...“Stand By Me” is a film directed by Rob Reiner, which is based on the novella “The Body” by Stephen King. Stand By Me is the story of four twelve year olds living in a small town in the year 1959, whose lives were changed by a chance adventure that they embarked on at the end of an indolent summer. The four boys were Gordie Lachance (Wil Wheaton), Chris Chambers (River Phoenix), Teddy Duchamp (Corey Feldman), and Vern Tessio (Jerry O'Connell). It fits into the film genre coming of age. This genre is outlines as a small group of individuals who have a life changing experience in the natural world. They are usually are the same sex, If not the opposing character would be more masculine/feminine and clearly more suited to hanging round with the group of the opposite sex. The director of the film is keen to show a very strong message, which is apparent though out the film. We are alone in this long journey to adulthood. He expresses this in a variety of ways. One method is cinematography. He frequently uses perspective and panoramic shots, which charts their long, eventful but beautiful journey to the back Harlow Road. The incoming train is another way Reiner shows the boys fear of adulthood. The train is a large, opposing and fast moving object; the threat is objective rather than impersonal. It is one of the imagery factors used he uses to add to his message. Other references to the adult world are seen as enclosed and often hazy, used...
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...Stand By Me “Stand by Me” is a film about the journey of four boys from Castle Rock, Oregon, USA in search of a dead body. The film is directed by Rob Reiner, based on a book called “The Body” by Stephen King. I am going so concentrate on, and describe the main character of the story, Gordie LaChance who is played by Will Wheaton. I will show you how he is coming to terms with adulthood throughout the film. I will use camera techniques to show you this. The opening of the film enters with a long shot of ripened cornfields and a car placed at the side of the road. It is clearly autumn with winter on its way this matches Gordie's mood and time of life. The lighting in these first images suggest sunset and the day being over. The music is peaceful and full of emotion. The music straight away indicates loneliness. This environment tells us that the man in the car, Gordie LaChance is feeling lonely and sad. The emotions on his face and his body language tell us this also. A close up of a paper, which he is clutching in his hand, is the reason for this. The headline on the paper reads, “ Attorney Chris Chambers fatally stabbed in restaurant.” Chris was Gordie’s best friend when he was twelve years old. The directors have two boys cycle past the Landover and off into the distance in a point of view shot. This camera technique is excellent as it shows us boys cycling into the distance takes us to the past, as the structure of the film is a flashback. There is a zoom in from a medium...
Words: 1932 - Pages: 8
...Review of the film "Stand By Me" 3/28/2016 Hum/150 Dr. Evans Stand By Me, is a coming-of-age story based off of the Stephen King short story entitled "The Body." The film could be categorized as a drama, adventure or comedy depending on which scene you are watching. I'm gonna label it an adventure, to me an adventure should be packed with a little bit of everything. Stand By Me takes place in the 1950's in rural Oregon. Four friends Gordy (Wil Wheaton), Chris(River Phoenix), Teddy(Corey Feldman) and Vern(Jerry O'Connell) embark n a treachorous hike to discover the body of a local boy who is presumed dead. During their trip they have to scramble for food, dodge trains, avoid local bullies, remove leeches and protect equipment from aterrifying dog named Chopper.Throughout their adventure the best buds also come to grips with issues in their personal lives There were many techniques used to help tell the story for Stand By Me. First off, most scenes involve all four of the main characters. This made me feel the togetherness of their group and showed how much of a bond they really had with each other. The sound was great, particularly the soundtrack. The oldies helped place you in the 50's, as well as the jargon used by the characters. The setting for most of the film was outdoors and most the time along the train tracks they were following. A lot of wide camera shots and angles were used to give the viewer a better idea of their surroundings and the...
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...In Stand by Me the four main characters are all going through emotional rollercoasters, from obsession over a lost jar of pennies to thinking about getting away from their home town. The journey the boys go on is not to just see a dead body but to find their selves. Get away from their home situations and have a friend to confined in, especially Chris and Gordy. These four boys build strong friendships that they’ll remember for a lifetime. They all have different home or emotional situations they are going through and it helps us better understand the importance of friends at this age. Teddy’s father is in a mental institution; he is known around town as a loony. He once tried to burn off Teddy’s ear, but even though that happened Teddy still...
