Premium Essay



Submitted By jibotean2002
Words 8028
Pages 33
Survey report September 2007

The changing HR function Contents

Summary of key findings




Restructuring the HR function


Benefits and challenges of HR structures


Roles and responsibilities of HR


HR skills and careers










The changing HR function

Summary of key findings

• Fifty-three per cent of organisations have restructured

of centres of expertise were identified, the most

their HR function in the last year and 81% have done

common being deeper professional knowledge.

so in the last five years. By far the most common

Other commonly perceived benefits are in the

reason for restructuring was to enable the HR

consistency of HR advice, the quality of advice

function to become a more strategic contributor.

given to HR partners and making the function a

• Three out of ten respondents whose HR function

has been restructured say that it now reflects the

more strategic contributor.
• In general, the most common difficulties

three-legged ‘Ulrich model’ and a further 28% say

encountered in restructuring the HR function are

that this is partially true. However, only 18% of HR

in defining new roles (42%), having insufficient

functions actually had in place all three elements

resources (40%), dealing with skills gaps (38%),

of this model (shared services, business partners

having ineffective technology (35%) and resistance

and centres of expertise). Among HR functions

to change within HR (23%). Respondents also

that were said not to reflect the ‘Ulrich model’,

report on specific challenges in implementing each

by far the most common structure is a single HR

element of the so-called ‘Ulrich model’.


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