...Week One Student Guide The focus of the course is on understanding how research improves managerial decision making using five of the six stages in the research process. They include the following: • Stage 1: Clarifying the Research Question • Stage 2: Proposing the Research • Stage 3: Designing the Research Project • Stage 4: Data Collection and Interpretation • Stage 6: Reporting the Results Chapter 1 of Business Research Methods explains why people study business research and the importance of sound decision making. The goal is to enhance your understanding of the ethical dilemmas faced by managers and the roles and responsibilities of the researcher, sponsor, and participant as detailed in Chapter 2 of the text. The goal of ethics in research is to ensure that no one is harmed or suffers any adverse conditions posed by research activities. Important concepts include the right to privacy and quality and safety of participants. Many corporations, local and state governments, and the federal government have adopted a code of ethics with laws, policies, and procedures to regulate research on human beings. In Chapter 3, we find researchers have their own vocabulary and so we begin to learn important terminology needed to formulate sound research such as the difference between a construct, proposition and hypothesis followed by knowledge of various types of variables. In practice, variables represent an event, characteristic, trait...
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...The Business Research Process Kelly Van Fossen Business Research / RES351 December 9, 2013 Marcus Sherrill The Business Research Process The business research process is a sequential process involving several clearly defined steps. This paper will illustrate how the process is implemented in a business environment using a real-life example. The business research process involves six stages that include clarifying the research question, research proposal, research design strategy, data collection and preparation, data analysis and interpretation, and research reporting (O’Neil, V.J). The real-life model that will be used for this paper is the case study of evaluating storytelling as a method for training at Wisconsin Electric-Wisconsin Gas Company (O’Neil, V.J.). The theory of storytelling as a method for training versus field training is the motivation for performing the research. They identified the research question (stage 1) as “Is storytelling an effective method for training Wisconsin Electric-Wisconsin Gas?” (O’Neil, V.J.). The research proposal (stage 2) was skipped in this case study. The research design strategy (stage 3) was “to determine the effectiveness of storytelling” (O’Neil, V.J.) in the case study. They used Donald Kirkpatrick’s Four Levels of Evaluation where they identified four primary questions to guide the research. These questions included participant reaction, what was learned from the technical and leadership lessons, was the behavior transferred...
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... University of Gävle Department of Business Administration Course: Comparative Management Culture Names: Group 1- Islam Ariful, Melinda Folmerz, Kamrul Hasan, Thomaidou Alexia Examiner: Dr. Maria Fregidou-Malama Paper type: Assignment 3: Article Analysis Semester: Autumn 2014 (HT14) Group 1 INTRODUCTION The article that we choose to analyze has to do with the trust developed in business to business relationship. The title is “Trust formation in cross-cultural business-tobusiness relationships” and it is written by Heffernan Troy. It is published by the Emerald Group Publishing Limited and it comes from Qualitative Market Research: An International Journal, Volume 7 · Number 2 · 2004 · pp. 114-125. The aim of the article is to show the factors that contribute in the process of building trust in the relationship lifecycle. BACKGROUND Relationships between two parts worldwide are very common. Heffernan describes the doing international alliances or partnerships, trust is very important. Relationship marketing, which has a lot of definitions, as it is a new phenomenon in the marketing theory, can be said that is the relationship between two parts in which they are interacted doing business. As trust is very important when doing business, it...
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...reviewed shows that despite the worldwide research on strategic management, there is still not a single definition for such a term. As a result, a wide range of conceptual frameworks exists for the formulation and implementation of strategies. There is no consensus on the factors among the scholars that affect strategic orientation of a enterprise. The consideration is mostly towards market/costumer satisfaction, technology, competition, with the enterprise’s capabilities affecting the most. Some of the scholars emphasize management issues and strategic thinking. Others such as Porter, focus on typology and resource bases. However, few scholars focus on the impact of product life cycle on strategic orientation. The attempt in this paper is to show that not only does the PLC orient strategy of an enterprise faster and straight forward than any other factors, but it also takes all other factors into account. The main question is “how product life cycle affects the strategic orientation of a enterprise”. This study began by defining strategic orientation, product life cycle, and their analysis. The study is focused on how the product life cycle has been influenced by innovation capabilities and how it sequentially affects strategic orientation. Every enterprise has different types of innovation capabilities at every stage of product life cycle, and reacts to the competition and environmental changes differently. Also, each stage of product life cycle, affects the enterprise’s...