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...Michael McMurray Hovde L English 101 25 October 2014 The Body by Steven King Set in the fictional town of Castle Rock, Oregon, over the Labor Day weekend in September 1959 young Gordie, our main character, is a quiet, yet smart boy with a fondness for telling stories and for writing. He has a very complicated relationship with his father. His father doesn’t appreciate his young son’s talent for writing. Following the death of his football-star older brother Denny in a jeep accident young Gordie feels rejected by his father and invisible to his mother. Gordie did not have a strong relationship with his older brother. Witch contradicts the movie (Stand by Me) by portraying Denny as paying much more attention to Gordie than his parents. Gordie spends his free time with his three best friends: Chris Chambers who is from a family of criminals, alcoholics, and is usually stereotyped accordingly; even though he does not conform to the perceptions and stigmas attached to his family. Teddy Duchamp who is a peculiar and emotionally unstable boy after his mentally unhinged father held his ear to a stove, nearly burning it off. And Vern Tessio, who is overweight, timid, and often on the receiving end of a good hearted joke or two. While looking for a jar of pennies that Vern himself had buried underneath the porch and forgotten where he did so, he overhears his older brother and his friend Charlie Hogan discussing what to do after they had discovered Ray Brower's dead body while...
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...Past lovers Dawson Cole (James Marsden) and Amanda Collier (Michelle Monaghan) are taken down memory lane in The Best of Me when they return home after the passing of a dear friend. They are forced to face not only each other but their past demons. I consider The Best of Me to be the most pragmatic movie I have seen. The film does use the common rich girl falls in love with a poor boy approach, but the events that take place after they meet aren't your classic Hollywood love story scenario, they allow the film to be relatable to a broad audience. The film transitions from the present to the past using flashbacks. You see the memories of Young Dawson (Luke Bracey) and Young Amanda (Liana Liberato). The flashbacks help show the audience how each character became the present version of themselves in detail. For many people, it would have been easier to understand if they had started the film with the younger characters then progressed to the older characters. I suspect the way the movie altered back and forth was to help maintain the audience interest in the film, by disabling their ability to know what was going to happen next like in many other popular love stories. The timeline of the movie is only one of my favorite things. I mostly enjoyed all...
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...Wanting to get better makes the road to recovery much easier than refusing to get any help at all. Not getting the help isn't going to change anything. Accept the help because you want to get help . Don't accept it because you are told to. In the movie, "Stand by Me". one of the characters, Chris Chambers, is seen as a bad kid and a low life. With a reputation like that, no one in Castle Rock would believe him if he tried to fix his mistakes. For example, when milk money was stolen, they immediately blamed Chris. Even though he did take it, he felt guilty and tried to give it back to Old Lady Simons. She used the money to buy a new skirt instead so Chris would still get in trouble. Chris knew that with his reputation , no would believe his story, so he kept quiet. Things like this causes him to be-little himself, yet he doesn't speak up about it until he admitted it to Gordie, his best friend. Later on, it is shown that Chris decided to enroll in college courses and become a lawyer, despite his reputation. He manged to get better and clean up his act with the help of Gordie....
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...The film Stand By Me by Rob Reiner, teaches young viewers about life. The film revolutionizes and challenges how young viewers perceive the world. Stand By Me follows a quartet of young inseparable boys on a elusive and irrevocable quest to discover a dead child's body, where they are suffused into the pressures of adolescence, and uncertainty. It delves into the troubled dispositions of each characters whom are ostracized by their families. It explores the coming of age, as the young boys move closer destination, tension arises as they are overwhelmed by the solemness of what they are to find. It also emphasises that death is an essential and inevitable part of life, as illustrated by the untimely death of a young boy, Ray Brower. Stand By Me teaches young viewers that experiences can alter relationships, which ordeals individuals' bonds of connection towards each other. This articulated through the utilization of diagetic sounds as well as camera angle/movements and editing techniques, in order to capture the characters' motifs, expressions and esteem. The coming of age is a significant message conveyed in the film Stand By Me. This is scrutinized through the young boys Chris, Gordie, Teddy and Vern. This climax-near end scene is the convergence of the 'gangs' , where the two gangs are on the site of Ray Brower's body, a boy who was hit by a train. The scene between Ace, Chris and Gordie is imperative as it creates suspense, accumulated by the high-pitched diagetic sound of...
