENTS PROJECT PROPOSAL SUMMARY SHEET 2 TABLE OF CONTENTS 3 ABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMS 5 1. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 6 2. INTRODUCTION - YOUTHFM HIV/AIDS AWARENESS PROJECT CONTEXT 9 2.1 PROBLEM IDENTIFICATION 9 2.1.1 HIV/AIDS - An Overview: 9 2.1.2 HIV/AIDS in Tanzania: Young people in danger 9 2.1.2 Existing Initiatives addressing HIV/AIDS in Tanzania 11 2.2 The Tanzania Youth Aware Trust Fund 12 2.3 Relationship to Target Country Priorities 13 3. YOUTHFM HIV/AIDS AWARENESS- THE PROPOSED PROJECT 14 3.1 PROJECT GOALS AND OBJECTIVES...
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... Please spend the time to customize it to your company’s needs. This description contains just about everything you would ask a Business Development Manager to do. Therefore, it would be a lot to ask of one person. The Role of the Business Development Manager A Business Development Manager works to improve an organization’s market position and achieve financial growth. This person defines long-term organizational strategic goals, builds key customer relationships, identifies business opportunities, negotiates and closes business deals and maintains extensive knowledge of current market conditions. Business Development Managers work in a senior sales position within the company. It is their job to work with the internal team, marketing staff, and other managers to increase sales opportunities and thereby maximize revenue for their organization. To achieve this, they need to find potential new customers, present to them, ultimately convert them into clients, and continue to grow business in the future. Business Development Managers will also help manage existing clients and ensure they stay satisfied and positive. They call on clients, often being required to make presentations on solutions and services that meet or predict their...
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...promote community-based mental health care. The Act offered donations to state for the building of (CMHC) community mental health centers, special facilities designed for treatment, diagnosis and delivery of mental health prevention to persons living in the community. The centers were built to provide the following indispensable services: inpatient services, emergency services, education and consultation on mental health, outpatient services, partial hospitalization and emergency response. The donations were projected to provide 1500 more community mental health centers across the country (Dolan &Powell, 2001). The act was proposed because the country was experiencing an increased number of children and adults with mental illness. In mid-1950’s, over 500,000 adults and children were institutionalized for mental sickness. The public sentiment concerning the system of institutionalization started to transform. People questioned the usefulness of the...
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...IFRS in the United States: If, When and How Donna L. Street s described by Erchinger (2012), for decades various United States (US) Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) Chairs and Chief Accountants have expressed support for the development of one set of globally accepted accounting standards. Since the formation of the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) in 2001, SEC leaders have repeatedly indicated that the logical choice for globally accepted standards is the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) issued by the IASB. However, in line with other large economies, such as Japan, India and China, as of June 2012 the US had not adopted IFRS.1 This paper explores when and how, and indeed if, IFRS will become the basis for the financial reporting of domestic SEC registrants in the US. Readers are encouraged to first review Erchinger’s (2012) history of the SEC’s consideration of IFRS in the US included in this forum and especially Table 1 of this article, which provides a chronology of SEC releases regarding incorporation of IFRS into the US financial reporting model. This paper complements Erchinger’s by assessing approaches recently explored by the SEC for incorporating IFRS into the US financial reporting model. A decision can lead to correct or incorrect action. However, as articulated by many SEC constituents, uncertainty associated with repeated delays and hence ‘no decision’ by the SEC is clearly not in the best interest of investors and other financial...
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...Survey report September 2007 The changing HR function Contents Summary of key findings 2 Introduction 4 Restructuring the HR function 5 Benefits and challenges of HR structures 10 Roles and responsibilities of HR 15 HR skills and careers 24 Conclusions 26 Background 27 Acknowledgements 28 References 28 The changing HR function Summary of key findings • Fifty-three per cent of organisations have restructured of centres of expertise were identified, the most their HR function in the last year and 81% have done common being deeper professional knowledge. so in the last five years. By far the most common Other commonly perceived benefits are in the reason for restructuring was to enable the HR consistency of HR advice, the quality of advice function to become a more strategic contributor. given to HR partners and making the function a • Three out of ten respondents whose HR function has been restructured say that it now reflects the more strategic contributor. • In general, the most common difficulties three-legged ‘Ulrich model’ and a further 28% say encountered in restructuring the HR function are that this is partially true. However, only 18% of HR in defining new roles (42%), having insufficient functions actually had in place all three elements resources (40%), dealing with skills gaps (38%), of this model (shared...
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...for universities, as well as a gym membership, 401K plans, health care plans, product discounts and lower prices for the purchase of shares. * Apple has 453 retail stores (such as in March 2015) in 16 countries and 39 countries in the online store. Each store is designed to meet the requirements of the position and the regulatory authorities. Apple has received numerous architectural awards for its store design, especially its location on Fifth Avenue in midtown Manhattan on. Competitive advantage * Before the company advertised its products are being made, the late 90s of the last century the United States; however, as a result of the outsourcing plan in 2000, almost all of the manufacturing process is now abroad. According to a report the New York Times, Apple insiders "that huge overseas factories, as well as flexible, diligent and industrial skills of foreign workers have to make more than their American counterparts that" Made in USA "is no longer a viable Alternatively, for most Apple products. " * The company's production, procurement and logistics to enable them to perform large-scale product launches, and maintenance of large, profit weakened stock. In 2011, Apple's profit margins were 40%, of which 10-20% compared to most other hardware companies. Cook buzzwords to describe his company's business units to focus on is: “Nobody wants to buy sour milk” Difference in Culture * Apple was founded in the 1970s, the traditional...
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