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...International Journal of Trade, Economics and Finance, Vol. 1, No. 2, August, 2010 2010-023X Factors Influencing Activity-Based Costing Success: A Research Framework Zhang Yi Fei and Che Ruhana Isa becoming more and more popular [3-7] ABC aims to provide accurate costing information to managers to allocate activity costs to products and services by applying cost drivers [8]. Academics who advocate ABC, such as, Cooper and Kaplan [9], and Swenson [10] argue that it provides more accurate cost data needed to make appropriate strategic decisions about product mix, sourcing, pricing, process improvement, and evaluation of business process performance. These claims have led many firms to adopt ABC systems [8]. The benefits of ABC and its positive impact on firm’s performance motivated a numerous studies which examined various aspects of ABC. Among such studies are McGowan [11] who assessed the integrity of ABC success, Innes and Mitchell [4, 12] and Yanren [13] who conducted research on factors affecting ABC adoption, and Shield [3], Shields and McEwen [14], Gosselin [15] and Baired et al.[16, 17]who concentrated on factors influencing ABC success especially at the implementation stage. However, there is mounting evidence that suggests most of firms are experiencing problems in implementing ABC and, in some extreme cases, ABC implementation is not successful [3], which later resulted in abandoning the ABC systems altogether [15]. Questions arise as to why ABC implementation is...
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...RES/ 351 – Business Research Assignment: Stages of the Research Process. Professor: Stages of the Research Process Research is investigation a study to basically establish facts in a particular area of study; the main goal is to get as much as information, in this case “ facts”, that can be set until you are able to come into a conclusion. In the reading passage it states, “ that a useful way to approach a research process is to state a basic dilemma that prompts the research and then try to develop other questions by progressively breaking down the original one into more specific ones”, (Donald R Cooper and Pamela S. Schindler; page 77), with this being stated in the reading passage. There are particular areas in which really must be focus during the stages of the research process these stages are: Clarifying the research question, Proposing research, designing the research project, collecting data and preparation, Data analysis and interpretation, Reporting the results. All of these must be involve during the research process, with out these there can’ be a exact or in other words accurate results for the research that is being done, otherwise the results of the research can be misleading to false result. I have chosen three particular articles with specific topics, “ Marketing and Business Research”, “Business Research Methods”, and “ Marketing Research and Business Management”. Purpose of business research 1st Article, “ Marketing...
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...RES 351 WEEK 3 STAGES OF THE RESEARCH PROCESS A+ Graded Tutorial Available At: http://hwsoloutions.com/?product=res-351-week-3-stages-of-the-research-process Visit Our website: http://hwsoloutions.com/ Product Description PRODUCT DESCRIPTION RES 351 Week 3 Stages of the Research Process, Stages of the Research Process It is critical to identify the purpose of the business research. According to Cooper & Schindler (2012) whether the researcher is involved in basic or applied research, a thorough understanding of the management question is fundamental to success in the research enterprise. For the purpose of this paper, I have chosen two articles that are different, but crucial in the type of business in which I am involved. Bullying by Ziken (2008) it is the first peer-reviewed article that I have found in the University Library, and the second article is “Qualitative research for international business” by Doz, (2011). Business Purpose The first article describes the bullying history of Allan J., a child in “Duquesne Elementary School in Duquesne, Pennsylvania” (Zirkel, 2008). Since the problem lasted several years when he was in grade six “Allen’s mother withdrew him from school halfway through the school year, enrolling him in a cyber charter school. She also filed a civil rights suit against the school officials and the district in federal court, alleging that they had violated her son’s “liberty” of bodily integrity under the 14th Amendment due process...
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...Business Research Process Business research and the process along with it I use almost every day in the work place. The first stage in the business research process is clarifying the research question. In my current job we get a numerous number of complaints due to not having enough smoking rooms in our hotel. The second stage of the process is proposing research. By proposing research at the hotel I work at, they look into our number of complaints and budget of compensation given for not having the smoking rooms. After budget information is collected the next stage is designing the research project. At the hotel the project that was designed was to over book on smoking room types and collect the number of each day and send it to the director of hotel operations and our general manager. When it came to the fourth stage (data collection and preparation) we had different sets of data. One was the number of rooms booked and the second was the number of guest that didn’t get smoking rooms. Stage 5 of the process is data analysis and interpretation. In this stage the hotel director went over the information and saw that there was days were we had plenty of smoking rooms and other days were smoking rooms were taken. When it reached the sixth stage, which is reporting the results the hotel director reported to the front desk, reservations and the general manager (GM) that we have a high percentage of smokers that come and check in to our hotel. With this information the director...