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...An important relationship between characters in the film “Stand by me” Directed by Rob Reiner is the relationship between two characters, Chris Chambers and Gordie LaChance. We gain an understanding of this relationship through the use of dialogue, different camera shots, music and the parallel between Teddy and Vern.“Stand by me” gives us the story, narrated by adult Gordie, about a particular Journey involving four childhood friends, Teddy, Vern and Chris that happened in the summer of 1959 and that his outlook on life forever. An important aspect of the important relationship between Chris and Gordie is the strength of their friendship. This is shown in the incident of Gordie’s cap being stolen by Ace and Eyeball. Chris sticks up for Gordie and risks being beaten by the two older boys. The director uses Low angle shots of Chris trying to get the cap back off him, this makes him seem inferior and helpless in his efforts as the two older boy’s tower over him. This incident helps us understand the strength of the two boy’s friendship. The strength of the Chris and Gordie’s is especially noticeable when mid shots display two boys in convocation about life and the problems they are both facing. Gordie is faced with the neglect of his parents and feels like the “invisible boy at home” after the death of his older brother Dennie. Chris’s friendship makes gordie feel a lot better about himself and makes Gordie realise that he doesn’t have to live up to what Dennie was and that he...
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...Out of the massive contributions made to developmental psychology, no psychologist had made a more significant contribution than Erik Erikson. As a young man, Erikson was highly influenced by the Freud family and their school of thought. However, Erikson disagreed with the Freudian concept of psychosexual stages, the idea that humans undergo stages of development and resolve basic conflicts by physical and pleasurable gratification (Santrock, 22). “According to Freud, the primary motivation for human behavior is sexual in nature according to Erikson, it is social and reflects a desire to affiliate with other people,” (Santrock, 23). Erikson’s Psychosocial Theory is a well rounded view of life- span development, it incorporates important conflicts during each stage of development that most people can relate to and apply to their own development. Erikson’s theory has eight stages of development and a corresponding age range for each stage. The first stage is known as trust versus mistrust, which occurs from birth to a child’s first year, during this stage the infant learns that he or she is able to either trust the caregiver or develop a distrust of their caregiver. The second stage is known as autonomy versus shame and doubt, during this stage the child, usually 1 to 3 years of age, learns to either develop their own autonomy and independence or if reprimanded too severely they will develop shame when exerting independence. The third stage is known as initiative versus...
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...Orientation Questions Who are you? Please tell us a few interesting things about yourself. Please answer any two of the following “fun” questions: If there was one type of food that you couldn’t live without, what would it be? What is one goal you’d like to accomplish during your lifetime? When you were little, who was your favorite super hero and why? Who is your hero? (a parent, a celebrity, an influential person in one’s life) What’s your favorite season of the year, and why? If they made a movie of your life, what would it be about and which actor would you want to play you? If you could visit any place in the world, where would you choose to go and why? What are your favorite hobbies? Tell us about a unique or quirky habit of yours? If you had to describe yourself using three words, they would be... How will you be accessing the class website (e.g. home computer, ARC Learning Resource Center)? What is your back-up plan, should this option fail? Using the links from Step 1 of the Online Orientation, do you think that you will be a successful online student? Which 2 characteristics will be your strongest assets? Which characteristics will be your vulnerability and how will you overcome them? After reading about the Course Design in Step 3, what aspect of my class design do you think will be the most difficult part of this curriculum and how will you overcome...