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...International Journal of Trade, Economics and Finance, Vol. 1, No. 2, August, 2010 2010-023X Factors Influencing Activity-Based Costing Success: A Research Framework Zhang Yi Fei and Che Ruhana Isa becoming more and more popular [3-7] ABC aims to provide accurate costing information to managers to allocate activity costs to products and services by applying cost drivers [8]. Academics who advocate ABC, such as, Cooper and Kaplan [9], and Swenson [10] argue that it provides more accurate cost data needed to make appropriate strategic decisions about product mix, sourcing, pricing, process improvement, and evaluation of business process performance. These claims have led many firms to adopt ABC systems [8]. The benefits of ABC and its positive impact on firm’s performance motivated a numerous studies which examined various aspects of ABC. Among such studies are McGowan [11] who assessed the integrity of ABC success, Innes and Mitchell [4, 12] and Yanren [13] who conducted research on factors affecting ABC adoption, and Shield [3], Shields and McEwen [14], Gosselin [15] and Baired et al.[16, 17]who concentrated on factors influencing ABC success especially at the implementation stage. However, there is mounting evidence that suggests most of firms are experiencing problems in implementing ABC and, in some extreme cases, ABC implementation is not successful [3], which later resulted in abandoning the ABC systems altogether [15]. Questions arise as to why ABC implementation is...
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...| 2015 | | University Name Student Name | [Research Methodology Assignment] | This research specifies information needed, issues addressed, methods and a design of collecting information, how data collection has been managed and implemented, analyzed and lastly communicates the results and findings and their implications with Literature and evidence. | Table of Contents Background 2 Literature Review 2 Overview of the Marketing Research Procedure 2 Stages of Marketing Research Procedure 2 Stage 1: Purpose of Market Research 2 Stage 2: Research Objective 3 Stage 3: Estimation of value of research 4 Stage 4: Research Design 4 Exploratory research 4 Data Analysis 4 Questionnaire, Sampling and Sampling size designing 4 Stage 5: Data Collection 6 Stage 6: Data Analysis 6 Stage 7: Result and Presentation 7 Marketing Research Process of Tesco goes to China Analysis 7 Background 7 Stage 1 Research Purpose 7 References 8 Background The reason behind choosing the Market research is because as stated by Philip Kotler (2007), it defines the first step of economic process. And it links to the consumers, public to marketer, customers and lets you identify, define and analyse marketing opportunities and issues pertinent to the marketing. The process of market research renders researcher scope to evaluate process, generate, refine and define marketing current actions. It helps to monitor market performances, and also enables a clear picture of understanding the marketing...
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...Current Events in Business Research Working as a team on a Spanish broadcast television network Telemundo-Providence one uses research as a part of the daily routine. As a broadcast television network, Telemundo-Providence has to rely on research to provide reliable information to its viewers. Directors, managers, executive assistant, journalists, and production understand the importance of research and each department strives to implement research during business. According to Cooper and Schindler (2011), “there are six stages of business research process.” State #1 clarifying the research question, this includes discovering management dilemma, defining management questions, defining research questions, refine research questions. These can be alter, depending on the organization and the kind of research is being done. State #2 Research Proposal, this includes resource allocation and budgets, valuing research information, evaluation methods. Stage #3 Research design, this includes data collection, sampling design, instrument development, and pilot testing. Stage #4 Data Collection and Preparation, this includes secondary data en primary data. Stage # 5 Data Analysis and Interpretation. Stage # 6 reporting the results. At Telemundo Providence decisions have to be made on a hierarchy level, thus when employees have a new history, idea, project, or concern it is address to the manager of the department. Sales team is struggling and the team addresses concerns to the manager...
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...New products from market research Curriculum Topics • Market research • Types of research • Quantitative and qualitative • Product development Kellogg’s with a sales value of £68 million*. In 2003 the Crunchy Introduction Nut brand created a brand extension. This involved using the The Kellogg Company is the world’s leading producer of cereals. Crunchy Nut name to launch a new product called Crunchy Nut Its products are manufactured in 18 countries and sold in more Clusters. This variant has two varieties, Milk Chocolate Curls and than 180 countries. For more than 100 years, Kellogg’s has been a Honey and Nut. Both of them have enabled the brand to reach a leader in health and nutrition through providing consumers with a wider group of consumers. This brand extension is now worth wide variety of food products. These are designed to be part of a £21 million in annual value sales.* balanced diet and meet the different tastes of consumers. Kellogg’s focuses on sustainable growth. This involves constantly looking This case study focuses on the importance of market research for ways to meet consumer needs by growing the cereal business during the development and launch of Crunchy Nut Bites, a more and expanding its product portfolio. recent extension to the Crunchy Nut brand. The objective of this innovation was to provide a new flavour and texture for consumers, Market research is a specific area of marketing that...
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...Index Page 1 – Index Page Page 2 – Team Members Contribution Page 3 – Introduction Page 4 &5 – Profile (Part1) Page 6&7-- Theory (Part 2) Pages 8, 9, 10 & 11 – Change (Part 3) Pages 12, 13, 14 & 15 – Opportunity (Part 4) Page 16 – Conclusion Pages 17, 18& 19 – Bibliography, References & Journals Pages 20&21 – Log of Team Meetings Pages 22-29 – Copy of PowerPoint Slides Team Members Contribution Introduction – ******* Part 1 – ****** Part 2 – ***** Part 3 – ***** Part 4 – ***** Conclusion – ***** References- ****** Bibliography – ****** Introduction Innovation and entrepreneurship are generally regarded as critical activities for economic development, regeneration and growth both in the private and public sector. The aim of our presentation is to access the innovation capability in the life and health sciences sector. We chose Norbrook laboratories as they are a worldwide international company and we felt they were a leading example. Innovations& Entrepreneurship Sector :Life& Health Sciences Company Norbrook Part One – Profile Owner Lord bally Edmond Company Name: Norbrook Laboratories Limited Year Established: 1969 Norbrook is the largest privately owned pharmaceutical company in the world. Company Name: Norbrook Laboratories Limited ships product to 120 countries around the world has manufacturing plants in 4 continents. “Since its foundation over 40 years ago, our company has grown to be one...
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...the importance of learning about business research. Business research is important because it helps business owners find solutions to problems they may have within their company. If one wonders why he or she is not getting more customers, researching the problem is a great way to find an answer or multiple answers to this question or problem. Even though it is good to do research it is just as important to know how to research a problem. Good scientific method standards are important because it generates dependable data that executives use to make reliable and accurate decisions within the company. If scientific method standards are not met, it produces unreliable data that executives cannot use, which is a waste of time. It highly increases the risk of the managers making decisions for the business. In week one the focus was to understand how business research improves managerial decision making. The research process starts with clarifying the research question that involves defining the dilemma. Stage two of the research process is proposing research that includes resource allocation and budgets. The next two stages of the process are designing the research project and data collection and preparation. The results can be communicated in various ways, but should always be from the researcher’s perspective. We learned there are ethical dilemmas managers face when using business research to make decisions. The goal of ethics in research is to make sure no one suffers...
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...Managing Operations Introduction The report will start with definition of operations management concept. This will be followed by identifying some of the global factors affecting operations management in organisations and the impact such factors have on operations management in organisations and to assess how operations management can contribute to sustainable business activities . The second part of the report will describe how project management techniques contribute to the development of operations management and how project management techniques can be used to improvements the management of business operation in a multinational organisation. The effectiveness of business operations to organisational goal of Shell Petroleum will be discussed As operation management entails risk, the risk management techniques that can be applied to the management of a business operations (Shell Petroleum) and how to evaluate the risk to business operations in global markets will be discussed. How risk to Shell Petroleum operations be minimised for a business functioning in a global market will be discussed The technological infrastructure that supports operations management of Shell Petroleum will be identified and the contribution of information technology to it operations management will be analysed. The benefits to operational management of implementing technical solutions will also be analysed . The contribution of information technology to operations management of...
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