Words: 321 - Pages: 2
...Each sentence below contains a comma splice. Using the information on the handout (Grammar Packet) and in Section 20 of Rules for Writers (p.156-164), correct each sentence (use at least four different methods). 1. The legislature had enacted laws enabling debtors to discharge their obligations more easily, the courts put an end to such practices by stipulating that no state could enact such laws. ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ 2. Every wall was smashed to rubble, the only thing left of those houses was the land and the rocks from the rubble. ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ 3. My heart broke, the owners had no insurance. ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ 4. The town looked deserted, the streets were so dark and empty that the only thing we could hear was the wind blowing. ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ 5. We worked from dusk to dawn, never had so many contracts been written in such a short time. ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________...
Words: 409 - Pages: 2
...Stand by Me Analysis Abstract The following paper will contain an analysis of a movie based on Stephen king’s novel Stand by Me. This movie shows the background of four children in a small town in which they are growing up. The background shows they all come from somewhat of an abusive background and how they cope with having little chance of success in their lives. Throughout the paper you will read how the journey that the group goes on further develops each member as well as the group as a whole. Particularly you will see how the plot, other groups, and each significant moment along the way further develop the group and each member. As the story goes on you will read about the different stages that the group will undergo and how the group shifts its motives. The paper will contain an analysis of each group member so that the reader has enough information to understand the rest of the paper. “I never had any friends later on like the ones I had when I was twelve” The movie begins with an older man who narrarates the movie, we soon find out that this is Gordie telling his story about the time him and his best friends went to see a dead body. The movie is about four young boys who are growing up in a small town who have little chance of being real successful. The boys go off on an adventure to see a dead body in hopes to become famous. Throughout the paper I will be giving background information on each character and describe how that information develops their group, describing...
Words: 3457 - Pages: 14
...Student’s Name Professor Subject Date Stand By Me Film Analysis “Stand by me” directed by Rob Reiner concentrates; on life altering moments and the value of friendships. The film as narrated by Gordie, who is the main character talks about his four friends and how they had a life altering moment when they were twelve years old. Gordie narrates the events looking back 27 years after the events described had happened after he had become a father of a twelve year old kid and a successful writer. Through the film, Gordie looks back fondly at the adventures he had with his friends Teddy, Vern and Chris. The movie follows the four friends as they decide to leave their small town and go find the body of another boy their age that had been killed after being hit by a train. The film demonstrates the value of true friends who are supportive, more understanding and caring than parents. These aspects are reflected all throughout the movie. The film starts when the four boys decide to leave their small town and search for the dead body of the kid who had been hit by a train. This happens after Vern had overheard two older kids talking about the dead body which they had seen a few miles from their town near a railroad track next to a river. The narrative briefly describes a problem that Gordie is facing at home. The film depicts Gordie as being invisible at home as his parents seem to ignore him after the death of his elder brother. Gordie’s family could not deal...
Words: 605 - Pages: 3
...Student’s Name Professor Subject Date Stand By Me Film Analysis “Stand by me” directed by Rob Reiner concentrates; on life altering moments and the value of friendships. The film as narrated by Gordie, who is the main character talks about his four friends and how they had a life altering moment when they were twelve years old. Gordie narrates the events looking back 27 years after the events described had happened after he had become a father of a twelve year old kid and a successful writer. Through the film, Gordie looks back fondly at the adventures he had with his friends Teddy, Vern and Chris. The movie follows the four friends as they decide to leave their small town and go find the body of another boy their age that had been killed after being hit by a train. The film demonstrates the value of true friends who are supportive, more understanding and caring than parents. These aspects are reflected all throughout the movie. The film starts when the four boys decide to leave their small town and search for the dead body of the kid who had been hit by a train. This happens after Vern had overheard two older kids talking about the dead body which they had seen a few miles from their town near a railroad track next to a river. The narrative briefly describes a problem that Gordie is facing at home. The film depicts Gordie as being invisible at home as his parents seem to ignore him after the death of his elder brother. Gordie’s family could not deal...
Words: 605 - Pages: 3